
2516 Words

Author's pov " Sorry! Have you lost your mind?" Mikaeel shouted in disbelief looking at Miraz. Miraz replied," Bhai, just calm down. Say sorry to bhabhi and I assure you that she will understand." " Never. I will never say sorry. Why should I? She shouldn't have put her legs in my matters. She always overreacts to every petty matter. So what I had a girlfriend? Do I still have any relationship with her? No. About telling lie, I don't like sharing Maryam's matter with othe..............." Mikaeel was interrupted by Miraz. He said trying hard to convince his stubborn brother," Ok. I admit that she was overreacting. But, you should also accept your fault. You shouldn't have lied to her about such a trivial matter. Now, apologise to her and sort out this problem." Mikaeel glared at Mira

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