"Chapter 17" "Maya" That's a weird name

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"What do you think, my love? I can't see what you are doing. " He asked. "Ethan, I did nothing. Let me go," I implored cause that closeness was killing me; I didn't want to be with him, never, ever. I am enduring his face because of my revenge; no one can give me that glorious life, only he can. "You did everything to make me put out, I was behind you all day long," his madness for me is remarkable. " Ethan, I did nothing, let me go," I beseeched again and again. He got me turned and clutched my arms brutally. " Why Ro......, I mean Maya why?" He was glaring into my eyes. Everything was dark, only that light coming from outside made me see his face. " Ethan I... I am scared," I came to fit into my act and get my eyes shiny before he said another word. "Do you know how extensive that pain had run through all over me when I saw that bastard getting close to you, " he growled at me. "You are having trouble with this," he clutched my arms harder and shoved me nearer. I gasped and showed that I was fragile, but he was not familiar that I ripped him off. " Does that hurt you?" He asked and I looked up at him with that puppy-looking face. "I... I am sorry, I just want to get Jackson," I retorted in a stumbling voice. " With him? Do you think I am crazy? You were having that quality time with him that you never offered me," he glared at me, and I didn't want him to show my bravery but that vulnerability that was counterfeit. " I am sorry, Ethan, but Liam has control over Jackson, and by devouring him, I can take hold of Jackson," he has my company, too," I tell him that much what he deserves to know. " I would never betray you, " he lost his grip on me and I placed my hand under his cheek. " Do you mean it? " He asked. "Yes, I mean it, I only love you; you know you just saved me; you saved my life. How can I forget all this?" I know my eyes got something and that shine was making him believe me. " Why are you using Liam in all this?" He raised a question, a clever person will always raise it. "Cause he destroyed my father by taking off his opportunities," his mind clicks cause Liam's father was a rival of my father in business. "Yeah right, so why don't you speak to me about this before?" He got perplexed and now that was a chance to make him more. " Cause I don't want you to be mad, I just want you to be surprised, by what I have done today," "What have you done?" He makes a chaotic expression. " Look here it is," I showed him that message of 50,000 bucks, and his eyes flickered with seeing this much money. " Are you serious?" He looked at the sender, and that was Liam King, he was extremely happy. " Look, I was just with him to have an ambitious amount of signing; he signed me," he got so pleased and forgot about everything that he was doing. " You are unstoppable, Maya; that's a huge amount," his eyes were glistening. " Don't worry, I am going too far with this," I smirked and he nodded. "Don't worry, I will have your company from his grip," I whispered into his ear, and he nodded. "I am so sorry I thought you were crossing your lines," his words make me irritated who the hell does he think of himself who can decide my lines? I clenched my jaw but changed my expression into a smile. " I am just planning to have that luxurious life that we deserve," "I know you are out of everything, and your companies are going in vain; you need to trust me; I will grab everything that he stole from you," after these words, he moved towards to cuddle me; I let him, but my body was burning. I was getting extremely irritated by this. I wanted to push him, but he knew my truth, that truth which had to be hidden from everyone until I made it out of the bag. "Ethan, I am so tired you are happy now, right?" I asked and he nodded. "I was thinking why don't we spend our night together?" He asked. "No...., I mean Ethan, no night stay before marriage," I let out. He smiled. "That is the nicest thing I love. You are with old thoughts, but I love it, so my Ms. Miller, no night stays before marriage," I politely smiled at his words. " Where did you get this name, Miller?" He asked and I snicked. "That was fictional, but thanks to you, you made it true to life," I said, and he looked down with a proud smile. Don't worry, I will snatch it away. " Everything is fine now. We have to get some rest," I said, and he frowned. 'Maya, it's just 7:00 pm, what are you saying?" He laughed at me. "You don't have work at the office?" I asked cause I know strong businessmen are always busy in the office, probably he is not strong, so it is fine to see him roaming around. "Everything alright, cause my secretary is taking account of all things," he smiled again. " But I am tired; I want some rest, please.....," I give him a naive look, and no one can resist it. He nodded and left the house. He waved from outside, and I waved back. " He is so nonsensical; how can two silly, absurd people turn this big conspiracy into someone so powerful?" I was stunned to see him; not a man who aimed to be a successful billionaire, would get excited to have only 50,000 dollars. That's so dope; a mastermind always wanted to gain more; even these dollars can't bring him calm. If Jackson and Ethan are the culprits who want my father to set up, then why are they out of everything? I was questioning myself cause I know how the mastermind works but these two jerks are out of planning all this. "Ugh...., first I want to take this disgust off of me, " I peek at myself and remember how he hugged me. I raced to the bathroom, turned on the tap, and let in the hot boiling water. I want to clean all this off from me; when the bathtub got all filled, I took off my clothes and dug into hot water. That was giving me leisure, I gasped and got deep into it. I stopped my breath and drove in. I was inside, and the water was covering me all the way; Liam's face was coming over and over in front of me. I am not here for this. Get out of my brain; I breathed and got out of the water. I was filling my lungs up, and my body turned red. I need this; I can't endure his touch; I again went into the bathtub and assumed that the dirt was going away. Liam Pov I walked to my office and there I found someone was holding onto my seat. "Hey Dad, what's up?" I asked and he rumbled his chair. "Hello, Son, how's your day?" He asked with a smirk. "After so many years, that was so great," I replied. "I thought you were enjoying your every night?" Mr. King was being Mr. King. "That's all for time pass nothing else," I smirked and got my butt on the table. " Can I get to know about that girl you brought last night home?" He suddenly asked something that I wouldn't be expecting from him. "Ms. Maya Miller, " I let out and he nodded. "Maya, that's a weird name," he laughed, and I did the same. He was getting awkward. "Why are you inquiring?" I asked. " No worries, this is just to know her, she looks like someone," he was absorbed in his thoughts. "Who is that someone?" I asked and he blushed purely. " As I see her beauty was remarkable," Dad said. " Indeed," I replied. "When I was in college, I saw that remarkable magnificence in my class, a new admission," he takes me to his old days. "Everyone was so amazed to see that beauty; every man on that campus was roaming around her, and so did I," he let out, and we chuckled. " I tried my hardest to impress her, but her eyes were focused on some other guy; he was my best friend, Adams," he let out, and my brain signifies that name. " Rose Adams," I whispered. "Yeah, right, Adams," My father let out and I got suspicious.
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