"Chapter 18" A woman behind the black door

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"He snatched that girl from me; she wanted to be snatched, and then I left her forever, and she got married to that Adams," he finished, and I answered my question. "Is he the same Adams? " I asked. " No..., that Adams is dead, you know," he blows those words into the air, and I let go of them too. "Whatever, what are you doing here? "'I asked. "I just want to have a look at what my son is doing but they said he doesn't come to the office," I got my mouth zipped when I saw his eyes peeking at me. " Have you assigned a new writer? I have heard that she is so wow," I got this, Steve opened his whole mouth in front of him. " Yes, you are right, " I replied. "Don't blame Steve, he is a nice guy," My dad is so romantic about Steve cause he is embracing his secrets also, but mine was obvious in front of everyone. "Steve, you are going to be fired, not die," I said in my mind. " Don't you dare to touch him; he is a nice guy; after all, he is taking care of everything," I heard him whispering and leaving. " I take care of everything. Now it's your time to see this," he leaves, and I sigh. " Thank God I got my seat back," I open my files and get into that work that was left over. Steve was preparing food for someone but there was no one at home, not Mr. King, nor Liam. He decorated the table for every good thing on it and pushed it toward a room that was far from the abundance of everyone. He was walking in the long hallway, following that mysterious room in front of him. That door was painted black, and around it, everything was brown. He takes out the keys to that door and opens it; a woman is sitting on the bed with tears in her eyes. She was old but still beautiful; some people are unaware of what factors cause the age of our cells, so that thing is called telomeres. They are present in our body those has a long life of telomere and has fewer signs of aging in there regarding age, and that woman was a remarkable example of this; she was thin and still beautiful; she was wearing a white gown and looked so elegant. And her face just resembles Maya, who is that woman and what she is doing behind these walls. What has she done? It's like she was caged. "My lady, your food is here; today, Mr. king is not here, and you didn't take anything to eat." " Please take it away, I don't want it," she cried, and Steve looked sad. "You know there is no way to protest; you need to have it; please, if you don't have this, then Mr. King will get intrusive," Steve tries to convince her, but she refuses. "Please, Steve, take it away; I can't. Please, can you leave me alone today," she begged, and Steve was touched by her tears. " This is not just because I scare Mr. King, but I care for you, please Evelyn," Steve pleaded, but she was not moving and sticking her eyes on the window. "Why don't you rip my neck off with a dagger, I deserve it, please kill me," " Dying is better to live like this," she cried. "Please, My lady, don't say this, you have to .....," suddenly someone places his hand on Steve's shoulder. He turned and saw Mr. King was there. " My king, " he bowed at him and the king peeled his eyes on that beautiful woman. She turned and stunned; he was looking so dreadful. "Steve, let it be here, and you may leave," he commanded and her tears got harder. Her heartbeat goes faster every time he gets closer to her. "So my Eve wants to die?" He asked with a smirk. " Sebas.....," her voice stumbled. "This is easier to live like this," she let out and he got his eyes wide on her. "I... I... I am sorry," she apologized and Mr. King nodded. "So my Eve is again having trouble with food," King smiled and grabbed the table in front of her. " I don't want to eat Sebastian," she sighs and cleans her eyes. "After three years your tears are still not getting apart," Sebastian cleans her eyes. "What should I do? You killed my family my kids, my husband, fenced me in this room, so what is left to have," her tears fall again. "Or should I be happy that you ra*ed me every single night," she growled and Sebastian held her face between his hands. " Hello, Eve, you need to calm down, you need to accept this, or I will do this to you every night and day whenever I want," he bestowed her an evil smirk. "Doesn't your heart get enough?" She asked. " No, your body feels like new every day, I was not that person who takes your virginity, but I am going to be the last who will play with you until your last breath," he kissed her ear and then licked it, she feels extremley disgust but she has to live with this contempt. "Now you will see how it turns out to betray me," he looked into her eyes. " I haven't betrayed you ever, why don't you understand?" She speaks aloud and he clenched her hair harder. " I just got married to someone whom I loved," she replied and hissed in pain. " Please, Sebastian, let me go," she hissed in pain, but Mr. King was trying to wrack out her hair. "Please, pleases..., Sebastian, let go of me," she cried, and he enjoyed her moan. "Why don't you moan like this when I am making love to you," his eyes shine with lust. "You destroyed me. Now, what do you want?" She begged and he let go of her hair. She sighs and cries silently. "If you don't want more drama, then you have to eat up," he said, and she nodded. She can't stand against him cause she is too fragile to handle his wrath. She was eating silently and Sebastian rubbed the side of her lips. "There was something," he was watching her while his eyes were filled with lust. " If you are still thinking after these years that I will let you go then you are mistaking me, you are here with me for your whole life," "You betrayed me and gave off your purity to someone else, so I have your back," he smirked and she faced down while listening to all his dregs. "All the years I was burning in gush, because of you, your betrayal doesn't let me live," " But now I am in serenity, you are with me like I got everything, " "Tell me my love Eve, if I put forth to you before that chunt then will you let me have a chance," he asked and her eyes got wide she scoffed and swirled her eyes. "If you ask first I wouldn't be refusing you, and your best friend will respect your opinion, no matter if I love you or not after marriage love begins right after," "This happened between me and A......," he abruptly placed his finger on her lips. " Don't ever let out his name, never," he said and she nodded. " I just want to say you destroyed everyone, but if you tried, then you would never be doing this," she said, and he looked so satisfied with what he had done. "No matter what I did, you are with me; that's a big thing," he smirked. "I am full," she eats so unreasonable, and he gets irritated. He took her spoon and started feeding her with his hands, "You are getting weaker day by day. Why don't you understand," he was stuffing her with food, and her eyes were getting out with the burden. "Sebastian, please, " she begged, and he stopped, then he cuddled her into his arms. And kissed her forehead. "You need to take care of yourself. You know I can't live without you," he said, and she nodded cause she had no other way out of doing this. " You can sleep today in my arms," he let out. "Are you not going to play with me today?" She asked, and he chuckled. " Not today, let's have this moment at leisure," he kissed her forehead again and cuddled her lovingly; Evelyn closed her eyes, and Sebastian kept scanning her face. He was thinking about that girl he saw that night; she was a splitting image of that woman lying in his arms. "What is the connection between you two?" He was thinking critically and was coming over something.
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