
2101 Words

Author's p.o.v Aurin's mother Zaynep was cooking lunch when someone rang the doorbell. She thought to open the door after taking out the Daal(lentils) from the stove. But, the person at the door was impatient and kept ringing the doorbell nonstop. " Coming.......coming.........Are you going to break the doorbell..........." Zeynep mumbled running towards the door and the moment she opened the door her eyes widened with astonishment. She literally yelled," Aurin!!!" Aurin's arrival was too much surprising for Zeynap since Aurin didn't notify her that she is coming. Zeynap was more surprised after noticing Aurin alone. " How are you, Ammi?" Aurin questioned meekly when Zeynep just hummed since she was busy searching for someone else. Aurin followed her mother's eyes which were look

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