
2055 Words

Author's p.o.v Aurin & her family members rushed to the hospital after getting emergency calls from Mikaeel's family. Specifically, Aurin almost went crazy when Ziya informed that Mikaeel had an accident and was admitted to the hospital. " Bhabhi........" Ziya cried out spotting Aurin and ran towards her. Ziya hugged her and Aurin questioned impatiently," How.....did...all these happen suddenly? now?" " Bhai was very upset about the divorce thing. Last night he didn't return home and then we got an emergency call that he had an accident. When we reached the hospital, bhai was taken to the operation theatre already," Ziya informed and tears started flowing from Aurin's eyes automatically. She took his name with an inaudible voice and sat on a nearby bench. She f

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