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Chapter-5 Pattie is not in any way a horrible person, she has a loud laugh, bright eyes, long hair and overall is wonderful and attractive and simply nice. She is quickly crowed as the queen bee of the school and has bagged the head cheerleader spot within days and over all managed to woo everyone. She is in no way mean or rude to Theo, they don’t see each other often seeing as she is senior and hangs in a different universe than Theo. And the few times where they do meet, there will be small smiles exchanged or both of them would completely ignore each other. So yeah, Theo hadn’t had much of a problem with the girl, other than of Corse the whole fake dating thing. The problem Theo does have is with the beautifully wonderful moron she had to fake date (as with most things in life). “No-NO-No, absolutely No Hayden. We are not talking about this, I thought we cleared this like yesterday and promised never to speak of it, ever” Theo says as she fights the urge to slap the boy on head because how hard is it for him to get a simple fact through his thick, useless-but pretty- head. “Come on Thee, Please-Please-, ill beg of you, like ill fall on my knees and kiss your feet. Please Theo. Just one party, that’s all you have to do. Just come with me” He says flailing around while at the same time looking around to see whether Pattie would walk through. “No Hayden., Leave me alone, I thought we only did this in front of Pattie and last time I checked Pattie is not here. Meaning I have better things to do. Come on Hayden” She says again as she groans finally placing her head on her locker as she lets out a loud groan at the frustration the boy is causing her. “Yes, that’s why I need you. I haven’t been to a party in ages. Which means I haven’t gotten laid in ages and I can’t got to a party to get laid without you, Pattie is basically invited to almost every freaking thing that she will suspect something is up of I don’t bring you along. There is only so much time I can tell her that you are sick or you have a pile of homework” Hayden says as if Theo is the one who is being unreasonable and over all stupid. “I do have homework” Theo exclaims knowing the ages the boy speaks of will probably be less than the week they have been ‘dating’, and it can’t even be called that, the only time they are a couple is when Pattie is around and Theo will have an arm thrown either around her shoulders or her waist and when thing get to an extreme level a loud and sloppy kiss will be placed on her cheeks not so lightly. Theo have learned so much self-control in just the past week than in her whole damn life, after all it take a lot of self-respect and force of will not to either punch the boy in the gut for dong this s**t to her or just kiss his guts out for doing this to her. Life is torturous around him, she hates the way she sweats at his sight, she hates the way she flinches at his sweet words knowing its all for Pattie to hear and as soon as she is gone he will be somewhere else around another girl saying the same thing. So no it’s not exactly ages and Theo knows that very well, she has seen the girls following him around when Pattie is in the far corner of the school. “Seriously Theo, I have known you for years ,you are going to spend the weekend watching dumb shows locked up in your room, the only ‘party’ in your life is when you and Eva get together and play video games our something. No offence babe, but you are a bit of loser and I need to get laid” Theo groans again as she flames up at his words, trying forcefully not to melt at the word babe. He isn’t allowed to do that either, but then again he is an asshole so apparently the world takes all his shitty excuses and makes her suffer. The babe thing is something new he has picked up on , Theo never had the heart to return it knowing it will drive her crazy when all this blows over and she will be left to pick up the piece. Theo has to contain herself when he uses word like that and make sure she don’t look like a sick puppy so damn in love with him. “Hayden-“ she stars again now not facing the boy her voice so helpless and lost, she feels like she wants to end this right here and now because she can’t hear him use these words again, and she knows very well if she does go to this horrible party she will have to watch as he used the same words on other girls and have them follow him around just like he has Theo on his leash. She feels like ending this right now for her own good when someone is interrupting them with a loud hello and an illuminating smile. “Hey Theo, Broody Asshole who can’t afford a f*****g a haircut. You guys breaking up any soon?” It’s Damien and Theo is surprised how easily the boy manages to take away half her stress by just being there. Damien is bit like music, Theo had theorized after a few days of meeting him, most of the time he might not make much sense and will have bullshit lyrics, but the guy is just simply soothing and can quickly lift up your mood for no actual reason. “None of your business you little-“Theo knows Hayden and Damien are about to go into one of their own hissy fits and although their fits can