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Theo expected the party to go the same way most parties she was dragged into by her brothers went. Not that she had been dragged into a lot of parties in her life, but there had been uneventful times where one of the boys had ended up forcing her to go out to some dumb party with them because she was too young and there was nobody to baby sit her, but all that had been below the age of 14 and since then the only time she had been in a party is whenever the boys threw it at their own house, which was quite often too. So yeah the conclusion is she knew how things went and what she would end up doing eventually. The boys would be following her around for the first 5 minutes wanting to make sure that she was okay and there were no unwanted attention on her from strangers, but eventually they would realize Theo was going to be the grumpy potato she was and would leave her alone to do less grumpy potato stuff. She had expected just that, maybe Damien would hang around her more than that because he was the less asshole out of all 3 of the boys she was with. But no, Nope, Life had something against her, it went the exact opposite of her expectation. So there she was, Squished between Hayden and some random girl who was trying to have a flirty conversation with Hayden while his supposed to be girlfriend was standing there mortified with the whole situation between them. She don’t really remember how they ended up this way, just that apparently Pattie had wanted to ‘get to know her’ and by Pattie Hayden meant Pattie and the rest of her equally mortifying sidekicks. Now don’t get her wrong, she had nothing against the genuine cheer leader ‘I am so hot’ type of girls of their school, they were fairly nice, they weren’t like the ‘bitchy bullies’ media portrayed them to be and had nothing against Theo. They even smiled at her while passing through the hall ways (it was usually because she was the sister of their fantasy boyfriends), she never gad to actually converse with them, and they left her alone to her own anti-social awkwardness, they had a pretty good relationship and Theo was completely okay with that. Yes they were loud and opinioned most of the time but nobody was perfect. But right now she would not mind driving a bus through each of their houses, repeatedly, there is only so much a girl can take before she goes on a killing spree and she was getting easily both jealous and angry by the way the girls threw themselves at her crush. It had started of nicely, the girls introducing themselves with a beaming smile and quick handshake, but before Theo couldn’t actually muster up the guts to say her own name to the group they had completely ignored her and had started flirting with Hayden. Theo was having a headache and she was starting to ponder on all the ways of escaping from the house, she reckons Damien would help her, that is if she manages to find him at least. Theo is snapped off from her thoughts by her name being called by Hayden, who looks just as bored as her but somehow managed to pull of the bored look and looks bloody ravishing. She hated him so much, so f*****g much. “W-What?” Theo asks looking up at the boy. “Pat asked you a question” he says in his usual broody look, looking both bored and annoyed at the same time yet looking so damn good. “I asked how you two met silly, Hay could have explained it but he insisted you tell their story better” Pattie’s says and she notices the pet name. Pat and Hay, they didn’t sound so good, it seemed like a relationship between an old bald farmer and his chicken, named Hay. Theo looks towards Hayden again, but he had his broody asshole look on, but by the way his hand is squeezing her smaller ones she knew in the inside he was freaking out and begging her to make something up. But Theo don’t really know what to say, so she tells the truth, “Um, Hayden and my brother, Des were like really good friends from since like birth so he basically grew up in our house, and his mom used to babysit me and my brothers as we grew up so we basically were raised around each other. I have known him all my life, like literally” She stumbles out and Hayden stops squeezing her hands, she hates herself for missing that touch. The girls around them coo and Theo feels herself blushing for some weird reason, she doesn’t even know where she is getting the courage to even say these words without stuttering. “Aww, then how did you know you were in love with him?” One of the girls asks and she seems genuinely interested. “Ah-Umm -I Kind of like didn’t, like it was always there somehow but you never really knew it. And as time passes on you start to notice dumb things and you realize you are having completely different feelings than you probably should. Like you know every smile isn’t just smiles anymore, like it held a secret meaning and you hang on to it so badly, I Just felt that I guess, things started changing and suddenly –Suddenly he wasn’t that dumb-idiotic best friend of my brother, he was so much more and there were never really words to describe it” Theo end up rambling on and she want to slap herself as soon as she realizes what she just said, she just literally told then the 100% truth, she feels Hayden eyes on her but looks down not wanting to face him then. “That’s so beautiful, god you guys are so perfect. I wanna find myself a Hayden too” Pattie says with a squeaky laugh at the end and the other join in on it soon enough. Theo wants to say it’s impossible, tell Pattie that she would never find another Hayden no matter how long and how hard she searches, he was basically carved by the angels themselves, both inside and outside. Okay, maybe he did get corrupted by the devil at some point but Theo knows his heart, knows how amazing