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Chapter-2 “Hey Pattie, this is my girlfriend Theo”….. And by this point she usually wakes up and has to fight with Tyler to get into the bathroom because he is an asshole and he is worse than some diva girl when it comes to doing his stupid hair. But nope, Hayden is still there with his warm hands on her waist smiling at the brunet girl and she can’t really focus much on the conversation but she hears the word girlfriend more than once and.. Okay then… “I just-I just never expected it that’s all” Pattie says a bit shocked looking at Theo like she is some kind of armadillo with a lion’s head. “Well, you know unexpected, that’s me” Hayden says with an awkward laugh and Theo is sure she had never seen Hayden so awkward, nervous or worried in his life, she is still so damn shell shocked to do something but stare at Hayden. “Oh dear god where are my manners, Hello Theo, I am Pattie, I just moved here from New York and I am sure you have heard of me from Hayden. He can’t stop talking about me right?. Wow, I didn’t expect someone-umm someone like you when Hayden said he had a girlfriend” she says with a really big grin that should be too big for her lipstick covered lips. “ah-Umm-“ Theo is still unresponsive and no one can really blame her. But it seems Hayden is having none of it and instead he steps on her foot to snap her out of it. “Yeah-Yeah-Theo, that’s me. Theo, that’s my name, Theo-Thee-ooo. Hi” Theo says as soon as she snaps out of her wonderland and the other girl gives an awkward laugh. “Isn’t she just adorable,” Hayden says and before she knew it he is giving her a half side hug and her blood pressure is skyrocketing with every passing second. “Right baby?” he says again okay, Baby-Justin Bieber sang Baby, Babies are cool, Babies are really cool. Theo can do baby. “Just nod along, ill love you forever. Please” He quickly whispers into her ears before he is back to being cuddly and awkward beige all boyfriend-y and this is the strangest thing Theo has ever experienced. But Theo hears the words love and she can’t really refuse so she leans more into his touch and manages an awkward smile towards Pattie. “Umm well it seems I am interrupting something then, I’ll see you guys around yeah” and as soon as she leaves, Hayden’s body heat quickly disappears form her side and she struggle to stand up straight again and keep that disappointed look off her face. “What?” Theo asks after taking a minute to process everything. “Just don’t freak out okay, see I went to New York and I kind of made the biggest mistake of my life by maybe-kind of sleeping with her. It was meant to be a memorable one night stand in the city of New York okay- I didn’t know she was going to follow me around like a creepy stalker -anyway before I could even leave her, it happens that she kind of knows me, like her father is my dad’s super rich boss, who brought me my super rich car for my not- so -super rich ass on my 17th birthday. She is his only daughter, like the freaking princess of his kingdom. And she said she wanted to date me because she apparently thought I was just her type, and for god’s sake I flipped out and might have said I was dating someone” He says in panicky state like he is expecting Theo to hit him any second. “And how does that help things?. You slept with her while you had a girlfriend, and she just believed you” Theo says like she can’t believe her ears, suddenly she feels used and angry because she wanted this is so bad and he just used her as his fake date. Perfect just perfect. “I told her we were fighting, and she wouldn’t leave me alone so I made up this story of having a girlfriend back home and told her some cliché high school break up story before I came to New York and how soon after I slept with her I realized how madly in love I was with my sweet ass girlfriend back home and she just brought it all, she is a sucker for cliché s**t apparently. I didn’t know she was planning on coming here with me, apparently she also has a aunt here and is going to be living with her for a while now” “What kind of girl would take you back after cheating on her?” and this time Theo does hit him but makes sure it’s just a soft push than an actual hit. “A really awesome one who loves me so much” “Or a really dumb one without a brain” Theo mumbles under her breath “Look Theo I am sorry okay, that was a cheap move, and you are my baby sister. I knew you basically from the day you were born, like literally you were the first baby I ever saw and that was a really d**k move, but as I said I panicked and you know I don’t do panic. When I saw her here because Des out of all the unholy d***s in the country met and became friends with her in 10 minutes and invited her, I just ran and well it was your room and you are basically all I had at the moment. I am so sorry Boo. But you know you don’t even have to worry, I am going to leave the party saying something came up and you can go watch movies all huddled up in your room and we won’t even speak of this ever again. Yes we might see her around town and I might need a bit of your help then but other than that everything is cool right?. She is probably going to some rich private school in the other end of town so she won’t even be here that much, everything is perfectly okay” Hayden reassures her. And as I said Theo has a really-really bad habit of trusting every freaking word that falls of his mouth… **************** The first day of school is just as expected