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Theo didn’t exactly know what she was supposed to do; when she has texted Des asking the above question the boy had just told her to go to the reception and apparently someone would assign someone to her. It felt so much like looking after a preschool child as she walked towards the reception. It also seemed she didn’t have to wait too long before someone was calling out her name. “Miss Camryn, I was expecting your brother” Theo was starting to cook up a lie but the women didn’t care to listen as she just called out a name and a boy from the front office emerged towards her. He clearly wasn’t a freshman by the looks of it, he was quite tall and slightly build with pale skin, ocean blue eyes which peeked out from his thick framed glasses and a pretty dimpled smile towards Theo who stood there awkwardly staring at the boy in wonder. Okay he clearly wasn’t what she was expecting. “Mr. Tarrents is a transfer from one of our sister school, I hope you will be doing a better job than your brothers showing him around” Theo is pretty sure the school board hated her brother just as much as she did at times, if not worse. “Umm, cool yeah. Let’s just umm go-Whatever” she stumbles out as she guides the boy along with her and he keeps shooting that dimpled smile towards her after every passing second, it would be considered creepy, but who are we kidding dimples are not creepy. Theo is pretty sure she does a piss job and showing the poor kid around, in fact she mixes up few of the building herself and confuses him even more trying to explain to the boy her mistake. She barley completes a sentence without stumbling or stuttering her words and over all she is so sure it was the the most awkward and horrid thing she had ever done in her life and if the boy is not annoyed yet he deserves a Nobel prize for suffering her. The guys says something here and there but most of the time he is silent, Theo is too for telling the truth, she skips over the important parts and she was trying to figure out where his locker was. “Wait, I am pretty sure its on the 3rd floor but-“ “Umm no offense but its right behind you” the guy finally says and she fights the urge to face palm herself or knock herself in the head, with a bat, made of iron. “Yeah, umm-well that’s it, you have History first, I think-It’s the 3rd room on the left by the way. I am sorry, I really am, I am just not used to the idea of showing people around or basically even talking to people” she apologies and the boy laugh, a beautiful sound that forms a smile on the girls face. “Well you can apologize by maybe telling your name considering you are the first person I met here and the only person I know so far.” He says with an amused smirk and this time she does face palm herself, of course she forgot to introduce herself, how is she even in high school?. Why does she have friends?. “God, I am so-so sorry, I am such an i***t, I mean my name is Theo not ‘such an i***t’, because that would be a really weird name. Who on earth would name this kid that anyway?, Theodore actually because Theo is a guy’s name, I am not a guy obviously, I swear I am not. I am umm a junior, yeah a junior and umm my locker is actually opposite to yours, why didn’t I notice that?. God-Umm most of the things which I would have explained to you is probably wrong and yeah-that’s about it” She complete as she points to her locker. “Well, my name is Damien Tarrents. I am junior too by the way, I transferred from down north because my mom got a better job here. I do enjoy history but hate everything science, and yeah I do think you got most of the building wrong because you pointed at the gym and mistakenly said it was the lunch hall” he says and yeah Theo really would like the iron bat now. “Stop being so nervous, I don’t bite which is bad thing to say because it gives the impression that I am a dog or a mosquito really. Why would people even say that though?” the boys rambles on and Theo laughs a bit care freely as she relaxes for the first time in his presence. “People are weird” She supplies and the boy looks satisfied enough. And apparently god thought that was the perfect time for the bell to go off and Theo curses herself as she realizes she has to get to the other side of the building. “Hey it was cool meeting you and stuff, but umm my homeroom is on the other side and you know-maybe we can talk again later, and I might be able to introduce you to genuine people who knows s**t” “Definitely Theo” He tries out her name and it sound kind of strange but she don’t have time to over think about it as she runs towards her class not wanting to be late when she was in fact 15 minutes early in the first place. ************************* Theo isn’t all that enthusiastic to find out she shares a class with both of her twin brothers, and neither is the teacher because the first thing he says when he enters the class