
1998 Words

Author's pov "(mama , 'iilaa 'ayn nahn dhahibuna?) Mamma, where are we going?" Omaira asked Maryam getting close to her. Opening the car window, Maryam grabbed Omaira's back neck and threatened," (kalimat 'ukhraa wa'ana sa'atrahuk fi alkharij) Another word and I will throw you outside." Getting scared Omaira moved away from Maryam and sat close to her brother. Holding his hand tightly she hid in his embrace. "(mama limadha takrahinana kathira?)Mamma, why do you hate us so much?" Yamir asked meekly looking at Maryam with sorrowful eyes. Maryam mumbled fuming in rage," (Apne ush buddhe bap sey jakar puch. Ush buddhe ney meri puri zindagi barbad kardi.) Ask that old father of yours! That old man has ruined my whole life." Saying that Maryam got emotional and started shedding tears.

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