he is and all his flaws and quirks and talents. Knows how he speaks through his eyes and never trust anyone unless they have seen him at his weakest, knows how he feels alone at times even thro8ugh he is always surrounded by people, knows his sadness, guilt, anger and everything in-between. She has spent days and nights thinking about those aimlessly, she could write you million paged books with no spaces about him if you asked her to. And it’s because she knows all this that she is so recklessly, helplessly, completely in love with him. “You two are adorable I tell ya, a bit different and well very unlikely-But yeah-Cute. I am so glad we are best friend Theo” Pattie says once again with the same squeaky laugh and Theo thinks of how they have barley exchanged 20 words after they met to become best friends. But she doesn’t say anything just give a fake smile and hopes that satisfy, after all everything is fake, all she can be is fake. She doesn’t remember the rest of the conversation and after a while, Hayden makes up some excuse and manages to get the both out of the circle and into the party. “That was really good- what you said to them, actual novel writing stuff- I seriously owe you so much.” He says before ruffling up her hair affectionately and just like that he leaves her to be, but before he completely disappears he looks back just one time and gives her that genuine smile and Theo returns it back. It still held that secret meaning to her and she is still hanging on to it oh so desperately. The party was just as she thought it would be, Loud and wild with people dancing around to songs which had lost its meaning due to the s**t loads of remixing it had went through. Theo finds Des somewhere in the crowd and he hands her a coke telling her to let lose before he too is disappearing into the crowd of people, Theo had just settled into a less crowded corner of the house, seating herself in a comfy looking couch at the very corner so she can wallow in self-pity over how Hayden is probably all over some random girl. But clearly Damien’s timing has something against her self-pity moods, the boy seats himself basically on her freaking lap before Theo even had the time to process the weight on her leg is Damien. “Oh for god sake you weight a ton, get off me” Theo end up saying with a light laugh before pushing the boy away from her lap and into the couch. “You seemed all sad” He says as a form of explanation. “So you decided to freaking sit on me, great morals you have Dames,. I wonder why you aren’t locked in a mental institution already” Theo replies that smile intact. “Got you laughing, didn’t I ?” he asks and Theo realizes she is still having that small laugh left on her. “I suppose” she end up saying before a friendly silence rakes over them. “So what where you up to while I was being questioned as Hayden Brettmores ‘Girlfriend’” Theo asks and putting air quotes on the word girlfriend. “Met some dudes from school danced a bit, talked a lot. Nothing big. Clearly not anything as interesting as you” He says with wide eyes at her and Theo just rolls her eyes. “Oh, it’s interesting all right, very” she replies sarcastically as she plays with a loose thread on her worn out jeans. It’s not visible, not in the dim neon red lights but she can feel it on her fingertips, already having picked at it for so long. They stay like that next to each other for a few minutes. “You don’t have to stay here you know, go and have fun or whatever” Theo reminds him after a few minutes, her eyes focused on the crowds. “And leave you to have all the fun with this awesome couch, never” Damien says and Theo smiles. “Hey, my relationship with this couch is very exclusive, you are just an intruder and you are being very rude, hurting our feelings you are” she says playing along with him. He laughs out loud nothing holding him back, Theo suspects he already had something to drink. “I shall woo this couch with all my charming ways, you’ll see, besides I am your date” he says almost like he is proud of the word. “Trust me this is the last place id take you to if it was a date” Theo says absent mindedly “Then where would you take someone on a first date?” He asks now his eyes focused on her. “I don’t know. I haven’t dated anyone. Anywhere but here I suppose. Is it sad that this is my actual ‘kind of like date and I despise it?” she asks the other boy still not facing him. “Yeah, maybe a little. But hey it’s not over yet” Damien answers. “Yeah, you are right. Hayden is probably having a wonderful time, at least he is happy” Theo sighs. “Hayden would be a horrible boyfriend” Damien concludes after a while. “No he won’t, he’d be different. He wouldn’t be like everybody else, he would be special. Bet he has some awesome tricks up his sleeve if he really wants to impress a girl” Theo end up saying and she realizes her mouth has been saying a lot of things she didn’t want to. But she is always defensive about Hayden. That’s when she finally faces Damien and he looks unfocused, like he wants to say something but he can’t get it out. But after a few more seconds he finally breaks his silence. “You wanna play rock, paper, scissors?” he asks and Theo laughs. “Yeah, that’s be cool” she says before the both turn and sit facing each other before indulging themselves in an international league worthy game of rock paper scissors. Maybe the night won’t be as bad as she thought it would be, yeah its unexpected, but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t like it. In fact she likes it very much as Damien breaks out a scissors that is made out of titanium that can cut through rock. (she proclaims the piece of rock she is holding is made up of diamond in return, no one really wins and that’s okay)
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