Key to Garcia

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CHAPTER 3: MASON "What the f**k do you mean by that? You haven't even listened to my part and just accused me of something I didn't do!" I yelled at her. At this point, I was frustrated and furious. Blaze protectively came in front of Ella. He was glaring at me but didn't say a word. Alex jerked me back and told me to calm down. How can I be calm? Life turned into a mess in just a night and he is telling me to calm down, like the f**k I will. "Say what you want to say but I warn you, calmly talk to her Mason," Blaze warned me and I took deep breaths to calm myself. "I'm sorry for yelling at you but I can't believe the fact that you don't believe me, you don't trust me and you're choosing her. This woman is lying. I didn't sleep with her." I told Ella and ran my hand through my hair in frustration. "Did you or did you not sleep with a girl that night?" Asked Ella and now everyone was waiting for me to answer. I took a deep breath. "I did. . . I did sleep with a girl that night." I told them honestly and Ella's eyes widened while Blaze and Alex were giving confused looks. "Then why are you denying it? Why are you not taking her responsibility? Mason, I set up her with you. I can't let you do this Injustice. Look at her, she's crying. You have broken her." Said Ella. "Aren't you done with your drama Victoria?" I rolled my eyes at her. "Mason, how could you say this?" She sobbed. "I'm telling you guys last time. I didn't sleep with her. She drugged me that night and tried to sleep with me but I dashed out from the club. I somehow slept with another girl that night." I told them what happened honestly. "See Ella I told you, he will blame me for his doings and now he's making up a story to save himself. You know me, Ella, you know who I am. I would never do a thing like this." Yelled Victoria and Ella was looking confused between me and Victoria. I can't believe she isn't trusting me and is confused to believe any of us. "I don't know what to say. . . Or who to believe. Mason, it's all on the news." Said Ella and looked at me. "It's on the news because she spread the false news," I said pointing at Victoria. "But this still doesn't prove that you haven't slept with her." Said Ella. "Easy baby. Don't take too much stress. It's not good for you and our baby." Said Blaze and made Ella sit down. "You want proof! I will give you the proof. I will find the girl whom I have slept with. Moreover, the girl who I have slept with that night has left her diary in my car. I have it." I said while taking the small pocketbook diary from my pants pocket. I gave it to Ella and she started checking it out. "Ella, this could be fake. Maybe he planned this so that he can get rid of what he had done to me." She yelled and cried. Her makeup was smudging because of her fake crying. "This is not fake. This is real. Mason will never go to this extent of lying." Said Ella and I took a sigh of relief. "So you're saying that I'm lying? I can't believe this! You're taking his side? How could you do this to me?" Yelled Victoria. "I can find any more evidence to prove that it was not you that I slept with that night. The CCTV footage, the guard who stopped you, and the girl who saved me that night from you. I will find that girl and I will take responsibility for her and only her." I said and gave her a hard glare. "Find that girl Mason and leave this Victoria to me. Did she try to play with us? I thought she was innocent but she's a scheming b***h. I will send her to jail and she will not be able to find any job that's a promise." Said Ella and Victoria gulped. Ella can be scary at times. Girls like Victoria make her remember Catherine, as Catherine tried to drug Blaze and kill Ella but thank god both got saved before a major loss and she's in jail for a long long time. Ella can never forget that incident and she hates scheming bitches like Victoria. "N-No, I will come back and all of you will see. I'm not leaving this matter so easily." Said Victoria and ran out of the room. Ella was about to go and catch her but before she could Blaze stopped her. "Let her go, we'll see about her later. You need rest, this stress is not good for the baby and you and how could you think of running after her in this state?" Said Blaze but Ella was looking at me. "I'm sorry, this all happened because of me. I shouldn't have pressurized you and I should have to trust you. Please don't get me, wrong Mason. I accept that I made big mistakes, forgive me please." Plead and cried, Ella. I went towards her and held her hand. "Hey hey hey it's okay. Don't cry. In your perspective, you were doing the right thing. Forget what happened today alright and don't stress yourself. It's not good for you." I tried to make her calm. "What are you going to do about that girl? Any details about her? Do you know who she is?" Asked Blaze. "I'm working on finding her. I will find her soon." I announced. "And then? Then what? Ask for her forgiveness? I hope you haven't taken her without her consent." Said Alex. "I don't remember that night clearly. I'm still trying to remember. I will take responsibility for that girl." I told them. "But what if you don't feel the connection with her you want in your life?" Asked Ella. "I will still accept her if she wants to be with me," I told them. They were stunned listening to me but didn't utter a word. Without talking to anyone else