
2786 Words

A few days later Author's pov " Congratulations, Mikaeel. Our products are doing fine in the market. The profits are more than we expected," Maryam said smiling and forwarding her one hand at Mikaeel. Mikaeel looked at her hand and stared at it for some time. He noticed her other hand which was holding a file. Diverting his gaze at her face, he took the file from her hand instead of handshaking with her. " Thank you. Congratulations to you too," Mikaeel replied politely and sitting on the chair he started reading the file. Maryam pulled back her hands slowly having an embarrassing expression. She didn't like how he ignored her. She has been trying to get close to him but every time he gives her the cold shoulder. It's been days since Maryam and Mikaeel are working together. Sinc

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