Chapter 8

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Frank was awful the rest of the week he wasn’t pissy like he had been that first day of me as his assistant. He was just more everything was more , the long lingering looks from before had turned into more leering more suggestive look . Now he’d gone to slight touches as well as just being close. I’d also noticed the picture of his wife vanish of his desk.  As if he thinks out of sight out of mind for me , that poof his wife’s picture was gone so now I’d fall at his feet and give into his charm.  Even my own low self esteem couldn’t deny now what he wanted he was way too obvious there was no way I could even argue with myself in my own mind anymore about it . His intentions was clear, I’d just passed them off ignored them , deep down I’d always known it . But he was the only was giving me small chances had I just ignored it or played it off as less before ? . Who’s knows , all I knew now was my doubled efforts to show him I was unavailable was in full swing.  I’d been asking about his wife and his home life a lot , making out I was genuinely interested. I wasn’t I just wanted to remind him I know he’s married , I’d shrink away from touches giving off the back off I’m uncomfortable look to him. But he seemed oblivious to it or he did acknowledge it but chose to ignore it.  Either way he still kept brushing his hand across mine , of touching my arm the other day he even grabbed my hip. When my time in his office was up I’d run out and get on with my other tasks around the office and avoid him like the plague , until my shift was over. But he kept buying us dinner insist I eat with him, every time he’d buy me a healthy meal .  Today I’d even tried taking in my own lunch a sub loaded with deli meats and salad and sauces.  It had mysteriously vanished out of the staff canteen fridge , he’d walked in as I’d been looking for it. “ Whats wrong Chelsea ?” He’d asked while grabbing a bottle of water out of the refreshments fridge. In frustration I’d told him my dinner was missing , his unsurprised face gave me suspicions. Then him proceeding to tell me he’d already ordered our dinner yesterday and it was too late to cancel it today told me everything. He’d most likely thrown it away , I’d trudged behind him to his office to find he’d ordered me a salmon salad with a side of slightly dressed new potatoes. As we had been sat eating in silence he had casually thrown out a question. “ What do you eat at home Chelsea ?” , lead had filled my stomach. I’d known from day one what he wasn’t saying out loud with the meals he was ordering me, never once letting me choose my own meal.  Even sometimes he ordered stuff I wasn’t keen on like today salmon , it wasn’t a favourite of mine but I ate it not to be rude. He was commenting on my weight without words , Auntie always told me actions speak louder than words Chelsea if you want to know what someone really thinks watch there actions. Lies are too easy to be spoken but they can’t always hide it with what they do. Frank constantly now wanting to feed me and what he was feeding me was him saying all he needed to say. What was I doing about it , nothing sweet f**k all . “ It’s temporary Chelsea , a few months of being his assistant that’s it get noticed for doing a good job get asked to help one of the other seniors that all we need to do. Just get through the next few months “ I tell myself for the fiftieth time whilst driving to the store.  Maybe he’s helping me out in just a few day my trousers feel a little less snug , eating better and all the exercises was doing decorating was paying off. Just think of him as a free dietician, I think to myself snorting out a laugh as I pull into the diy store car park.  One that I don’t pay and he buys me food too not letting me pay a penny when I try to give him money for my lunch.  Sighing I check the receipt from the mower , I was starting on decorating the living room but I needed some supply’s. I’d remembered seeing the name of the store Adam had bought my mower from on the top of the receipt.  Doug’s DIY Decorating and Electrical’s and the address , I hadn’t had chance to scout my new village yet so I hadn’t a clue where anything is. I was going to drive back to the store near Aunties old flat where I got my bedroom pain from.  Until I remembered I’d seen it , so I figured what better time than to explore a bit if the area of my new home. The store was only a handy ten minute drive from my house , it would be amazing if they had a good stock of things. I will definitely be needing lots of stuff in the coming months whilst doing the house up it only being ten minutes away would be ideal , if it had everything here.  The store looked biggish from the outside so I was hopeful , climbing out of the car I make my way over to the trolley bay and grab one in case I see other things I need other than just paint and hopefully a nice wall paper.  Heading in the counter was near the door to my left , an older gentleman around his fifties was stood there talking with someone else.  But he still smiles and greets me so I say hello back and start exploring the shop , I feel like a kid at Christmas when I reach all the paints. I wanted a navy blue white and silver colour scheme , not too much just simple and classy.  I pick up a big tin of white paint and then find a gorgeous navy blue paint. Now onto the wallpaper , it takes a while for a small store they had lots of choices and they where all gorgeous but one kept standing out.  