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Theo spends an uncanny amount of time in the bleachers of their schools stadium for a person who has the sports skills that could make a snail look like a champion when compared to her and moreover has literally no interest in sports or any of its relatives. This is closely tied to the fact that she can’t drive if her life depended on it and all 3 of her brothers (who are usually her drivers when in need) are giant athletic jocks who are very much present in the school’s sports section and they always have practice after school hours. Theo had to do this a lot, even before high school started and her dad was the one who used to pick them up from the school. The boys even then had practice and would be needed to stay over and she would be forced to wait for them as her father could both save gas and also his energy. He still acted as a lazy teenager sometimes, but the kids don’t mind, well at least sometimes. Usually Damien would drive her home. He had been driving her since the beginning of the year at least. But unluckily enough the boy had gotten detention due to some project that was way past its submission date. So yeah, in short Theo was stuck in the bleachers while her brothers and Hayden ran around some ball like madmen as she did her homework. It’s not like she hated it completely, clearly she could watch Hayden, usually shirtless and sweating and that was a definite plus point as ‘stalking while practice’ was called ‘watching them practice’. It’s kind of painful too as girls would horde Damien if he scored a goal or even manages a good pass really, and well Theo would have to watch it as random girls hugged and kissed him as if he had won the world cup rather than scored a goal in practice. But Theo had realized Life was not fair soon enough, especially around the time Hayden hit puberty and her innocent, not so serious crush boomed into ‘god I would jump off a cliff if you smiled’ kind of love. Other than that, the time was really productive to complete her works and get started on her readings, that is if you learned to ignore all the shouts, cheers and many other pointless noises let out by grown ass boys for kicking a ball into a net and Theo by that point of her life was fairly good at that by her magnificent adaption skills and by the new invention of noise cancelling head phones. So yeah, it was sufferable and Theo could work with sufferable with a minimum amount of whining. But some days she just wanted to lay in her bed and laze away and the bleachers could never provide her of that. It had been one of those days and Theo questioned if she would have just went with Eva but when the both of them get together nothing would ever get done and apparently Eva’s relatives were visiting, and well lest just say Eva had a peculiar type of family that Theo as well as any good natured rational minded person tries to steer clear from. Theo was reliving every super awkward and horrifying memory she had had with Eva’s family, the ear phones were intact and she had two three books out all at once. So clearly she didn’t notice the person sitting next to her until she looks up from her books just to be stunned frozen by the strange look Hayden in giving her. Then she turns around to see Pattie sitting next to her chatting animatedly while waving at Hayden. She clearly hadn’t noticed the ear phones, the black wires clearly hidden by her own black mess of a devil people liked to call hair. She quickly takes out her earphones and pretends she was listening to the other girls’ oh so important ramblings. Luckily enough, from what she catches at the end it was something about the cheer squad and Pattie’s attention is quickly diverted as the boys start to play again in the field, preventing Theo from the tragedy of replying back. Theo tries to listen, she swears she does. It’s just that half way through it all sound gibberish and she can barely understand Pattie when she is speaking normal s**t and when there is sports involved Theo haven’t got a chance, it’s a bit similar to listening to a Chinese person. “Yeah” Theo says weekly when she finally stops her rant and looks at Theo expectantly. Then the awkwardness sets in, it’s not Theo’s fault, it’s just whenever a stranger comes and talks to her it will always be awkward. Theo can’t hold a genuine conversation with another homo sapien unless she has known the person for at least a year with the exception of Damien and his magically charming ways, besides Damien is so much like her for her to feel weird around him. So yeah, it’s the awkward silence thing. Where both of them sit mortified, having nothing to say as they just stare anywhere but each other’s’ face. Besides Theo didn’t even start the conversation it was Pattie who came and sat herself next to Theo, clearly ignoring her bag and all the books she had littering around in the seats that surrounded her. There is a chair in-between both of them that avoids all physical contact and she doesn’t know if that seat makes things awkward or easier. Theo notices Pattie is in her cheer uniform and thinks of congratulating her in making captain or say some s**t about cheerleading, then