and looks over them is “Oh, look at that 3 of the Camryns in my class, must be my lucky year then” and for some weird reason everybody laughs and Theo rolls her eyes. Tyler and Ronald were knows a the trouble makers of the school, the big pranksters which every teacher loved to hate but secretly they loved them too much to do anything about it anyway. And having the same last name and also similar looks it easy people suspect her as the 3rd one on their group when is reality she don’t even speak out much. Luckily Eva shares the class with her and the first thing she does when she sees Tyler is twist his ear for a minute straight for some dumb prank he did with her locker last year. Theo watches fondly as her brother begs her best friend to leave his ear alone, and when she finally does she can already hear the payback he is planning towards her. Theo just sighs, this is her life. Not that she is complaining. It could be worse, it could be way worse The class is boring and useless for the most parts, just the guy ranting about how well mannered his class should be or without a doubt everyone will get detention and something about none of last year’s shenanigans shall be repeated in the class room (a very pointed look towards the smug looking twins) and again some more ranting about the importance of his subject and lesson and how he could have had any job on earth but ended up teaching dumb high school students. Theo has heard it enough times through the past 2 years that she doesn’t even bat an eye at his strong words. But all that was until Damien out of all the juniors on the school knocks on the door and enters the class just when the teacher was ranting about being late to his class and its punishments. He has got great timing at least. He gives a half assed excuse of being his first day and not having an idea where the class was and Theo then feels a bit guilty because, yeah she had one job and she messed it up. Luckily enough Mr. Rolts doesn’t say anything and just tells him to take a seat. That’s when Theo notices it, he is one of those kids, By those she means the type of boy who has everyone’s attention, and not the bad attention either basically every girl in the room is ogling over him, mentally undressing him from head to toe, the guys look with a distaste and an admiration, he is one of those boys who would be athletic and good-looking and everyone would fall at his feet. The type to have very girl under his palm and somehow turn into an asshole, something like her brothers to be honest, everybody loved her brothers but she never saw them as one of those boy because they are her brothers, she had seen them poop and throw up and shared lots of tears and degusting memories with them to ever feel as if they are out of her league, like they are better than her, and they were born as assholes any way so there isn’t much of a change there. Theo doesn’t blame the girls for ogling him, really she don’t, he is catch or whatever dumb expression people would call it, he has perfect hair, and the prettiest eyes and even has bloody dimples out of all the things on earth. Theo should feel the same way too really, but she doesn’t thank to a certain dark haired, tan boy with highly defined bones not only on his face but everywhere else who goes by the name Hayden. She can appreciate a person beauty girl or boy but she can never even compare them to Hayden, and that is definitely not due to his appearance either, she is somewhat demisexual, she doesn’t like labels anyway. Theo’s attention falls back to her book, thinking he is going to go sit next to the girls who are calling him over, but surprisingly enough he takes the seat right next to her with a wide smile and a loud “Hey, T” like they have known each other for years. Theo don’t need to look to see the 3 pairs of eyes that are burning holes into her head, Eva just smiles at her a bit confused, but Tyler and Ron are looking at him like he is an intruder, almost like they feel challenged as he smiles and laughs along with their sister. For some wired reason the class flies by with Damien next to her who manages to make a small comment of everything stupid the teacher says, it is just loud enough for Theo to hear and she can’t really contain the laughter. He is funny, he is surly funny so she doesn’t think much about his choice of seat and just eases towards him in his presence and somewhere along the class she introduces him to Eva who too seems to like him enough. When the bell rings signaling lunch the teacher is already assigning homework’s even though no one is really paying much attention. “Hey, Umm Theo why are there 2 guys staring at me like is I stole their X box or something?” He says as they pack up Theo turns around to see Tyler and Ronald eyeing them suspiciously. “Probably because you did steal their X box, a certain X box known as Theodore Camryn” Eva teases while Damien gives her a confused