
1926 Words

Author's pov " Bhabhi, you are going on honeymoon, not any pilgrimage. You should choose some sexy lingeries, not all these long dresses," Miraz's wife Amal told Aurin who was looking at all the dresses with confusion. Aurin replied confusingly," I am not understanding what I should choose. Suggest me Nah, Amal." " Yup. I got it," Aurin heard Amal's excited voice and when she looked at her, she found her holding a lingerie. Winking at Aurin she said having a mischievous smile," you should wear it if you want to give a mini heart to Mikaeel bhai. It's red. Mikaeel bhai's favourite colour."  " Urghh! Amal, stop it. You are embarrassing me," Aurin answered becoming red and taking away the lingerie from Amal's hand. After laughing for a few seconds Amal started saying," I can't beli

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