I left the party. I was driving at high speed. I feel so furious and frustrated and it's getting hard to control myself. No, I need to calm myself. My main priority should be finding that girl. I went straight to the club and the first thing I asked the manager was the CCTV footage of that night. I also asked for the guard but he was not on duty today. I asked for his details and went straight home. I will go deep on this matter. I will find that girl no matter what happens. When I reached back home, I got a call from my investigator. He has some news for me. "Alright, I'm at my mansion. Come here as soon as possible." I told him and hung up the phone. I decided to wait for Adam, my private investigator, before watching the CCTV footage. I asked for a cup of coffee from my maid as my head was hurting like a b***h. I massaged my head to calm my nerves. The last two days have messed up my life but I need to make everything fine like before. The only thing that scares me is that girl, how is she? How would have she reacted after watching the news about me with someone else? Even though she was with me that night. Does she care? Did she know who I was? Or did she think of me as a one night stand and has already moved on? I closed my eyes and put my head on the headrest. "Think Mason Think. You sure have seen her face that night. Try to remember. Think hard fucker!" I tried to recollect the images of that night. Soft skin under me, soft hands touching my chest, my hand in her hair, she had super long brunette hair. It was dark in the car but still, I could feel her features, she has plump lips that I was kissing desperately that night, but still, an image of her isn't appearing in my head. The door knocked and the maid told me that Adam was here. I told her to send him in. Let's see what he found about GARCIA. "Boss." Said Adam. "Show me what you found," I asked him. "Sir I've checked all records for a girl named Garcia on Thursday's night at that night club and apparently. . . no girl named Garcia checked in that day." He said and I was listening to him. This can't happen. There was no other club or any hotel miles away. She must have come to me from the club. "Have you checked properly?" I glared at him. "Yes, sir I did." He said and I sighed in frustration. That night. . . I saw some minors in the club. I saw a girl and a boy. Could it be that girl who was crying? No, no she can't be, that girl had blonde hair, the girl I met that night, I remember she pulled me behind the car and before I could see her face she hugged me tightly and then somehow I ended up in the backseat of my car. Why the f**k didn't I see her face? When we were doing. . . what we shouldn't have done in the first place it was dark in the car. I could only feel her body and features. I was so intoxicated that my main focus was to get pleasure. "Adam I saw some minors that day in the club, they would not be able to get in the club with their real ID, they must have used a fake one that's why you couldn't find a girl named GARCIA," I told him and he nodded. I was sure it was a girl and she shouldn't have been in that club last night. "Adam, get me all the entries of that day. I want every single person's name to enter the club that night." I told him and he nodded. I'm going to shortlist people from that list and eventually get a lead to that girl. Adam left and I started watching the CCTV that night. It was 2:00 in the morning. There it was, I was coming out of the club intoxicated, behind me came in Victoria. I paused immediately when I saw three girls come out in a hurry. One of them was crying, I recognized her. It was the blonde girl who was crying and looked drunk as hell, there was another blonde with them and finally a girl with super long brunette hair. That's it! She's GARCIA! Her head was down, I wasn't able to see her face. I zoomed in and what the f**k! She was wearing a mask. Only her eyes were visible. Why was she covering her face? I played again The blonde crying girl jerked Garcia from holding her. They were arguing and I guess Garcia told the other blonde to hire a cab and take the crying girl home. The two blondes went away in the taxi. Garcia started walking away towards the parking lot where Victoria was held by a guard and I was trying to find my car. Garcia saw me and came towards me. My back was facing her. She's so midget in front of me. She tapped on my back to get my attention. I turned and jumped on her. What the f**k am I doing? I held her close to me tightly. I was smelling her hair and touching all over her body. She was shivering in my arms. She tried to free herself from me but I wasn't letting her go. Suddenly Garcia looked behind and a boy was approaching us. He was the same boy who was with the blonde girl when she was crying. Looking at him, Garcia panicked. She said something to the boy, more like yelling at him. I wish this footage had any audio. f**k! The boy started coming close to her. Garcia hugged me tightly and said something to the boy, the boy was stunned and clenching his fist. Garcia started touching my body. Her hand reached to my pants pocket and pulled out my car key. She pushed the unlock button and got to know about my car. The boy was trying to stop her but I punched him as he was trying to separate me from Garcia. Garcia helped me to my car, just then Victoria came into the view. Garcia and Victoria argued, wishing I could know what they were