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Chapter-1 The end of the summer wasn’t anything unexpected, not even close to it. It went just as normal as everything else had been in that calm and free summer. Well calm and free as it can be while you are sharing a house with 4 guys (And a bathroom with 3). So, yeah it wasn’t that calm…or free really, but still everything was somehow in a way expected, no getting hit by a truck, or winning a lottery, or getting a girlfriend/boyfriend or someone actually learning to cook….Nope (Definitely not the last one). Instead the last day of summer was spent just like every ‘last day of summer’ was spent, it was filled with regret and asking yourself ‘What the hell did you do for the last 3 months?’. And of course there was this queasy feeling of school actually reopening and actually having to face people and make social communication with other teenager; yeah that wasn’t exactly a highlight either. So over all the summer had passed in a buzz and no one was really ready to go back to school. And as a cherry in the topping of a boring and bad summer there was the fact that she had just burst a tire of her cycle and now had to walk home from the last day of work reflecting upon the uneventful summer. Theo was sure half the summer was spent fighting with one of the boys and then the other half lazily lounging in the bed, the summer job she had gotten at the pet shop would amount to about a 5% because really, playing with cute animals all day cannot be called a job, its more along the side of lonely, or anti social or a friendless loaner who spend the summer with cute animals. Yeah the life of a loser what’s new right?. People would think growing up with 4 men would change you, would make you more outgoing and well more boyish. Well people are annoying and have no idea what they are talking about so don’t let them think, the only thing one does acquire from living with 4 guys in a small house is the clumsiness, untidiness, and over all unattractive awkwardness that follow after being born as a man. It’s not that fun, especially these 4 men being your dad and brothers. So when Theo finally enters the house and see the crowd of teenagers completely surrounding the living room she is not surprised, and that’s sad because one should be shocked or surprised when you come home to strangers dancing and eating in your house, but No, Nope none of that normalcy s**t here. Instead she just sighs shutting the door behind her and looking around for any one of the idiots who is responsible for the people littering around in her house. And it also happens she doesn’t have to look around a lot because the next second someone is bumping into her almost making her fall on her butt, but thank goodness for acquiring some kind of balance by this point. “Hey Sis, How was last day of work? Sold a few dogs?, cleaned a few litters?.” This ‘Someone’ who she so desperately wish was just someone rather than the asshole her mother gave birth to before her asks. “Cleary not as interesting as your day, Oh and by the way I made more money in this summer than you did since you were born so shut it” She replies as the music starts to blast and everyone cheers. “Oh how do you like the end of the summer party, Sick right? It was kind of a last minute thing. You know a kind of get together before tomorrow” He says in a proud manner like he had though up a cure to world hunger. “How genius Ty, let’s spend the last day of summer getting drunk so we will have a hangover to the first day of school. I wonder which one of you dweeps thought of that? Does Dad know” She says sarcastically as she unbuttons her helmet and walk towards the stairs. “Ron did actually. Dad knows he just told to save some him some booze and clean the house by the time he gets home” And of course the 4th of these boys she lived with is the worse than other 3. “He is a horrible parent” She says simply “I stopped questioning his ways of parenthood that time he pushed me off the swings and blamed it on Des. Gotta go sis, got some ladies waiting. But don’t worry you are still my favorite” and with a quick kiss to her forehead he is running off in the opposite direction leaving Theo rubbing at the spot he kissed but a fond smile evident on her face. Sometimes Theo wonders what god was thinking. Was it some sort of experiment or just a big joke? Putting a socially awkward girl with 4 boys and taking away her mom before Theo could even register her face. But whatever it was Theo would not want it any other way. Growing up wasn’t easy at all, in fact she is pretty sure for a fair amount of her childhood she herself thought she was a guy. Her Dad was one of those dumb idiots who should not have had kids especially without women around but in a way he is one of the best dad in the world by being more of a friend than of a father, And