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It’s almost suspicious by the way Damien fits in with basically everyone, everybody likes him one way or another no matter whom he sits with or talk to. Theo easily eases down to him and wonders why she was nervous to talk to the boy in the first place because he just as geeky and weird as her if not worse. So by the end of the week they are both best friends and Eva is more than a jealous of how easily the boy had managed to sneak her best friend away. So it’s not much of a surprise when Theo finds herself waiting by the main door of the school for Damien to come out. He had promised to give her a ride home considering the boys had some sort of practice or tryouts. Usually when she was stranded Eva used to take her home, but Damien hearing this had offered himself with a loud proclamation of his ‘awesome’ car. Theo is absent mindedly playing with her phone after shooting quick text to Des saying she already got a ride home and the boys can stay as late as they want as she notices the familiar figure. But as she looks closer she can already see another not so familiar figure along with the familiar figure, which she wished wasn’t so familiar. Theo had been crushing on Hayden for such a long time that she could understand him with by a blurry vision or even his shadow, and also Hayden’s sleek black car was well known among the school and now he had some girl leaning on it as he touched her waist and whispered things to her, apparently these things were so great the girl blushed and giggled raising her hand to touch Hayden smooth cheek bones. Theo knew it was form of self torture to stare and she never really liked the idea of any kind of self harming, but it was hard, it was really hard to look away. He seems so confident and cocky as he kissed the other girls face and nuzzled into her necks making the girl laugh and kiss him back. Theo sighed as Hayden’s lip finally met the other girls and she forced herself too look away for her own sanitation and comfort. But the images don’t leave her as quickly as she wants to, she thinks of the Hayden that stormed into her room, all nervous and worried and awkward, that’s the boy Theo fell so head over heels for even though she don’t even wear heels, not this cocky asshole who could just touch a girl and he would have her following around. She liked the first version so much better. That’s really when Theo gets a reality check in a form of a slap to her brain, she thinks about what happened at the party just a week ago. She realizes that’s all she ever will be to him, surly maybe he won’t be thinking about her in a form of using her but she is, she wants so much more and she can’t even ask him that. Theo watches as they both get in the car and he drives away, he don’t even glance towards her, all his attention focused on the girl sitting next to him laughing along to whatever dumb things he is saying, Theo wonders if she was like that, giggly and dumb and a an actual girl he would feel differently. But she don’t have much time to worry about it because the very second somebody has punched her in the arm and it really f*****g hurt. “What the hell?” she asks as a grinning Damien gives her a warm look. Apparently causing physical pain is the new way of saying hello, no wonder the world is so messed up. But nevertheless she punches him back and he winces in return “Hey, I totally did not hit you that hard” he says as he cradles his arm and it barley takes 10 second before they are running around the parking lot like 3 year olds playing tag. Theo easily forgets about Hayden in the whirlwind that is Damien, she thinks she will be just fine with awesome friends. ********************* Eva, Damien, Theo and Pete are in a deep discussion about cats and dogs and which one is a better company because apparently all the other important world problems could wait and this was the most serious thing they could get to. Eva and Theo supports Cats while the boys are determined on Dogs and the other two and watching amused swinging from both the parties at the heated debate. “Dude Dogs are man’s best friend; there is no doubt about it. The only reason you both are supporting cats is eventually you both will end up alone with cat 9 cats or something” Damien says as Pete high fives him. Eva looks offended at even the thought. “Yeah says the guy who is going to end up picking poop off the floor for the rest of his life” Theo says with a sarcastic drawl and Damien goes into a deep lecture of how easily dogs are party trained. He is half way through his deep lecture when Theo feels someone’s presence behind her, she doesn’t even have the time to turn around and look at this person as the intruder takes the seat right next to Theo and the next second Theo has an arm on her shoulders pulling her as humanly possible to the human body and a with a loud kiss being placed on her cheek. “Eww. My eyes, My eyes-God-I am blind” Eva exclaims as she gets up and sit in the opposite table as Hayden gives a nervous look around, that same nervous look that Theo knows something is very wrong and Theo hears the problem before she sees it. Pattie has this loud boisterous voice that sticks out both in a good and bad way, depends on how one look at it. Theo quickly turns around faster than a rocket as her eyes widen as she takes in the brunet girl who is walking towards a crowded table with some girls by her side. She can barley take in the sorry look that Hayden shoots her before Pattie is waving her hands ever so brightly, And just like the party Theo is too damn shocked to react. “Okay” Roxie says in a concerned yet interested tone bit surprised by the events. And that’s when Theo is snapped back, the first thing she does is not question about the sudden appearance of Pattie or the fact Hayden’s arms are around her shoulders, instead she face palms herself, loud and clear that Hayden kind of jerks back. “Okay what the f**k is going on?” Eva asks completely clueless and flabbergasted. You know how some best friends knows everything about their other best friends, yeah well Eva didn’t know a