Chapter 4

1340 Words
Derek's POV "Make it fast Abigail! We're running late already" Kian yelled. "Jeez! You assholes.. try getting ready as a girl for one day" she yelled back coming downstairs. "It takes s**t ton of time starting from hair to nails. And I pity your mates" she rolled her eyes at Kian and Kevin. "Whatever. Dad is waiting already. Let's go" I ended their cat fight. They have the capacity to just keep on fighting till evening if someone doesn't interrupt them. We all sensed mom walking downstairs so we stopped to bid her. "Take care! And remember they are humans... Don't deal with them the same way you deal with your pack members" She said, kissing my cheek and then Abigail's. She also patted Kevin and Kian's shoulders indirectly warning them to take care. My mom doesn't wish... She warns.! And with that, we piled into dad's car. He said he would drop us off the first day. It's actually quite exciting to me. I've never been off the borders. The climate is strange today. It's sunny and warm despite it being winter. "Remember boys! Do not mess with girls over there. Be the good boys and wait for your mates. Like I always say, Mates are sacred!!" Dad said his eyes were still on the road. "That doesn't mean you can flirt with guys, pumpkin! Any guy found near you, Derek will take care of him for me." His voice was stern, making me chuckle. "That's not fair dad" Abigail threw her arms in the air but dad didn't even look at her. She looked at me for any reaction but I just winked at her. She just smiled, getting the signal that I'll go a little easy on her. She should experience new things too. "And also do keep in mind that they are humans. Their senses are weak compared to us but that doesn't mean they are weak. They have their own strengths and weaknesses. Deal with them accordingly" he said and in no time we reached our new school. It looked so different from our werewolf school. We were told the differences so we can blend in well. Werewolf schools focus on war techniques, werewolf systems and the wolf connections but here in human schools we learn how the world works. How each subject helps in day to day life. I am not sure how far that's true but I am excited to learn about it. "So kids! Have fun!!! Elijah will be here in the evening to pick you all up" Dad said one last time before leaving. We all walked aimlessly but managed to reach the office somehow. We all received our schedule but not before weird stares from a lady sitting there. Maybe it's because of my mismatched eye colour. I often feel awkward due to my eyes but dad always says I am unique and special. My dad always has a way to make me smile. After checking each other's schedules we came to a conclusion that we indeed need to be in different classes at least once a day. Till now, we have been together in all the classes, but now we have things to deal with on our own. Kevin rarely had classes with us. I matched a little with Kian's. After a few turns and f***s and cursing myself that I'm late, I finally made it to my first class of the day. I knocked and entered only to get stared at. It was a little new to experience people looking directly at me. Back in pack because I'm the Alpha's son no one maintained eye contact. They would bow as soon as I step in. Well, a change isn't that bad after all. "The new student?" The teacher asked. "Uh.. yes" I replied, not knowing how to address her. "I'm Miss.Santiago , your biology teacher. You may give your introduction and take a seat wherever you wish" she said. Ok! She is sweet. I've heard that teachers can often be mean at human schools. Aunt Skye always rolls her eyes whenever we talk about her school days. But Miss.Santiago seems quite sweet. I looked at everyone before me. I am not used to this type of direct attention and it instantly made me nervous. But dad taught me not to show that to humans since few of them consider it weak. "I'm Derek Julian Malloy. Transferred from Green Valley School" I paused and looked at everyone. They were all staring right through me and I didn't know what to do next. I quietly walked from there and found an empty seat in the last row. I made myself comfortable in it. "Ok! Let's get back to the topic." Miss. Santiago said with a smile and the attention was taken away from me. I released a breath I didn't know I held in. I thought it would be cool in human lands but it's harder than being Alpha to a whole pack. How do humans bear with this? I looked around and my eyes fell on a girl sitting beside me and writing something in her book. She seemed like she was into it so I didn't disturb her. Right when I was about to turn my head away she looked at me. Her green eyes twinkled a bit when she saw me. "Hello" I whispered. She smiled and nodded in response. This girl got some ego I guess. I sighed quietly and went back to listening to whatever the teacher was saying. Everyone seems to be so bored. I was doodling on a plain paper not knowing what to do. After what feels like an eternity the bell rang and no one wasted a second. Jeez!!! Why do they keep on running? I've seen them running in the morning too. Everyone is always in a rush. As per the directions I made it to my next class and I was glad when I noticed the teacher hadn't arrived yet. I scanned the room to find an empty seat. A hand rose and I focused on it. It was that girl who sat beside me in biology. I looked at her and she waved at me, gesturing to come over. She pointed her finger towards an empty chair beside her and I gladly accepted it. "I'm Lana" she whispered. Her voice was sweet and eyes held warmth. "I'm Derek," I said with a smile. "I heard" her smile was innocent. " And your eyes are so beautiful" she complimented looking into my eyes. "You really think so?" I asked her, confused. "Yeah. Why?" She asked back. "No one has told me that besides dad and mom" I ended with a sigh. Everyone in the pack treats me differently because of my eye colour. Some describe them as scary even. And I always hated my eyes for that. But dad always says that I am a good child because I treat mom and dad equally. And that's why I inherited a blue eye from dad and a brown one from mom. I know it's his way to make me feel better but I never really liked my eyes. "But they are beautiful. Unique" she said with a smile. I knew right then and there that this girl sitting with me, is going to be a part of my life. I am glad I made a human friend on the very first day. "Why didn't you talk to me earlier?" I asked her. Her behavior made me mistake her for a badass egoistic girl. "I am an introvert. It takes me sometime to get out of my shell with anyone. But then I realized you are new and you don't know anyone either." She shrugged. Then I noticed that she is not only an introvert but a shy and innocent girl. Suddenly I had the urge to protect this girl from the world and the bad in it. I can see myself being best friends with her till she grows old.
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