6. First And Last Meeting

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Nina's POV. In walked my brother who I had totally forgotten was coming. He was now supposed to be attending these meetings and I'm sure he did what I did. He would have opened a portal to our house in Willowsfield then drove here. I know it would have been easy to just open a portal here but we haven't been here before. In order for the portal to work, we had to of been to the place first. Now, we have. "Starting without me?" Asher said as he walked to the table. He immediately saw me and I gave a small smile, hoping no one else in the room saw it. Asher searched the room and saw Mateo sitting at the head of the table. As if he read the situation immediately, he took a seat at the opposite head of the table. "Now we may begin." He more commanded, which caused a few of the council members to let of an aura that I recognised as annoyance. My brothers and I knew that our return wouldn’t be easy and that the council would not like us. It was expected since they attacked us first many years ago and almost did a second time. If it wasn’t for Mateo convincing them and my people exposing a demon. The meeting went for what seemed like forever. I didn’t say a word. I was just listening to the council members argue amongst each other as each King and Queen addressed their problems and ways to solve them. It went like that for at least two hours and I was now struggling to keep awake. Thank Hecate I'm not the eldest. I thought as I looked at my big brother. I definitely cannot deal with long meetings. This will for sure be my first and last. I looked over at my mate and he didn’t even seem tired or bored like I was. How does he do it? I thought to myself. "Well, now that we all have spoken of all our induvial issues on our people. Let's talk about the one we all have in common right now." Mateo said causing me to wake at his voice. "What are we going to do about the fact that demons are still wondering around? And let's not forget about the red eyed wolves, which is everyone's problem since they are entering all of your lands." He addresses the room and they all looked like they were going to all talk at once. Great, another topic for them to argue about. I thought silently to myself as I pretended to be interested. I was half interested, most of mind was starting to drift off to how I now knew that Crowley was still here and he was my sisters captive. That was something I had to inform my brother about after this meeting. Before he left and got too busy with his king duties for me to get a word in. "Demon." The dragon king replied. "There was only one we saw and he has been taken care of by the mate of the king of covens." My brother slammed his fist of the table as he stood from the chair. glaring. I was the only one that had flinched at his sudden outburst. "Queen!" He corrected the dragon King. "She is my wife, the Queen of my people and you will address her title when mentioning her." Asher has never sounded so angry in this meeting. Then again, he hasn’t seen his mate, Summer for a awhile now. She had left two weeks ago to take care of things with her father's coven. The absent of his mate was beginning to show on my brother. It was like that for all my brothers. I'm still unsure of Nevins but my gift was what reassured me that he did have a mate he wanted to be near. "Apologies King Asher." The dragon King apologised and Asher sat down still glaring at the dragon. I bit my lips as I knew I should tell my brother first before everyone but I couldn’t help myself. "he hasn't exactly been taken care of." I blurted out and everyone's eyes went to me. "What are you talking about Nina?" Asher said and I turned to look at him in an apologetic expression. "Summer and the rest of the Whitlock coven got rid of Crowley." He said firmly. "I don’t think he is that easy to get rid of." I replied to my brother. Ashers brows knitted together before he gave a knowing look. "Did you have a vision?" He said for the whole room to hear. "So, she is a lot like Queen Alice." I heard Emmet's voice from across the table. "Do tell the whole room what you saw, Princess." He adds as I looked to him and around the table until my eyes fell onto my mate. As I was about to open my mouth to explain the dream I had last night, the burning sensation returned. At first it was mild and then when I looked at my left wrist. The mark was glowing red as it quickly became unbearable and the burning intensified. I stood from my seat as I felt my heart racing from in panic as the pain got worst. The burning caused me to scream from the pain which caused everyone to stand from their seats. "Nina!" I heard my brothers voice as he grabbed my arm with wide eyes on the mark. "We are under attack!" Ryans voice came through all the pain. "the red eyed wolves are back" was the last thing I had heard before I met darkness.
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