"Chapter 19" Tit for tat

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After handling the overload of work, Liam gets back home, and after getting all the dirt out of her body, Maya gets out of the bathtub. "Hello, my King," Steve bowed at him and Liam snacked his arms around his neck and bent him to his stomach. "Did you tell Dad everything?" He asked and Steve stumbled. "No, my Lord, how can I?" He refused. "Let out the truth?" Liam asked again, and he nodded. " He insisted," Steve said. "Don't you know some secrets are meant to be between us," Liam said, and they walked into the mansion like best friends; Liam was snaking his arm around his neck. After changing, Liam came out, and Steve showed him the bottle of wine. "That's something I want," Liam said excitedly and they both walked into the garden. "Dad is not home as usual?" Liam asked and sipped his wine, and Steve nodded. " He always does this still; Mom died because of his rudeness, " Liam looks sad, and Steve knows how to make his mood. "So tell me about your day. How was it held?" Steve asks, and suddenly, a soft smile takes the place of sadness. "She slays.......," he said, and they chuckled. "Did she like other girls?" Steve asks. "No, she is so dangerous, I can't be with her ever, and by the way, she is pure," his words make Steve Wine reach out. " Oh, why are you getting excited?" Liam said, and suddenly, he got into a deep thought. " She..... She is a virgin," Steve let out. "Yeah, she is a virgin," Liam repeats after him. "How could this be possible?" Steve asks. "Right, how is this possible? " Liam gives him a startled look. " Is there anything else you want to tell me?" Steve asks. "Steve, she said she prefers a relationship, you know, that gross one?" Liam asked and Steve knows. "Yeah, I am getting this she wanted to be a slave?" Steve asks. "No, she wants me to be her slave," Steve's jaw dropped as he looked confused. " Are you serious?" Steve asks. 'How could a virgin girl prefer that relationship even though she never tried one?" Liam let out. "Ohhhhhh.....," Steve opened his mouth as well as his eyes too. "Right, you are so right," Steve chuckles. " So she makes me a fool?" Liam asked. " Maybe she liked it but never find one to try if you want to," "Or maybe she watches nasty things," Steve tickles him, and they laugh. "So what do you want?" Liam asked. "So, make her try this, " Steve cupped his thigh and Liam kicked his chest. " Shut up where are you getting to learn all this?" Liam asks. "From your father," Steve whispered he let this out cause he was drunk. "What did you say?" Liam asked. "Nothing my Lord, I was saying she is lying?"Steve sipped his wine. "But I don't think this way; I think she means it," Liam said and peeked at Steve; he stopped sipping and was suddenly blown out with laughter. "How it looks like you will have those cuffs on, and getting your legs apart, " Steve laughs and makes him embarrassed. " Steve, don't you think you are talking too much?" Liam clenched his jaw. "No, Lord, would you imagine this?" Steve suddenly looked into his eyes and stopped. "Okay, that was a joke", he nodded. "That was a bad one," Liam took his glass and sipped his wine. " But there is something in that girl; I like her," Liam said, and Steve slowly nibbled Liam's finger hanging downwards. " Steve, I will kill you, " Liam ran behind him, and Steve got blown with laughter. " I was making you feel that before you dug in," Steve laughed and ran faster. Liam was laughing and tried to catch him. "Just come into my hands," Liam said and they started having fun. Suddenly Maya bites her bottom lip. She was sitting in her yard and staring at the stars. There was a time when I was scared of being lonely, even being alone, being lonely in this dark, being afraid of thunder of storm, being afraid of loud sounds. But now that afraid girl is standing against that horrendous world, that destroyed her world. " Now it's your turn, Jackson, I will make that girl cry with bloody tears; she loves her figure a lot, and now she has to say goodbye to it." Maya smirked and Jackson was watching these stars out of his window. "That voice, " his mind clicks that voice again. Sophia came from behind and clutched his chest from the back. "Baby.....," she whispered into his ear. He holds her hand and takes them off. " What is wrong with you?" Sophia frowned. " I don't want to do this; please, today, I am tired," he settled on the chair that was placed on the balcony. "Do you want to read these books?" Sophia snatched those papers from his hands. "Stop it, Sophia, I got to work; Liam King will come back and ask for it," Jackson looks dull. "So I am nothing in front of this?" Sophia makes a puppy face, but Jackson ignores her. "Sophia, please," he refused again. "Jackson, you are mad at me because of that shitty thing inside me?" Sophia asks. "That shitty thing is our baby, and a woman like you does not deserve to be a mother," Jackson said. " Whatever, " she turns and opens up her cabinet. "Where are you heading off? " He asked her. "I am going to hang out with my friends; you can't give me enough, then I should relax my mind with them, " she swirled her eyes. "You can't go," he holds her hand. "Stop being so toxic," she jerks off and glares into his eyes. "This is too late Sophia," Jackson looks so drained from talking on this topic again and again. " I always hang out with my friends, you know that," she lets out and takes her dress. She closes the door of the bathroom, and Jackson stays there watching her being rude. After too long, She came out and was wearing a mini dress. "This is too short, Sophia," suddenly, this takes Jackson's attention. "So what do you think? Would I wear a bed sheet or what?" She scoffed and stood in front of the mirror. "But Sophia, it doesn't look nice on you, " she was getting on his nerves. "Jackson, let me go," she growled, and Jackson got a shut-up call. She leaves and bangs the door, Jackson gets irritated and slams his hand on the wall. Maya was still in her yard staring at the moon and a sad smile was strewn on her face. Suddenly, her phone rang; she smirked at the caller and picked it up. "What is it about," she asks, and her lips get wide in a smile. " You know what you have to do," she said and hung up the call. "Now you will see what it feels like when you lose your reputation," her eyes were smiling and she was enjoying that moment in her yard. Suddenly Jackson's phone rang, he was busy going through reading but he listened to the caller, abruptly his eyes widened. "What? What the hell?" He lets out the phone and hastily takes on his shirt. Jackson runs to his car and drives towards the place where he was designated. He stopped in front of a club where police were allocated. " Inspector, Jackson Peer," He greeted the inspector and he stood in front of Jackson. " Mr. Peer's, that's so embarrassing. Your wife is here, and this is a place where drugs are disseminating," the inspector said. " I'm so sorry, inspector, please can I take off with her 'cause she is not feeling well," Jackson pleaded. "So, what alcohol can fix it?" The inspector taunted him. "I request you, please, inspector, I will take care of this," he pleaded and peeked his eyes at Sophia standing with others having tears in her eyes; Jackson looked pissed and snatched his eyes abruptly. "We respect you, that's the reason we are letting her go," the inspector warns him and sets her free. "Jackson," she ran to him and hugged him. "Sophia, please," he glared at her and didn't let her be close to him. He takes off his coat and covers her arms with it. They get into the car and Jackson drives her to the house. " Ahannnn...., do you think this is enough," Maya smiled and dialed a number. "You know what you have to do, so do it," she winked her eyes and hung up the call. She was smirking and appreciating that her heart had now become a stone. "This is going to be the same as you did to my mother, Tit for tat," Maya smirked.
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