be quite amusing with the profound and original insult and swears they have for each other, Theo already has a giant headache and she has no intention of self-torture at that particular movement of the day. That’s when electricity finally passes to her brain and that little white bulb at the top of your head which is 99% of the time in her case lights up. “Dames comes with me, Yeah, I’ll come with you to the party if I can take him along” she concludes patting herself internally for that genius idea. There is no way in hell Hayden will say yes to taking Damien along to the party, the guys last a total of 10 seconds looking at each other before one is trying to kill the other. “Cool-Umm what are we talking about again?” Damien asks having absolutely no idea what the hell is going on but is strangely pleased at the very displeased look on Hayden’s face at Theo’s words. “No-Absolute not-Not in a million year, I’d rather die than let you take along this asswipe” He says all serious all of a sudden glaring at Damien. “Well then cancel this asswipe off your list too” Theo says as a new found smile takes her lips moving towards Damien happily. Damien returns the smile glad he could somehow make her happy although he has no idea how. “No, No-Theo, don’t be like that Babe. Please-Come on, we talked about this-You can’t bring him-Be serious” he begs again. “He comes if I come” she says in a stricter tone that has a strong dose of finality in it. “No, you can’t bring him along, you are my date, my date can’t have another date” he proclaims all stressed out like Theo is being absolutely ridiculous. Theo doesn’t bulge just stands there closer to him. “You can take Eva along, please just not him” He says finally, now he is the one having the helpless look. “Eva is busy doing family s**t” Theo says with a shrug “He probably is busy too” Hayden announces with a self-agreeing nod. “Dames are you free this Friday night?. There is this party-“Damien don’t even let her finish before he is jumping at the idea. “Absolutely, I am completely free, without a doubt free, freer that a bird, not a caged bird you know an uncaged wild bird circling the horizons of the word. Absolutely free” he says trying to show his agreement when in reality he thinks of how he has 3 assignments to finish and that Math text paper to study. Nah, his grades could wait. “He is free” Theo says again just so she can and Hayden kicks one of the lockers with an undeniably power force of a wrestler. “I hate you, I hate you just as much as I hate him sometimes. Fine you can bring that asshole along” Hayden says as he winces at the pain caused by the force as he grumbles under his breath and finally leaves with an angry look on his face. Theo just sighs at how much his words pierce into her hurt and makes her breathe a little low although she is sure he hadn’t meant it. “Hate and Hate will cancel each other to make love, so do you want to make love?” Damien asks making her chuckle as they watch Hayden retreating figure that is now emitting out a not so PG rated version of curse words as he cradle his fist as well as his ego. “You are not even funny, At least you are my asshole” she says simply as they both walk towards whatever periods they have next…. ****************** Hayden is not all that surprised to see a pile of blankets and 2 sleeping bodies curled together into each other with awkward limbs and bones flailing around each other on the couch as soon as he enters the ever famous Camryn residence. He has been there enough times that the sight is not weird or even surprising anymore. The Camryns have no personal space or a sleep schedule. And that is the reason 2 of them are on the couch, with junk food basically flying everywhere as some cheap reality show is playing on the which is not even being watched. It’s after he notice one of the sleeping body is his date for the night he actually is surprised, they are meant to be at the party in 10 minutes and here is his ever so wonderful date curled into her brother’s side with a moustache and other silly drawing on her face (curtsey of Destin or Ron because Tyler is curled into her with the same silly drawing on his face too) and smelling of cheesy Doritos. He groans again as he face palms himself, something he has been doing a lot after he started fake dating the said girl. “Seriously?” he asks himself and he is just about to go and wake her up when he hears a laugh from Destin from the other end of the room, who looks all dressed up and ready to the party. “You could not have woke her up? what the hell dude?” Hayden asks his best friend who looks at them amused. “Oops, sorry I kind of forgot” and Hayden knows he didn’t, Hayden knows Destin lives for seeing his torture and he is having such fun making his life a miserable hell. Hayden mumbles something about needing new best friends in his life as he goes to wake the sleeping siblings up, but apparently being raised around obnoxious boys who only know to sleep and eat means she is one too, Theo also shares the same genes after all. She is a heavy sleeper, a very heavy sleeper and he tries to tickles the girl awake and even pulls her off the grip the other boy has got on