very essential detail of her best friend too big to fit in a room crush on Hayden-the schools asshole. Theo was discreet thank you very much. Pattie doesn’t seemed surprised at all to see them together unlike the last time but she waves toward Hayden and Hayden waves back before she is sitting next to some of the cheer leaders. By that point Theo is banging her head on the table. “Seriously, f*****g Serious ‘She is probably going to go to some rich private girls school and we probably won’t even see her much’ f*****g seriously Hayden?” Theo asks furiously as she shoves him in the chest lightly, more affectionate that angry. His close proximity isn’t helping anything either. “Hey I am your boyfriend stop hitting me?” He says trying to calm her down and that’s what seems to snap Damien out of his initial shock. “Wait What? You have a boyfriend?” he asks almost in a betrayed tone like he is about to go into cardiac arrest. “I didn’t even know that, and Hayden, really out of all the people on earth Hayden. You could have started dating anyone, anything, any substance, molecule, atom, But Hayden?” Eva adds in completely furious. This is exactly the reason Theo kept her crush far the f**k away from her best friend. Eva doesn’t exactly despise Hayden that much, but the idea of dating him makes her barf, she absolutely hates the way he is around people, and the way he talks, and walks, and dresses-Okay, so yeah she might hate him a little, which is a lot. “Oh for god’s sake id have told you if I knew it myself, Right Hayden?” she asks with venom at his name and Hayden gives that same apologetic look. But it’s not enough, because she can’t do this. There is no way in hell she is having a repeat event of the party. “I had no idea she was going to come here, she joined a week late and that was not my fault. I met her in Biology okay and the first thing she said was that she could not wait to meet you, what was I supposed to? She looks at you like she want to be your best friend or something and at lunch I just saw her coming and I am pretty sure she will get suspicious if we don’t sit together okay. Just-It was not my fault. Just please, just go with it” Hayden gives a quick explanation, which is not really that quick considering Theo is still glaring daggers into him. “I am not fake dating you” She says emphasis on the word fake, she can’t do that to herself, she would combust out of all the emotions. Just by sitting next to Hayden her heart is not beating in its normal rate and she is pretty sure she is starting to sweat. “Okay somebody explain to me what is going on?” Damien finally states and that’s when Hayden finally looks at the brown haired boy. “Who the hell is he?” he asks Theo giving a stern look, something similar to what Tyler and Ron gave when the first saw Hayden, Theo hates that look because that’s the ‘protective big brother look’ and she don’t ever want that from Hayden. “This ‘he’ is sitting right next to you and he can answer for himself” Damien speaks up just as furious as Hayden if not more by all that that had happens just in the past minutes “Well fine who the hell are you?” Hayden says giving a cold glare. “Okay both of you shut the f**k up, Theo explains” Roxie breaks them off, and it’s almost funny how Roxie out of all of them is asking the reasonable question. Theo does give a half assed explanation between glaring at Hayden and punching him now and then. It’s when she finishes the story- that is her unfortunate life -Damien seems to calm down. “So basically he is an asshole who just used you?” Damien concludes and Hayden looks about to either punch him or hit him with his car, just when Hayden is about to give the other boy a piece of his mind Theo shoots him the same glare and he had no choice but to shut up. “Basically” Theo agrees. “But I love you” he tries and Theo tries so hard, so hard not to let those words effect her but something go down through her body and curse her if her heart don’t skip a beat, she almost feels like she is floating and she don’t float, ever, she likes being on earth very much. It takes her more than a good few second to snap out of it. “I think it’s stupid” Damien glares again. “I think you are stupid” Hayden snaps back. “Guys, please shut up” Theo says once again and Hayden calms down as he turns to Theo again. “Please” he tries and Theo hates him, hates him so much for doing this to her every f*****g time, it’s not fair, it’s not fair at all instead it is self torture no one should suffer. And she hates herself even more for falling so damn deeply to someone who spits her out like that, all it takes him is one word, one single word and he has Theo in his palms. “You do know she has 3 brothers who will kill you right?” Pete reminds the boy all of a sudden. And Theo groan again at the thought. Of course, how come she have completely forgotten about them in the buzz, Des will have not just his but her own head if he even sniffs out the fact they have something like this going on. No matter how much of asshole they are, they are boys and they all have a basic protection instinct over the youngest and smallest one of the family. They try not to show it too much knowing Theo an handle s**t on her own and barley any kind of boys give her any kind of attention, but it’s always there , its basic family instincts. “They are my best friend, I’ll make sure they understand” Hayden reasons as he shoots a glare towards Pete for worrying her even more. She just sighs and nods silently as Hayden does a fist pump in the air but Theo never looked sadder in her life. She just drops her head into her hands and sighs. She is quite and does not utter a word throughout the torturous lunch as Hayden and Damien keeps glaring at each other while Eva and Roxie gives her a both angry and concerned look, first for not telling them, second because although Theo is a bit anti social she never keeps quite when it’s just them. And the hand that rest low on her waist is not helping at all. For a second she wishes she was more like Ryan, who could sleep through anything….
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