look. She quickly motions the twins over and they do it in record timing. “Damien meet by twin brothers Tyler and Ron, Ty, Ron meet Damien someone I met because Des bailed on me” she explain and that seems to make so much sense. “You are having a genuine conversation with a human organism having both X and Y chromosomes who isn’t your relative or Hayden. What is going on?” Ron sums it up and Theo gives a sorry looks towards Damien who just laughs. “I talk to guys Ron, for god sake” Theo says annoyed as the finally leave the class. “Yeah but all the guys you talk to are weird just like you and he is not” Ty points out. “Don’t you guys have pranks to plans go away and leave us alone okay?” Eva cuts in and the twins seem satisfied enough. “See you around Dames, if you want a life don’t hang out with our sister she is insufferable” Ron warns as they run forwards to meet up with their friends. “Dames, first day and I already got a pet name” Damien says almost proudly that it makes the girls chuckle. “Who do you think names their only sister Theodore, and they were one at the time they just laughed along to what they liked best” Theo explains “My actually Name Evangeline Adriana Lawrell Bridgeman, but instead everyone including this i***t who I call my best friend starts calling me a 3 letter word thanks to them” Eva adds in pointing an accusative finger towards Theo. “What so you seriously want people to call you Evangeline Adriana, I think calling you Eva was the single most sense full thing they ever did” Theo explains and Eva shoves her a bit affectionately. Damien just watches the girls fascinated by the way they don’t act like girls at all, and before they knew it they had arrived in the lunch hall. “This dear Damien is what we call the school cafeteria, I am explaining this incase Theo got it wrong and told you it was the science lab, it wouldn’t be a surprise really” Eva jokes and Theo rolls her eyes. “Umm do you guys mind if I sit with you, I kind of don’t know anyone” Damien asks a bit awkwardly a hand scratching the back of his head.. “Dude it’s not the mean girls, you sit wherever you want” Eva says with an easy smile. “But although I must warn you we sit with some of the weirdest people on earth” Theo completes. “And even though you don’t know much people, the people seems to clearly know you” Eva adds as she points towards few of the crowded tables who has their eyes set on the boy. “Nah, I choose weird” Damien says carelessly follows the girls. “I like you my friend, I like you very much” Theo says and Eva nods along. Theo might be a loser when compared to a lot of people in the school but she has some super awesome Loser friends to go with it, the typical asian kid who really isn’t that typical, the lazy slouch of the school who nobody really knows but manages to exist by anyway and also the ever famous emo kid with purple hair and dark cloths when is reality she can’t stop talking about how amazing One direction is to actually be an emo. She would call them misjudged or whatever cliché stuff, but they are really just themselves, just dumb teenagers who managed to find one another in each other and form the best friendship on the planet. “Damien meet the gang, which is not really a gang Szhan Peterson who hates if you pronounce his name Chan so we just call him Pete, Ryan who would say hi to you if he wasn’t already half asleep being the lazy ass he is, and of cores Roxie who is meant to be Emo or punk or whatever you call it. Oh and you can’t sit here if you have anything against one direction” Theo says as Eva takes her seat next to Ryan “One direction is cool” Damien says as Theo sits next to Roxie. “I like him, can we keep him? He is also pretty” Roxie buts in as Damien sits opposite to Theo next to Pete and Ryan “What do you say dame can we keep you?” asks Eva with a pointed look and Pete mimics drum roll and Damien thinks they are pretty cool. “Definitely” he says with a look towards Theo whose eyes have drifted off to another table. Where now 2 boys are walking towards and take a seat. He watches as her eyes quickly dart back too. “Des looks good” Roxie observes and everybody groans. For a second Damien wonders whether this Des person is anything more than a friend to Theo. He doesn’t like that idea much. “Roxie I get its normal for people to have crushes and what not but I do not want to hear about it okay?. For god sake will all of you leave my brothers alone” Theo says and Damien lets out a sigh of relief. “Your brothers are the prettiest people here Thee, other than Hayden and now Damien that is.” Ryan says with a aloud yawn. “You have 3 brothers?” Damien asks as the others laugh. “That’s what he heard from that statement” says Ryan. “Sadly” Theo says ignoring Ryan. They just fit, don’t know how but they do and although everything is a bit unexpected, for now this is nice, this is worth it.
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