
2144 Words

Author's p.o.v After a long exhausting day in the office, Mikaeel reached home finally. Now, he just wants to have dinner and sleep. Obviously, after f*****g her. It has become a habit of his. He can't close his eyes without inhaling the intoxicating scent of her body. Entering the bedroom he expected her to be waiting for him just like every other day but unexpectedly she was nowhere to be seen. He didn't bother too much and thought that she might be with Ziya. Walking towards the mirror he started loosening his tie when Aurin entered the room. He looked at her through the mirror and found her already looking at him with an emotionless face. He suspected that something is wrong with her but didn't pay any attention. " Abbu was talking about Miraz's marriage. He told me that he has f

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