she realizes she knows nothing about cheerleading to begin with and when she is deeply contemplating on complimenting her, Pattie turns her with a smile, a smile that has Theo gulping for some unknown reason. And it also seem, the awkwardness is only felt on one side as Pattie turns her attention back to the field and start talking again as if the past four minutes of complete awkwardness was something Theo’s deluded brain made up rather than real life mortification. Well then. “Hayden is so hot” she says and Theo would have done the whole chocking and spiting thing people does in the movies if she had been eating something, she had never in her life thought she would relate to situation from movie, but hey there is always a first for everything right. She has no idea what she should say or do, what does a normal girlfriend do when someone who clearly has eyes for their boyfriend compliments him in a evidently s****l wee that basically screamed ‘ I want to bang him so bad. Theo could be overreacting, didn’t people compliment taken people like all the time. If ‘your boyfriend is so cute’ is allowed then why not ‘hot’. Yeah, Theo was just taking a super-fast jet into the wrong conclusions. “Yeah” she says again because apparently that was the only word present in her vocabulary at the movement. “Like-god-he is just a s*x god with those abs, and color bones and his V line and f**k… is he even real?. And god him in wet shirt is just…ugh..… just leaves me speechless you know. I feel honored I get to see him shirtless even though I can’t touch anything anymore” Pattie says and Theo wants to scream at her she knows, like please it’s not like Pattie is the one who sat there for the past 3 years of her life watching the same thing and noting every tiny change that took place in that body. She could write a thesis on his body if she wanted to but Theo also knows he could be in the body of a maggot and she wouldn’t stop loving him any less. She is once again mortified and a blush covers her cheeks from god knows what, embarrassment? Anger?, Arousal?, Everything at once? Ebrangrousal? “Like, I know i had him-And oh did I have him. The guy has like no refractory period, I had never come so much in my life. That night at New York was the best night of my life. let me tell you he is seriously a god in bed. Just the things he could do with those fingers, you don’t even want to talk about his tongue, its sin, I tell you everything about him. And lips, god his lips is what I would call heaven” and Theo covers down on her seat pulling down the large shirt she was wearing and hoping the collar of her shirt would cover her whole face. The worst part is she has no idea what the f**k she should say, should she berate her over lusting after her supposed boyfriend, or is this some kind of girl code where girls can obsess over each other’s’ boyfriends and tell how good they are in bed, she hadn’t done this s**t with Eva or Roxie, all 3 of them can’t even hold a boyfriend for 3 weeks straight to talk about their s****l encounters .in fact the only s****l encounter shared among them was Eva’s and there was usually three words that left her best friend’s mouth. Even Roxie who had a few boyfriends along the way kept her mouth shut and started blushing at the mentioning of s*x. And then there was Theo, total virgin a having no knowledge of anything. Perfect. Just Perrr-f*****g –fect Pattie doesn’t stop, she has a whole speech planned about Hayden in bed, sometimes adding her own moans and grunts as if adding audio effects to a cartoon and Theo tries to think of other things that are not related to Hayden, but her words catch her off-guard and her loud moans has Theo scarred for life and she thinks she had started shivering by then. It seems to drag on forever and Theo is now franticly pulling the lose strings of her worn out jeans and thinking of all horrifying bad memories with Eva’s relatives deliberately with all her consent, but this time these memories bring her comfort and happiness as it distracts her from Pattie’s words. And by that time Theo has internally killed herself of regret of not going with Eva and hanging with her crazy relatives who seems as reincarnations of angels now. Theo is so uncomfortable that she didn’t know what the word uncomfortable meant until this point of her life and she is praying to god above that she don’t end up crying by the end of Pattie’s 180000 years long speech about how good Hayden is in bed and the moans make everything worse. And when she finally feels as though she is going to start crying Pattie turns to her with a bloody infuriating smile that has Theo feeling like she has no bones in her body. “What about you?” she asks and Theo can’t really reply so she makes a sound similar to an animal being gutted in a swift motion. “You, in bed-How is he is bed with you? Is he the crazy Greek god or-” she asks and Theo had never in her life considered suicide as a serious option, she knows there are better answers than that but at that very second suicides doesn’t seem that bad. Theo stares on at Pattie with pure horror burning in her eyes. “You have had s*x right-I mean with how long you have known each