also she is immensely grateful that he chose to stay and raise 4 kids- the oldest barley 3- at the age of 23 when his wife died. Theo locks her door before turning on her laptop and grabbing a pack of crisps she had hid under her bed from Ron. One of the other aspects of her life is, people like her brothers; people like her brothers a lot. All 3 of them were star players of the school’s football team, Des was student body president while Tyler and Ronald were great on track and swimming, and basically they were the pride and soul of South Raymond High. The Camryn brothers were just as famous as Jonas brothers to the school, one way or another you liked them and wanted to be friends with them. And then they had a sister, a sister so uncoordinated and so anti social that people who knows everything about her brothers from their middle name to their pets name still thought she was the new kid who moved into the town the past weekend. She drifted of here and there and being the little sister of the Camryn Brothers did earn her a few stares, but nothing special and in a way she liked it. So yeah that was Theodore Camryn, The one and only daughter of Joseph Camryn and the sister of Destin, Tyler and Ronald Camryn. And she couldn’t have it any other way, that was her family, her safe zone and no matter how much of a loser she is, she loves it. She decides to spend the last day-evening- of summer on the most rational way possible to any teenagers, by watching movies on Netflix. She was 45 minutes ahead into the movie when someone suddenly starts to knock on her door, by knock if you mean pounding loudly as possible that is. She don’t usually lock her door, nobody does in the house it is kind of a house policy which Des brought along by the way because Dad knew s**t about doors or children. But then again its one of Destin’s party and she know very well the kind of people here and what they want to do, So it’s a basic instincts, whenever the boys throw a party (which is very often) she enter her room, locks the door and do her indoor stuff shutting out the commotion. Her first guess is its one of the boys because it is their basic instincts to come over and tease her for always locking herself up in her room whenever they throw a party. “Oh, for f***s sake open the f*****g door” And as soon as she hears the voice her heart falls deep into her gut, like so deep that it’s probably squishing her intestines and all her digestive process are brought to a halt maybe that would explain this horrible feeling in her stomach. Although a bit hesitantly, she does pause her movie and opens up the door to a very panicky boy looking like some kind of axe murder is out to get him. “Theo?..Oh God, yes THEO” and just like that he quickly steps into the room and locks it behind her and puts a chair upfront just for good measure. Theo has to calm her beating heart or she is sure all the blood would explode any second. But it’s really-really hard. Especially with the guy she has been crushing on since god knows how long is standing there inside her (locked) room panting and sweating like he had just run a marathon, and won a boxing completion while climbing a mountain, anyway you get the point. “Theo-Theo-Theo” the boy keeps repeating like some kind of mantra. “Yep, that’s my name. Theo, glad you remember really. Your name is Hayden by the way” she says bit awkwardly not really knowing what to do in a situation like this. She puts her hand on his shoulder as in a way of calming gesture but it comes of awkward. Oh, yeah she forgot a very essential detail in her life and that is Hayden Brettmore, Her big brother’s best friend since diaper, like literally Destin and Hayden has been best friends since the moment both their mothers met one day for their usual checkups, since then those two were thicker than thieves or anything thick really. They even had a phase in their life where they decided they were gonna marry each other because the idea of being away from one another was so painful, sadly enough as they grew both of them turned out Straight as one can be and that idea was thrown out the window. You see this is a sad fact because then Theo would not have to go through the torture than is pinning after Hayden Brettmore. If you are talking about this in a cliché way Hayden was the typical badass bad boy who smoked and wore leather jackets and all that s**t and Theo the loser nerd who was so gone for him and stalked his every move, that would be the way anyone would see them if they actually knew about Theo’s crush. but that’s not really that right considering although Hayden smoked a bit he hated Leather jackets for some reason and Theo can barley pass Math to be called a nerd and also in those cliché a stories they somehow always end up together and that was not going to happened in Theo’s life and she defiantly don’t