
2416 Words

Aurin's pov " I am pleased by your work, Ms Sheikh," My boss Mr Hasan said smiling while checking the reports I prepared. I corrected him politely," It's Mrs Sheikh, Sir." " Oh! All the beautiful girls are taken already," He mumbled chuckling and I wondered how can he say if I am beautiful or not. I am wearing a burkha(veil) with a proper hijab. My face is also covered with a face mask then how did he see me? Oh, now I understand. He saw my face on the CV. " So, Mrs Sheikh. You are working as my personal assistant. Didn't your husband say anything about it? I mean didn't he object because a lot of men thinks that their wives shouldn't work outside since they are capable enough to earn," he asked and I was getting annoyed by his questions. He shouldn't ask me personal questions. I

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