
2030 Words

Author's pov " And, my husband! Let's not talk about him," Maryam said wiping away her tears and looking outside. Mikaeel asked hesitating a little bit," Umm....Mr Shamsi..... I mean is he abusive to you? Does he raise his hands on you? That's why you wanted to divorce him, right?" " He never raised his hands on me. He never hurt me physically," Maryam answered letting out a long breath and Mikaeel was confused by her answer. Looking at his confused face Maryam replied placing a hand over her chest," Some words and some actions stab right here, Mikaeel." Well, after the arrest of Maryam's brothers and father, Mikaeel asked her what's the matter. At first, she didn't want to share but in front of his continuous questions she gave up. Then, she told him everything that happened ten y

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