talking about. The boy also got up and approached us. Without thinking another thing. Garcia pushed me in the shotgun and went towards the driver seat. She locked the door, the boy and Victoria were continuously yelling and tapping on the door but in a second she and I were out of the frame. All this time Garcia had a mask on her face. Why was she wearing a mask? Didn't she want to let anyone know that she was here? Who was the boy? It didn't seem like Garcia was there to party, it seems like she was there to help that blonde drunk girl. I have the idea of what I did with her in the car, but no clue how it happened. Did she do it with me willingly? Did she want me? I can get my answers and peace after I meet her. She was in the club but she didn't enter the club in the name of Garcia. I need to think of another way to find her. She went into the parking lot, which means she must have her car there. She left the club with me which means she must have come the other day to get her car. There's only a slight possibility that she must have to wear a mask at that time. I will be able to see her face. That's it I need the CCTV footage of Friday. I'm one more step closer to you Garcia. I closed my eyes and tried to remember the time when I was hugging and smelling her hair in the parking area. She has really long hair. Almost to her knees. Good, it will be easy to find her even if I don't know her real name. I just need to check the identities of Thursday night's entries. Check which one is real and which one is fake. Shortlist the fake ones and get to know about the background of those people. Soon I'll meet her and clear the situation of that night. I also need to get the CCTV footage of Friday. I'm just one step away from finding her. A few more days and then I'll find you, Garcia. I hope you don't hate me. I went to my bed to get some sleep and tomorrow this case will reach an end and I will be able to find Garcia. I closed my eyes and sleep took over me. That night I saw some erotic images and heard soft moans in my dreams. . . . *Next Morning* I woke up with a jerk. I saw my bed and it was filled with. . . My eyes widened looking at the massive erection. What the f**k! How did a dream make me do this? This is making me crazy. I dashed towards the bathroom to clean myself first. After cleaning myself I didn't want my maids to know about this so I grabbed the sheets and put them in the laundry myself. This is not good. I was never sexually frustrated, because of my hectic schedule so why now? Is it because of her? I did dream about her being in my arms last night. No, no maybe I'm just thinking too much. I took some deep breaths and went downstairs to have breakfast. Today I was not going to work, I need to close this Garcia case as soon as possible. The earlier I found her, the better. After breakfast, I went into my home office to get some work done. A few hours later, Adam called me. He got the details of people from that night and also the CCTV footage of Friday. The door knock indicated that Adam was here. "Come in," I told him. "Good morning sir! I got what you have asked for." He said. "Good morning. Give me the details." I told him. "According to the data I collected, that day had more than 100 entries and it's clear many underage youngsters were also there with fake ID's. I got all the ID's but it's difficult to shortlist them. Also, I got you the Friday footage." He said. There must be a way to find her. I'm sure she must have taken her car the next day but I don't even know which car is her's. f**k it! I'll just watch the footage and judge it myself. "Adam wait outside. I'll call you in a minute." I told him and he left the office. Without wasting any time I played the CCTV footage. "Let's see. . ." It was 10:00 in the morning and four cars were present at the club. I played the clip at super fast speed. 1:00 pm and two cars were there. 3:00 pm and only one car was there. All the other cars were taken by some other owners. One car was left, it must be hers but to my surprise. A boy at 3:00 pm came and took the car from the parking area. "f**k it! This can't happen. This car must have been hers. I need to get the details of this car and just in case the details of the remaining three cars too. I wanted to see her face dammit. I took a deep breath to calm myself. I was about to call Adam when something caught my eye. I rewind the clip and zoom in. "This guy who is taking the last car is the same boy who was with the blonde crying girl, the one I punched and the one whom Garcia was arguing something about." I realized. I'm so close yet so far. This boy is the key to Garcia. This boy will take me to her. I just need to find his location and finally, I will be able to track down Garcia. Also, I need to get the details of this car and why is this guy taking this car? Is this car his? Doesn't matter, the main thing is either this car will lead me to Garcia or that boy. The thing that is giving me a headache was what is the relationship between Garcia and him? Are the blondes, Garcia and him friends or something? I hope so they're just friends and nothing more. . . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone! I hope you guys like the chapter. Don't forget to check my other stories on my profile. Drop a comment in the comment section so that I could know views of your about the story. Happy Reading.
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