
1817 Words

Author's pov " Why did she call you?" Aurin asked Mikaeel who just finished talking to Iqra. Mikaeel didn't bother to reply to her and forwarded his legs to leave the room when Aurin grabbed his hand tightly. Turning behind, first, he glanced at her hold and then at her. " I asked you something," She said calmly but Mikaeel can feel the fury in her voice. Freeing his hand he answered back rudely," I am not bound to answer your every question." Saying that he left and Aurin was hurt by his behaviour. Tears started blurring her vision but she controlled them somehow. She decided to not bother whatever he does but her fragile heart isn't ready to let go of this matter. She wonders why he talks with Iqra and what's happening between them. A day passed and Aurin tried to talk to Mikae

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