too, it’s a disaster. She is already late waking up but apparently waking up is not enough when you share a bathroom with your brothers, the mornings are s**t, filled with swear words and a lot of yelling and which eventually leads to r Camryn waking up and cooking his sorry excuse for a breakfast. There isn’t much of a breakfast when it has to be finished under 2 minutes and the next moment you are seated in the back seat of your brother car. So yeah, it is just as expected. There is a clusterfuck of students everywhere, the lost looking freshmen, the sophomores who thinks they have seen it all, the most of the senior class waiting for Des because apparently Des is the freaking queen bee, Tyler and Ron quickly merge into the crowd of people who they call their friends (before both of them kiss her goodbye that is) and then Theo is left alone in her silent self. She was starting her Junior year along with the twins even though there was about a year age difference both of them joined school together, Des obviously a senior and Hayden a fellow senior along with him. Theo quickly spots Hayden by Des’s side laughing around with him and the past nights even rushes back, it’s weird how one second Theo was so much to him but the next as soon as he realized Pattie O’Donnell (she learned her name of course) had left, he had become the life of the party completely ignoring her. She absolutely despised boys, Abso-f*****g-lutely Before Theo could even get to her locker there is someone throwing theme self around her back. “Hello weirdo missed me?” her best friend-sadly- asks. “Nah, not really found another red head who could accompany this awesomeness” Theo jokes back as she hugs her friend back. “Please, I can barely stand you on my best day. I don’t even know why I suffer you” she says tightening the hug and they stay like that for the next 3 minutes bickering to each other and joking about everything. “How was the grandma, had fun in Alaska did you?” Theo asks before finally breaking the hug. “Surprisingly doing really good for a 93 year old, I showed her a few of our pictures together and she complimented me on getting such a pretty boyfriend” she says nudging her on the sides. “At least I am pretty” she teases back and Eva laughs. Eva was one of the really rare people who she wasn’t awkward around, and that’s because they both have bonded over their mutual hate for skirts and dresses during 8th grade, she wasn’t much of a girly girl either and was the school’s token Bisexual girl, Eva was a hyper active person who would never stop jumping around and had no idea what personal space was, she was basically in all of the girls team in the school, she was the type of friend who would try to comfort you in a break up after kicking the guys ass- like literally she had a black belt in karate- rather than ask whether she should kick the guys ass or not. They were an odd pair but they fit. (And she was also one of the only girls who could not stand Ron and his dumb stories and called him out for his dumb shirt, that made Eva her favorite person on earth) “Seriously, our Lockers are freaking Kilometers apart” Eve cries out of desperation, as she looks over both of their schedules. “I swear dude, the school has something against us. And for the 3rd year in a row, I am going to kill someone on the bored” Eva complains as Theo takes her schedule back and looks over her periods, she has a few classes with Eva which is good enough. “It’s easy really, you are a lot less weird when I am not around you, I can’t really blame them. Rational thinking I must say” Theo says absent mindedly as she walks towards her locker for the year. “Well then I guess it’s goodbye for now my friend, see you at English. Can’t wait to see Mrs. Tedder and hear about her summer with her dogs, nothing like good old English” Eva mumbles under her breath before leaving in the opposite direction leaving a smiling Theo to herself. Theo find her locker soon enough and has already set the basic things in and is just about to go and search for Eva because she still has about 15 minutes till class, but then again nothing really had went with the plans since the past night so it isn’t much of a shocker when Des is in her face the next second. “Theo, I need to ask you a huge favor” she almost flinches because the last time she heard that things didn’t work out well. “NO-NO-NOOO-nope, Nada , not gonna happen. I hate it when you say that, it means something horrid is about to happen” Theo is quick to refuse mainly because of the events off the past night but also this time it is Des and nothing good ever comes with Des. “Please, it’s nothing seriously, I am I assigned to show a few new kids around, mostly freshmen, but Mason got a new car and I wanna check it out, So, please be my sub. We have the last time at that’s all matters if someone asks” the boy mages to get all that out within the 30 second. “No, Des-NO”but the thing is he don’t even listen to her before he shoving some papers into her hand and running off towards his friends again. “Thanks sis, Love you best sister in the world” he yells out and Theo wants to kill someone. But instead she takes a deep breath before going over the paper; it’s not that she hates freshmen or anything. She barley wanted to talk to anyone and now she is stuck showing round some random freshmen. Something tells her the whole year is going to be s**t, and something tells her she is not too wrong…
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