stalk him (not that much at least). Hayden was one of those bad boys in way, but never to Theo. Because Hayden had seen Theo basically since the day she was born because there are pictures of a 2 year old Hayden looking at Nick like she is from another planet. Theo had seen him cry and whine and be as disgusting as a pig while watching him grow into this piece of perfection by the beginning of his high school years. He was the silent yet flirty asshole who played girls and had s*x every now and then but Theo knew he was just a closet geek dude who although did play girls and ‘break their heart’ in a sense, treated them with so much respect and was the first boy to sign up for women’s right campaign that one time. He just didn’t want a relationship and half the human population took it the wrong way. The reason why Theo is so sure her crush will always be nothing but a pathetic crush is the way he treats her, if Hayden treated her like he would treat any other girl it would be fine, maybe she would have a chance but nope, to Hayden she is basically his little sister, he sees her the way Des sees her and he has all the privileges that Des does in her life so basically Theo is sort of a brother (Not sister because who are we kidding, she might have the hormones and reproductive part of a women but everything else in her body belongs to a dude) and that is exactly the reason the boy has locked himself up in her room and is now flopping on her bed his face in her pillow letting out an annoyed groan. “It’s nice to see you too, thanks for asking, I didn’t know you missed my pillow that much.” She says as he keeps on groaning and huffing. “How was New York?” she asks hoping for a different response but nope, apparently huffing and groaning is the modern way of communication. “Biggest mistake of my life” he manages out and his voice doing that electrifying thingy that it does to her. “You were gone for 4 days” She deadpans, it would surprise her if Hayden did something disastrous like walk around naked in time square, Des did that once and it barley took him a few hours. “Biggest mistake of my life, Oh god what am I going to do?” he groans again and Theo still don’t know what to do but stay the f**k away from the boy because close distance does things to Theo’s body which is not normal. “Okay” Theo says before sitting on the chair which Hayden had kept not so elegantly to keep his axe murderer away. But before she can actually get comfortable in her seat and stare at the gorgeous blue eyed boy’s behind, he is jumping out of the bed giving Theo an almost heart attack for the second time in the last 5 minutes, the things this boy does to her. “Wait-Wait, Theo you are a girl, right?” He says like a sudden light bulb has turned on, actually cut that he says it like all the lights in a freaking stadium is turned on and with the biggest grin ever. Theo has heard that question enough times to not feel offended, She is just about reply to that when the boy is suddenly running- more like flailing- towards her. “Perfect, this could work, this could work so well” he says as the grin gets wider showing off his perfectly molded cheek bones, again he doesn’t give her time to reply before he has both her cheeks in his hand squishing it, inspecting her. “You remember that time in kindergarten where I kicked the ass of that wired kid who bullied you” he says with a hopeful expression and okay Theo is confused now, what the hell is happening and also the close proximity is not helping. “You fell on top of him from a monkey bar and kept crying afraid that he might beat you up and also he stole my pencil I don’t know if that counts as bullying” “You were 3, and for a 3 year old ones pencil is like a diamond necklace or something so basically I protected your honor. Which means you owe me a huge favor” Theo just nods as she realizes New York might have made her gorgeous crush half crazy, but crazy or not he is still so perfect, damn him. “Okay” She says as he basically yanks her out of the chair and unlocks the door dragging her into the party with him. “Wait, What?. Hayden what the hell?” she doesn’t have much time to panic before he is pulling her downstairs searching for someone. “Look, I’ll explain everything later. You are all I have got right now okay. Just trust me here Theo” he says and Theo remembers nodding her head and thinking she has a really bad habit of trusting every single word that falls out of the boy’s mouth. But she doesn’t have much time to worry about it because the next second he is messing up her hair and one of his arm is curled around her waist and he is calling out a name she don’t recognize as a tall, brown haired girl comes into the view. And the words he says next almost makes her unconscious. “Hey Pattie, this is my girlfriend Theo”…..
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