
2513 Words

Author's p.o.v " Stop," Aurin said loudly and Mikaeel stopped in his track. He turned towards Aurin when she asked," Can I talk with you?" " I am listening," He answered curtly. Aurin said putting pressure on the word," Alone." Mikaeel hummed when Aurin requested Danyal to take her to her room and told Mikaeel to follow her. Mikaeel noticed how comfortable Aurin is around Danyal and how she is relying on him. Obviously, it wasn't a pleasurable sight for him to see, so he stepped in between them. " Touching someone else's wife is wrong," Mikaeel told Danyal very rudely and literally snatched Aurin from his hold. Danyal didn't say anything but he was observing Mikaeel. He looked at Aurin's face and saw the raw sadness in them which were lingering in her eyes. His mouth was itching

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