Chapter 9

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My bravado slips now I’m here his voice like that flashes memories, images through my mind of my dirty fantasies about him. My breath stutters my eyes fixed in his eyes unable to look away , it feels like they was drawing me in making me forget everything else around me. All that exists is this now here and his magical eyes , I feel a soft touch to my cheek making me gasp.  Looking and breaking eye contact I realise it’s the backs of his fingers slowly running down my face and across my jaw , I’m stood frozen breathing deeply. His fingers thumb and fingers grip my chin and forcing my head up so I’m looking up at  him better. He takes a step towards me his face tense in concentration, his eyes where constantly scanning my face.  For what permission? Right now I don’t think I could tell you my own name. My heart sounded like it was in my ears it was thudding so loud , sweeping my younger out I wet my dry bottom lip. It makes his nose flare and a low growl come from his throat , then he’s dipping his head. As he was getting closer and closer I couldn’t stop it , didn’t want to closing my eyes I wait for the first touch. I wait for the warm brush of his lips on mine instead I hear him let out a frustrating sigh “ f**k sake “ he says so close to my lips. Then his fingers are gone his warmth gone, opening my eyes in confusion I start to feel the sting of rejection.  That he’d decided I wasn’t good enough and pulled back , but his angry gaze was behind me looking over my head. So I turn to look my lust frazzled brain taking a minute to realise Frank was stood at the bottom of my drive at the side of his car , staring daggers in our direction. “ He seems kind of pissy to say he’s JUST your boss Chelsea “.  The accusation in his voice clears all the lusty fog from minutes before , my gaze snaps back to him from where I was confusingly looking at Frank. “ What ?” I ask dumbly , he steps back crossing his arms looking menacing closing himself off. “ You heard me , If your not a thing you need to tell mr jealous dog that over there. Maybe question why he’s been here a few times now “ he says. My not functioning correctly still brain says the first thing I think off “ He’s only been here twice he’s my boss I’m his assistant he’s probably here for work stuff “. He looks down at me confused eyebrows drawn some hair had fell out of his man bun framing his face , god he’s handsome. He looks back at Frank rubbing his chin “ only twice you say , because I’ve seen him and that car at least four times driving down the street . Watch him Chelsea he’s a strange dog “.  He turns and walks into the house slamming the door basically in my face , what had just happened again. I was coming to shout at him about the mower remembering I rummage in my bag for the money , the post it threw the door. Rummaging again I find some paper and a pen , cowards way out I know but at least I’d actually tell him I don’t believe him. So I write ‘ Here’s what you say it cost , Doug wasn’t convincing and neither was your smug smile. I’m guessing Doug rang to tell you I’d been investigating it. You have good friends I’ll give you that he covered for you perfectly. I don’t need your charity or whatever it is your doing ‘ I don’t know why I put it but as an after though I Scribble’ He is just my boss ‘ at the bottom before shoving that through his post box too.  Glaring at the door I spin on my heel , coming face to face with Franks glare still down by his car. I was pissed off again it was back well and truly so when I stomp back down the path and come to stand in front of my boss I’m not exactly pleasant. “ What you doing here Frank ?” I snap , his expression darkens his head reading back as he stands himself taller.  I realise what I’ve just done “ s**t I’m sorry my neighbour he just knows how to get to me , I didn’t mean to snap at you “ I try to explain. Why was I suddenly explaining my life to everyone , I felt exhausted with it. I feel my whole body deflate Frank continues to stare menacingly at me , his eyes flashing with anger.  But there was nothing else I could say to him, I guess if he chose to fire me that would be my own fault.  He doesn’t say anything from a while and it makes me feel uncomfortable, his gaze keeps going up to Adams house scanning the place . Eventually he turns and picks out a large black bag off of the passages seat. “ I brought this for you , there’s some work in there that needs looking at this weekend I’ll make sure your paid over time and then I got you something for the good work you’ve been doing “.  He hands over the bag to me and I don’t really know what to say to him, I’d been looking forward to my days off so I could decorate and relax and now I’m working.  “ Ermm thanks you could have gave me this at the office instead of travelling all the way out here though “ that comment doesn’t seem to make him happy either. He huffs “ I had to go pick up your gift , I never saw you as the ungrateful type Chelsea or the type to mix with things from below the gutters and sewerage “ he looks back to Adams house his lip curling into a snarl.  It stings it definitely stings , I wasn’t being ungrateful just stating a fact. Then Adam I hated him he boiled my blood but Franks remark about him stung for some reason. “ I’m sorry I am grateful I didn’t know you went out of your way and really there was no need I’m just really enjoying working with you and you do too much paying for lunch all the time . As for Adam he’s just my neighbour where having a few disagreements is all but he’s harmless “ .  He laughs without humour “ His lips nearly on yours is that your disagreement it didn’t look like you was going to disagree from here , I don’t like it or him. But you are a single woman Chelsea your choice I suppose just remember choices have consequences. Plus you do not know everything of your neighbour don’t be so easy to fall for his charm it’s all smoke and mirrors everyone in this town is smoke and mirrors  “ without another word he climbs back into his car , he revs the engine before speeding off down the street.  Tears prick my eyes , putting my head down I scurry back around to my own house fumbling with the keys in the lock as my vision become blurry. I drop the keys and when I go to pick them up I drop my bag and the bag Frank had just given me too. When I go to pick up my keys a hand shoots in front of my vision snapping the keys up for me.  Turning my head I see Adam there , how did he get here had he followed me around as soon as Frank left. “ Please don’t start Adam I’ve had enough for today “ I say picking up my bag and roughly wiping at the tears that where now freely running down my face.  He sighs shaking his head “ I’m just helping you in Chelsea I know you don’t like accepting help but can I at least do that ?” . He’s holding onto my keys like a hostage, but his face looked soft genuine.  I’m nodding my head not fully thinking it through, right now I needed someone and who else did I have. No family not really any friends, Adam nods his head once then picks up the bag Frank gave me scowling at it. Then he opens my own door for me and steps into my house , opening the door wider for me.  Stepping in I feel better in a few short days this house had become my home and there was always something about coming home that made you feel better. Adam doesn’t leave or walk back out now I’m in like I thought he would ,instead he swans through my house and into the kitchen. Me following behind him submissively , when I get into the kitchen I see he’s in my fridge pulling out wine and then my cupboard pulling out glasses.  He pours two hands one to me and then takes my bag dropping it on the floor, normally I’d be questioning him. But I was mentally exhausted , so when he places his hand on the small of my back and ushers me into the living room I don’t complain. “ Sit” he says right in my ear when we are in front of the sofas and like a good girl i do.  He sits down at the side of me his knee touching mine , “ Chelsea you need to ignore him he’s “ he starts but I raise my hand stopping him. He raises a brow a small smile playing on his lips at my actions “ please no , don’t talk about Frank about mowers about loud rock music or anything exhausting. Seen as you seem to be  forcing your presence on me please don’t say anything to make me want to punch you. Why don’t we try and actually chat like normal neighbours “ I was pleading I couldn’t handle anymore.  He laughs “ There you are I thought you’d gone all soft on me , I mean I gained entry to your fortress without you linching me I was becoming worried he’d sucked all the sass out of you then what fun would you be “ he winks smiling and I can’t help but genuinely laugh. “ Don’t push your luck it could still happen “ I warn taking a sip of my wine.
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