7. Unexpected Attack

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Mateo's POV. Everything was unexpected. I returned to my pack to introduce my mate to my mother, only to discover that the council had pulled together an emergency meeting. Then to hear my mate speak of the demon that was within the council to still be alive, had me want to keep my mate away from the council for her safety. As if that was all, Nina was screaming in pain and I knew I couldn’t run to her aid as to not raise any suspicion of us being mates. Thank the moon goddess her brother went to her without hesitating. But my mate losing conscious while screaming in pain had made me feel so vulnerable and angry that I wanted to attack the council so a stupid law couldn't keep me from protecting her in front of others. That is until my Gamma came bursting into the room and gave word that we were being attack by the red eyed wolves. Something I could feed the anger that was growing inside of me. The thought of leaving my unconscious mate had me still glued to my seat. Everyone was up and out of the room in seconds. The elders and kings and queens made their way to wherever the fight was. "Go." I heard Ahers voice. "I'll take my sister to a safe place. Your pack needs you right now." My mates brother said and I nodded. "Show him to the safe house." I ordered Ryan before I left. I got to the field which where I saw my warriors getting ready for the pack of rogues that was coming from the distance. Their red eyes standing out from the many that was coming towards us. I moved into action as I gave my men commands to attack. I didn’t want to wait for them to get near to the pack house, I was going to take the fight to them. For the ones that were already on the grounds of my pack I ordered Sam to handle. I shifted into my huge black wolf and ran to the pack that was coming my way. Within seconds I collided with the first one ripping his eyes out with my claws. The second got his guts torn into by my teeth as I continued to kill them one by one. I looking at my surroundings and saw the other leaders that I was in a meeting with moments ago. As a part of our alliance they had to fight by my side especially since this would eventually happen to their lands ad I would also have to join them. With the dragon king shifting and taking flight into the air, he went straight for the tree line. His fire setting flame to the Forrest that surrounded my land as he blew out the flame. There must be more in the woods he had seen. The vampire king had a very sinister smile that would creep anyone out while he was ripping the heads off of wolves. I know he doesn't like my kind but smiling like that while killing wolves and being in an alliance with wolves didn’t sit right with me. It took at least half an hour before we all heard a very loud howl. The dragon king landed next to me as the other came and stood by my side. Unexpectedly the red eyed wolves turned and ran towards the sound. The vampire kind chased after them and continued to attack them from before and we all followed his lead. Before I knew it, they were all gone. Looking around we were all covered in blood and I felt the warm liquid on my fur. I shifted back just as Sam came up to me with a part of short to put on. I turned to look at the faces off the o0ther kings and queen. "I must leave." The Fae queen spoke. "My people might be the next target." She said and left with what little men she came with. One by one the elders left with their kings. I didn’t waste another second as i needed to make sure Nina was alright. I needed to know that she was safe. . . . . Nina's POV. I found myself in an unfamiliar place, a forest to be exact. Although I haven’t been here before, I had a sense that it is somewhat familiar. I can’t explain how, but it was like a feeling of how familiar it felt. The sky was blue, the wind blew lightly and a tree caught my attention. However, I don’t know much about trees, but this tree looked beautiful. Not knowing where I was and yet I feel like I have been here before.. I cautiously walked towards the tree. I know I have seen this tree before. I just couldn’t remember where I had seen it. The leaves that fell from the tree were blue and almost looked like flowers. The way the leaves hung from the branches was almost like a sheet, hiding the actual trunk of the tree. One would have to move the leaves as if opening a curtain to see what was hidden behind them. My fingers went to touch the leaves to move them aside and quickly stepped inside. It looked beautiful and felt peaceful, a perfect place to hide from prying eyes. I could see outside but I was sure no one could look in. I would think that lovers could hide here just to get away from everything out there. This place… it almost felt... Magical. Foreign, even. Almost, a place that is not actually here in the real world. All of a sudden, I saw a flock of birds fly south and saw many animals in the forest that also ran in the same direction. I stood under the blue petal tree, where the animals didn’t even run through, they seemed... Afraid. Afraid of someone or something... That is the only reason that could explain this... Well, stampeded? I couldn’t think of another way to call it. I didn’t even know why, but I felt a need to leave, to run away like they had. It was as if a small voice in the back of my mind, an instinct if you will, said to run. Before I could make a decision, it was too late for me to listen to that instinct as I felt a tight grip on my left arm. Turning to look at who had me in their grip, I immediately felt fear rise within me. It was those yellow eyes that sent a chill down my body. I froze from the presence of the figure in front of me. I felt an uncomfortable warmth in my arm as a burning sensation took over. Placing my hand on my wrist where it was burning, I began to panic as it was getting hotter. Within a second the heat I was feeling on my arm became as unbearable as it did in the meeting room and I couldn’t help the scream that escaped me. I fell to the ground as I screamed from the pain that the heat was causing. Still gasping and screaming from the pain, I watched helplessly as the same mark was being burned into my skin, a symbol that I had never seen before. What did it mean? I had a feeling it wasn’t anything good, since a demon had caused it to somehow be placed on me from a dream. And why was it burning even more painfully into my skin in the presence of the yellow-eyed figure? He reminded me of the first time I had met Eliphas. They were similar. They both wore a black hood that hid their actual facial features but their eyes still glowed through the dark of the hood. While Eliphas eyes glowed red, this figure had yellow eyes. And the fear I felt from this guy was nothing like the fear I first felt when meeting Eliphas. Who was he? Did he have any connection to Eliphas? if he did, why did I not feel safe? "It's nice to finally meet you. It may not be in person, but this meeting is very much real, Nina." The way he spoke didn’t sound normal. "Who are you?" I managed to say. His smile grew and it was the most unnatural thing about him. "I'm the one that will destroy your world." His eerily tone lingered into my very soul. "I needed the council to be distracted for us to meet. I needed to ensure my mark would be permanent." He added and I looked down at my wrist. The fear I felt from his presence had taken my mind off of the burning pain. "I'll be seeing you sooner than you think." The man said as a ringing noise became very loud in my ears. My breathing was uneven and the noise was still in my head as I placed my hands over my ears. His smile was now imprinted into my mind and I'm sure I would dream of it for many nights to come. His image slowly faded along with the surroundings of the forest, and the tree I stood under. His smile was the last thing to disappear. "Nina!" Asher's voice took over the ringing noise, My eyes opened as I let out a blood-curling scream leave my mouth. I was in my brother's arms as I looked straight at my wrist. It was there on my arm the mark he said he wanted on me. "Hey, hey, it's alright, your safe." Asher comforted me as my scream stopped. However, the feeling I felt while in the presence of whoever that was, was still there. It was a feeling I would feel for a while just like the image of his smile. "What did you see?" My brother asked and that's when I noticed I was in a room on a bed. I looked around and saw a very concerned Ryan at the edge of the bed. I looked back at my wrist and touched the mark. "What does it mean?" I asked Asher and his aura changed to one of concern and fear. "I saw it once, from a book Grandma Alice showed me a year before she died. I remember it as if it was yesterday because she told me to never forget it." I looked at him and his eyes were glued to it. "It was also the last reminder that our father had whispered to me." I gave a questioning look as I remembered that night. "What?" I asked. Asher made eye contact with me. "It's the mark of Hades, it means he has somehow attached himself to you." My brothers' words caused my body to stop breathing. The door to the room swung open and in ran my very worried mate, who could sense that something was wrong.

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