
2392 Words

Aurin's p.o.v " Danyal!!"I literally screamed with excitement and he walked towards me having a wide smile. Rubbing his jaw slightly he questioned looking like a scholar," Is this Aurin? I am not being able to recognise her. How the hell did she become so beautiful?" Saying that he burst into laughter and I slapped his hand playfully. He will never change! " I was born beautiful. Dumbo!" I snickered and he pulled my hair slightly just like he used to do in our childhood. Then, I started asking him," Why didn't you inform us that you were coming? What about your studies? Did you finish or you retuned for vacation? Did you inform Khala(aunt from mother's side) that................." " Did you join CBI? Let me breathe first at least. Come on, Dude. I have returned after years," He whin

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