5. Official Introduction

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Nina's POV. My mate tensed at his Gammas' words. I stared at him wondering how that may be a problem. Before I could open my mouth to ask Mateo, he gave an order to Ryan. "Take Nina to my room. No one is to know she is here." Immediately Ryan sighed at his alpha's order. "Mateo, they already saw you drive up the driveway and opening the door for her. Your mother linked me to warn you of their presence since Sam is with them." Ryan explained and I saw my mate's fist ball up on his sides. "Very well, she will come with me." He grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs to the door of the pack house. "Mateo what's wrong? Why did you want to hide me from the council? They already know I'm the King of covens younger sister." I said as we entered. Mateo stopped and turned to face me. "They don’t know we are mates. They can't know at all. I'm sure your aware of the mating law that the council has been following for a very long time." I nodded my head as I remembered my grandmothers words of that very law. "Your people are now a part of the council again, that means the law applies to you, to us. We can't let them to suspect it or there would be consequences. I can't have anyone harm you." Again I nodded at what Mateo said. "So what do we tell them? I'm sure that if they saw us get out of the car together, they would want to ask why I'm here, without my brother. Who should be attending the meeting too." I asked as I searched my brain for quick plan. "Sam already double checked with your brother, he is on the way. Also I've already got a plan." Mateo replied instantly. "The story is you are here to examine my grandfather and that you and Issac will be working to wake him from his coma. Your also here to attend the meeting with Asher. I'm sure he would get the picture when he arrives." He adds as he turned and walked up to another flight of stairs. I inhaled and exhaled as I began to feel nervous to tell a lie to the council. Well, it’s the truth just not the real reason why I'm here today. We stopped in front of two huge doors and my mate faced me once again. "We can't hold hands in front of them." he said as he took a step in front of me "We can't show any affection or longing, we can't allow them to know. They may be suspecting something since what happened when we went to meet with your brother two weeks ago." He placed a kiss on my forehead. "But that doesn't mean that I don't love you Nina." he whispers as he lifted my chin to make eye contact. "I understand." I replied. "I love you too." I added quickly before he stepped back and turn to face the doors. "I linked Sam for you to sit next to him," I nodded as he opened the doors to the room. The second it opened all eyes fell to us. I did my best to not look nervous or scared, even though I was. I had to not break a sweat since everyone in this room could smell me if I made one wrong move. I did exactly as my grandmother had trained me. Don't show your true emotions she said, that is how your opponent would read you and use it against you. "Alpha Mateo." The elderly man I recognised as the werewolf elder stood up. "Sorry for the unexpected meeting but it's very important that all the members meet together. Since the King of covens is officially apart of the council again. We couldn’t get in touch with you so we all decided to meet you here. The king of covens has been informed." he adds as he saw me. Without a word, Mateo took long strides as he walked to the front of the room and sat at the head of the table. I saw Sam seated at the end of the table near a women that looked very similar to Mateo. His mother, I said to myself and she gave me a huge smile. "For everyone that doesn’t know, this is princess Nina, King Ashers younger sister." Mateo introduced me to the room. "She arrived early, the King of covens should be here soon." The look of recognition showed on everyone's face. "Yes, the one that sensed the demon that was almost us." A pale looking man spoke and when he smiled I saw the fangs. Within a second the man was in front of me before I could blink. Right he is a vampire. "I see her in you." I raised a brow at the vampire. "Queen Alice, you’ve got some of her features. You also smell like her." He oddly adds and I knew he was meant my grandmother that was no longer here. "I'm King Emmet, I met your grandmother when she came to my castle on her tour as the new queen of covens." He reached out his hand and I did the same. I thought he was going to shake it when he bowed and placed a kiss on my hand. My eyes lit up in surprise as I felt the jealousy coming from my mate. "I'm old school." He said and again in the blink of an eye, he was no longer in front of me. He was back in his seat. I made eye contact with Mateo who did not look jealous at all. In fact he was void of all emotions but I saw his aura, the jealously he felt was around him. If I learnt anything from my grandmother, a wolf mate is very possessive of other males touching their mates. The silent was broken as each council member stood from their seats with their Kings and Queens, introducing themselves to me. "Right, we can now get started." Mateo said in a serious tone I have never heard before. Everyone nodded and I quickly took a seat next to Sam who greeted me with a smile. Just as we were about to start, the doors opened again.
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