One that made the images I’d conjured in my mind for the room pop out and fit perfectly with exactly what I wanted. My shitty mood from work and the Adam drama disappears, although after that night he had been quiet again. The only time I’d seen or heard anything from him was yesterday, he’d been out in his front garden fixing a bike on the driveway. He’d obviously been shirtless and I’d obviously gawked at him like the peeper I’d become where he was concerned, he was covered in black grease his face hard in concentration and he’d looked up catching me once again.  But he’d just looked back at his bike no acknowledgment at all , I wondered up and down all the isles grabbing a few bits and pieces here and there. Then I got to the large electrical isle I didn’t need anything from down there so I could have just skipped it , but I spotted the mowers. He’d given me a receipt all the proof I needed but yet I still wasn’t convinced, so curiously I head down the isle.  Stopping at the mowers and finding the one he picked me up , my eyes move lower to check out the price ticket and my heart automatically thumps wildly in my chest. Three hundred the ticket read three hundred , anger swamps me as I looked at all the other mowers I see non on sale. Plus at the end was one in my budget yea not fancy like the one I had the basically glided across the grass no raking or anything after except empty it , it did all the picking up from me.  The one in my budget wouldn’t , I try to reason with myself that maybe the sale had just ended but why would they sell a mower so cheap one day then back to four hundred the next day. I was having an internal battle dumbly stood staring at the mowers when I hear a voice that startles me. “ Can I help you miss ?” I look to see the older gentleman from the counter earlier.  He had greying hair and a genuine warm smile , you could just tell he was a gentle soul. So I force myself not to take my internal anger out on him and smile back sweetly glancing at his name badge I see the name Doug. So I’m guessing he’s the owner perfect  I think to myself he will know the answer to my question. “ Hi Doug “ I say genuinely nice to him “ I’ve just moved into to town so just picking up a few bits and I need a mower , this one here at three hundred I’m sure a friend told me it’s the best one she has it. Not long since bought it actually but I’m sure she said it was cheaper, so maybe I’m looking at the wrong one or there’s been a sale on or something “ . I was lying point blank lying but it served a purpose and it’s not a lie to hurt anyone well except maybe Adam.  The old man shakes his head “ No there hasn’t been a sale , that’s always been the price “ he goes to carry on talking then slams his mouth shut. He seems to be sniffing the air or that’s what it looks like , he looks at me in confusion. I’m about to ask what’s wrong when it looks like some sort of realisation hits him. “ Did you move in next to Adam ?” He asks accusing, my heart nearly stops in my chest at what I think has just happened. Me being caught in a lie , heat floods my cheeks and he smiles nodding.  “ Thought so , errmmm yea we did a flash sale on those ones too many in the stock room taking up a lot of room so we needed to get rid. Adam was lucky he came in when he did he got the last one at that price it was a bargain “ he says back to smiling. Heat floods my cheeks at being caught , but he doesn’t pull me on it. Instead he turns around and calls over his shoulder “ just shout if you need help “ he says.  I take my time going to the counter to pay , when I finally do he just asks me how the house was getting on and told me because I live in the village I get a discount of twenty percent off. It shocks me but I smile grateful and actually decide I really like him, not just because I got a discount but because he seems really nice. He made me feel comfortable I even asked him on a few tips on how to fix some rotting wood I found on the porch.  He told me he was going to the barbecue at Kyle and Liams house Saturday he’d pop over the fence and take a look for me then he could advice me better. When I finally leave the shop I know where over my little lie and I know I’ve got to get over myself and actually  believe Adam  even if I didn’t. So I call at an atm I see on my way home and get out the hundred and sixty Adam said the price had been.  Doug’s little slip up made me think he was covering for Adam, had to be but he obviously had his friends covering for him too.  I’d planned to pay him Saturday at the barbecue regardless but out of being stubborn I’d not done it before.  I relented to the fact I was going I one hundred percent believe Kyle would drag me over and that would be an embarrassing way to enter a party. I’d rather walk in on my own two legs, pulling up at home I’m ready to admit defeat on this one though.  Until I see a smug looking Adam stood on his front porch arms crossed staring at me , he shakes his head and mouths “nice try “ at me.  Getting out the car earlier anger back in full swing I grab my bag out of the car and slam the door. My feet are already stomping me round to Adams house up his path and onto his porch so I’m stood directly in front of him.  He raises an eye brow at me still smiling “ Can I help you Chelsea ?” He asks his voice low , deep seductive. 
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