Chapter 10

1371 Words
He drinks his wine down in one and then places the glass on the table in front of us, looking around the room with curiosity . “What’s your plans for here then ?” Safe, he was keeping the conversation safe. Away from drama just like I’d asked him to. Looking around the room at the old yellow decor from smoke, I smiled, “ I’ve just been there and bought all the stuff today. That’s what I went to Doug’s for. I bought silver blue and white. I want to make it classy. But I’m scared about what will be behind the walls once I remove all this yellow wallpaper “ I voice a concern I have considering the age of the house and this was the only room with wall paper in. I was scared there was a reason for that. He shrugs “ the old man had it plastered around ten years back if I remember right, so you should be OK “ he says off handily, his eyes still scanning the walls, not knowing that he had just flagged questions . “ Ten years ? How long have you lived here for ?” I asked him, confused. He only looked roughly my age, maybe a little older . I see him a little tense,but he relaxes then looks at me with an easy-going smile . He clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck. “Well, I’ve lived here I’d say around five years, but the house next door was my grandfather's, I was here a lot and the old man here was my grandfather’s friend, so I remembered him doing it from that. I inherited the house when my grandfather passed “, he stands up abruptly, scaring me and making me jump “ I’ll go bring the wine bottle that went down.Too nice and too quick “ he says, shaking the glass at me in explanation. He says it rushed, walking out of the room , he’s back in though seconds later looking relaxed but I’d seen the slight tensing the fidgeting. Maybe his grandfather was a touchy subject for him, I think. So I quickly changed the subject, not wanting the atmosphere to turn awkward , for once we were actually being civil. “ So what do you do for work ?” I asked him as he was filling both of our glasses and sitting back down. He takes another sip and crosses his ankle over his knee, looking back up at me a little guarded. “Well, bits of all sorts I suppose , I invest, I’m good at numbers. I’m also a trained fitness trainer and I’m still studying on the side. Grandfather left me quite a bit, so I guess I don’t have to worry much “ he shrugs, “ But let’s talk about you “, he smiles charmingly. That’s how the next hour went. He asked me questions and deflected any I asked him. The more time that went on, the more I realised he didn’t like talking about himself at all. He asked where I’d lived before , my parents, everything and weirdly I told him everything, literally everything . Even the things I never spoke to anyone about , like how I felt about my parents and their deaths. The whole time, not breaking eye contact with him, his eyes seemed dark again , and fixed on mine, never blinking, never breaking our gaze as he asked me question after question. I could hear the words flowing out of my mouth , but yet my brain was screaming at me to stop. Why was I being so open? It felt almost trans-like. I could only think of describing it as hypnotising, like he had hypnotised me to tell him anything he asked. “ Who is Frank to you ?” He asks , my brain snaps at him. “ I told you not to talk about him plus it’s nothing to do with you , stop it“. Yet my mouth spoke “ He’s just my boss , he has a wife but he’s always shown his interest in me I have no idea why his wife's gorgeous. Lately, it’s gotten worse. He offered me an assistant job that I knew was a mistake to take. But it was my shot at getting somewhere. I want to be a full-time assistant just not to him. I’m hoping the other seniors see I’m doing a good job and set me on. If the price to pay is a few months of Franks advances that I rebuff, then I’m willing to pay that price no matter how much he creeps me out “. His face hardened in anger. “ So he’s using your desperation for his own gain so you can land your dream job “ his voice was hard and angry. My mouth, on the other hand, continued its word vomit “ it’s not my dream job. My dream job is to be a nurse . But I couldn’t go to university. I had to work to earn money and help auntie so I did a fake dream job in my head to cope with losing that dream. Yes, Franks is doing just that “. What the f**k was happening and why ? Why was I telling him all of this ? He sighs. He didn’t look away, but from his expression I could tell he was warring with himself. “ I’m going to regret asking this but f**k it , why do you not like me Chelsea ? “Don’t please don’t say it, I beg my traitorous mouth in my mind. But I don’t f*****g listen “ I don’t hate you , I just hate how you play with me, calling me pretty and stuff. I know your lying. There is no way a man like you would ever want me. Plus, I can never seem to get attached to anyone. I once saw a therapist and she said it was from fear of them leaving me like my mum and dad did. It’s a deep-rooted fear. Therefore, I pull away before they can mean too much to hurt me when they leave. I believe she was right. The only constant in my life was Auntie Alison “. He nods his head and bites his bottom lip “OK Chelsea, time for you to go to sleep , I’ve heard enough. When you wake up you won’t remember this, it will be more like a dream. I’m sorry I invaded your privacy this way but I had to know “. He leaned forward slowly , so f*****g slowly , I was screaming. What you have done to me , in my mind, but my body remained still. Until his warm lips slowly brushed against mine in the faintest kiss , then even my mind shut up to pay attention. “ Good night Chelsea “ he whispered against my lips , then I felt myself getting dragged into darkness. My brain became foggy and my limbs turned to jello. My back meets soft cushions as the last bit of consciousness seeps away and I drop into a peaceful slumber. Even in sleep, I feel my body being easily picked up by a strong set of arms , I’m hoisted into the air like I weighed nothing, my side plastered against a hard warm body. Then I feel myself jerk repeatedly like I was being carried up steps and more softness on my back , a warm heavy blanket gets put over me. Then another soft brush of warm lips against mine. “ Time to dream my sassy little princess “, his sexy voice said in a faint, gentle voice that sounded like it had drifted away in the wind or something, then the lips were gone. Images start playing through my mind of me and Adam back down stairs drinking, laughing , more drinks and us joking and playing silly games. Then he helped a drunk me to bed , him laughing as I stumbled all over, then back to darkness as the drunk me passed out.
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