other I am guessing you would have started by 12 or something” Theo wants to point out at 12 Theo still believed babies were magically imported into their parents belly when god was convinced two people loved each other (her dad was really low on the whole birds and the bees thing, especially when it came to the only girl in the house. And the only reason she survived her first menstrual cycle is because Eva hit her periods like a year before her and she and her crazy but amazing mother was the ones who helped her through her s**t, not because guys couldn’t take care of their daughter in such way, But because her father was a stuttering i***t and she obviously shared the same gene when it came to awkward conversations). Theo makes the same gutted sound, this time a dub step version of it and Pattie finally has a knowing look in her eyes and she seems shocked and looks at Theo like she is missing a very efficient part of her body or had grown magically horns on her face. “No way-NO-OH –YOU-Never-I-God, like seriously?. You’ve never had s*x?. Oh my god. Wait till the girls hear about this” she says and starts laughing out loud and Theo has never felt so low in her life, burning of embarrassment hoping the ground splits and swallow her whole. “Are you even like real-like who one earth would wait when you have something like him- no wonder he was so willing to cheat on you, a guy has got to get some right, my poor baby—Actually now everything makes sense, he wants you because-Oh. Um I mean that’s sad, that’s really sad. Like kind of like pathetic but extremely sad” Pattie says doing a weird transition of surprised to happy to shocked and finally pity and despair that has Theo feeling like total and utter piece of s**t. She don’t care if she have to walk back home from now onwards but she is never ever in her whole life ever going to stay back after school. Not if there was a zombie apocalypse and the bleachers was the only safe place on earth were a person could live happily, not if all her favorite candy and deserts started spitting out of thin air at the bleachers, not if her life depended on it. “I don’t know anyone who waits like that- Are you waiting or does nobody even wants to come near you?-That’s understanble-Now everything makes sense actually-This is great, oh I can’t wait to tell the rest of the girls” Pattie continues on with the excitement if someone winning a lottery. She is not sure is Pattie is even talking to her at that point, but her words slowly starts hurting as much as it embarrasses her. She is so busy looking at the ground like if she concentrates hard enough she will disappear and never have to appear on planet earth ever again that she doesn’t notice another person standing next to her until there is an arm on her shoulders and she swears if it is Hayden she will start screaming just out of the pure pain of the situation. But she looks up, her eyes wide, scared and embarrassed to see Destin standing behind her, his eyes focused in a glare towards Pattie that has her shutting up instantly. Tyler and Ron are behind him their own bags ready now changed into normal cloths. “You ready to leave, practice is done” Destin says but doesn’t takes his eyes off the intense glare he is shooting at Pattie. Theo wonders if he heard what Pattie had said but that honestly is the last thing on her mind as she fumbles and fails, blushing and shivering as she stuffs her books in bag, and she just shoves it in, not caring if the pages are tearing or her homework is flying away. Tyler and Ron are quick to jump in and help her something they never does, when normally they just laugh and tries to get more paper flying away so that Theo would chase after it frantically like a i***t and they would laugh. There is the same fevering rush in their eyes as they get her books and Tyler takes her bag from her before she is jumping out to Destin’s side and quickly there is an arm wrapping around her shoulders. “Let’s go” Ron says and Theo can’t even nod everything still so fresh and luckily Destin let’s her burry into his chest as much as she wants and she don’t even care about his bad smelling deodorant as she hides her flaming cheeks. Destin says something in a low dangerous tone that Theo just can’t make out before they leave and Destin places a soothing kiss on her forehead as they head out to the parking lot, no words are said and no conversation is sprung up like usual and Theo don’t know whether they heard and whether she should be embarrassed., but at that moment she don’t care and lets Destin kiss her forehead and pretends everything is alright within his arms. Usually Destin don’t let anyone drive his car, but this time he gets in the back seat with her as Ron pulls out the car from the parking lot. She remembers finally emerging out of her brother shirt and feeling like s**t as she realizes the cheerleaders were looking on to the whole conversation. She barely last a few seconds staring out through the window sadly before Destin is pulling her back to him again and everything is forgotten as small banter starts up, at least she pretends to. That night she doesn’t sleep…
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