her waist, but in return Tyler pulls her in even closer telling him to f**k off. The situation is apparently hilarious to Des who does not stop laughing, Hayden wants to kill someone, and hopefully it will be Destin himself by his current behavior. “Come on, you ass, get off and help me wake her lazy ass up” Hayden complains groaning as Tyler bits his finger at another miserable try on waking the sleeping bodies up. “Hey that Lazy ass is saving your ungrateful ass today, so you better watch your words” Des says still laughing but a hint of warning in his words that make Hayden back off just a bit. He was always taken by how much they loved each other, their sibling relationship was one of a kind and Hayden was jealous more than once. “Now stop torturing my baby siblings. You wake em up in the most gentle and kind was possible” Destin says as he pushes away Hayden’s hand that is pocking away at their side. Apparently ‘the gentle and kind way’ according to Des is tilting the couch so that both the bodies in it will end up falling to the ground moaning in pain. “What the hell you asshole” Tyler is obviously the one to react first taking most of the fall, Theo protected by his chest and hanging on to it in way of falling back asleep. “Theo’s got duty” Des says simply before leaving the room. “Theo, get up, we are already late and we also have to pick up that asshole” Hayden commands to the girl who is finally free of Tyler’s grasp. Theo Yawns sleepily as Tyler gets up from the floor. Hayden would describe it as cute, she has little cat whiskers drawn on her face and her hair is mess and all she do is scratch her chin while she looks at Hayden and an angrily fuming Tyler. And her tiny sleepy voice can melt anyone’s heart because if anything she is adorable, Hayden snaps himself out of his crazy train of thoughts, clearly fake dating his best friend’s little sister is driving him both paranoid and crazy. “What?” She asks as Tyler gets up, punches Hayden in the shoulder and leave probably to his room. “Get up Theo, we’re late and you are still on your pj’s from last night. Ever heard of anything called a bath?” Hayden mumbles as she sleepily stands up. “Oh, yeah, totally forgot about that s**t-Don’t worry, you guys are always fashionably late right, no big deal, I’ll be out in like 10 minutes” she says sleepily as her words fall out with another sleepy yawn. She gets up the stair case mumbling something about not getting enough sleep the past night and Hayden just groans as he falls down on the (now upright-against courtesy of Destin Camryn ) coach and sighs. “So, what exactly is going on with you and her again?” Des asks emerging from the kitchen with 2 bottles of Pepsi and tosses one to him. “Nothing is, as I told you she is helping me out being the only girl who I can actually stand and all” Hayden says as he opens the cap. “Umm, not true, you can more than just ‘stand’ girls” Destin points out with a weird quirk in his eyebrows. “You know what I mean, the twins not coming?” Hayden asks as he realizes Ron is not seem anywhere around and Des is the only one dressed for a party. Also he strangely doesn’t like discussing to Des about him basically using his little sister, not very strange more of putting strain on your friendship and over all awkward really, but still the underlining point is he does not want to talk about Theo with Destin. 1 “Ronny’s got a date, Ty’s grounded apparently but who the hell we are kidding, Dad decided to keep him here because Theo will be gone tonight and usually she is the one who keeps him company on his lonely Fridays nights off from work. That reminds me we should probably go before he arrives unless you want the whole awkward meet and greet my dad does” Des reminds him. “Hurry up Theo” he yells out knowing she will hear him, the house was not that big and yelling was always a very efficient means of communication. Theo keeps her word and she barley takes 10 minutes before she is stumbling out of the staircase trying to un twist her complete twisted earphones. Hayden looks at her his mouth slight agape. “What?” she asks noticing the surprised look on the boy’s face. “You are going to a party like that?” he asks her and she looks at her cloths inspecting for any stains. “Yep” she assures him after making sure it’s clean, well clean enough. “You are wearing Jeans and a plaid shirt” he deadpans. “So?” she asks looking completely clueless. That’s when he realizes this is Theo, not just some of his random girls and this is how she always looks, he feels like a bit of an ass judging her and is a bit surprised at how fast his perspective of her is changing. It’s not that she doesn’t look good, she always does in a very geeky, quirky, ‘Theo’ fashion, not that Hayden notices whether she looks good or not, it’s just that it’s the first-time he is caring and seriously questioning her good looks and that makes him feel shitty. “Umm-Nothing just- come on” he says before following Des out the door. “You are weird” she says following him out her eyes still focused on her twisted earphones. “You are weirder” he says giving a small bump to her shoulders.
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