A Terrible Night.

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CHAPTER 2: MASON Blasting music was irritating my ears. It's been a long time since I have visited any club. I was so engrossed in my work routine that I couldn't find any time for myself but then again I'm not liking this place, one of the reasons was this girl sticking to me like a second skin. Gosh, I hate it and I can't say anything because Ella is continuously watching me with a weird smile on her face. Why does she even think this girl is a match for me? "We're going for a dance. You both also join us." Offer Ella and Victoria get up the next second. "I'm not in the mood. I'll stay here. You guys go and enjoy it." I told her. "You're no fun, Mason. Come on the stage if you feel like it. Come, Blaze." Said Ella. "I'll stay with him Ella, you go and enjoy with your husband." Said Victoria. I want some time away from her, can't she take the hint. I'll make it clear to her after Ella goes. Ella went to the dance floor with Blaze and Victoria sat with me. I made some space between us and told her straightforwardly. "Listen I'm not interested in dating anyone alright. It's better if we never start anything." I told her. I was nowhere interested in dating her. "You will once you'll get to know me." She said and sipped her drink. "I don't want to know you. I've told you already. Don't expect anything from me." I told her and got up from my seat. She grabbed my hand immediately. "Wait! At least have a drink with me. I'm sure we can talk it out." She pleads. I have not a good feeling about this. "Ella will ask about you. At least wait for her to come back and then you can go." I huffed and sat down. She got up and went away somewhere. I looked at the dance floor and saw Blaze and Ella dancing. Another thing that caught my attention was a boy and a girl. They won't be more than 18 years. What are they doing in this club? And from the looks of it, the girl was crying and the boy was dancing with the crying girl. This doesn't look right. What's happening? I should check. As I was about to get up I saw Victoria coming to me with two glasses of wine. "Where are you going? I got us some drinks and look, Ella and Blaze came." She said but my attention was on the dance floor. I lost the girl in the crowd. I hope she's not in any kind of problem. My heart was telling me to check. They are underage. What are they doing in a club like this? But then teenager nowadays. "Mason. . .Mason!" Ella called me out. "Yeah what?" I said. I was completely zoned out thinking about the girl. "You looked lost. Sit down and have a last drink with us. Then we can leave from here. I'm so freaking tired." Said Ella but Blaze looked terrified. I sat down and Victoria handed me my drink. "Baby I think you shouldn't drink and I won't be drinking as I need to drive." Said Blaze. "Why shouldn't I drink Blaze? I want to drink." She said and tried to get a hold of the wine glass but Blaze was quick and took it before her. "Because I think- I think that you are-" said Blaze. "I'm what!" Said Ella in an irritated tone while Victoria and I were just sipping our drink. It's fun to watch this couple fighting. Their fight is nowhere serious. "Nevermind. You need rest. We'll be going now. Mason, you will drop Victoria won't you?" Asked Blaze and as much as I wanted to say no it's better if I say yes. "You still didn't tell me why I can't drink. You just act bossy all the time and I hate it!" Said Ella and I chuckled. Blaze took her out of the club. Suddenly I felt hot. I felt an erection in my. . . What the f**k? Why am I feeling like this? Why is it happening? I looked at Victoria and she was f*****g smirking. I looked at the glass of wine she gave me and f**k f**k f**k! Why couldn't I understand her tactics? She drugged me! I need to leave from here as soon as possible. I started feeling dizzy and f**k this headache. Gosh, it's so hot. I need to get out. Victoria put all her weight on me and I couldn't get up. I can't believe I'm getting harassed by a woman. No, I can't let her overpower me. She just wants to use me and I won't let her. "It's okay Mason, let go, baby. Come I'll take good care of you." She said and made me get up. The headache was increasing to the point where I was not able to think. I need it. I need something to calm my nerves. I looked at Victoria and she was taking me towards some room. No, I can't let her use me. With all my strength I pushed her and dashed towards the door. I just need to go to the doctor and I'll be fine. f**k f**k f**k this headache. I'm not able to think anything. I saw Victoria coming behind. Is she f*****g going to leave me or not?! Now where the f**k is my car? "Mason there is no point to run. You need me, just accept it. I'll help you and you'll enjoy it, I promise." She yelled in the loud music but I was in no mood to listen. I left the club but I couldn't find my car. Victoria also came out of the club. "Stop her," I said to the guard outside. The guard must have thought of her to be tipsy so he blocked her way and was not letting her come to me. With the heat in my body, I won't be able to hold on much longer. "Mason Stop!" Victoria yelled. Why did the guard let her go? And why can't this leech leave me alone? What's her motive? Someone pulled me by my arm and the next thing I knew I was behind a car. . . . *Morning* My head, it f*****g hurts! And why is my body also hurting? What time is it? I feel like I slept for too long. I look at my condition and my eyes widen. I was in the back of my car. . . naked. My clothes were scattered in the car. There was no trace of a women's cloth. Certain events came to my mind and I realized. I slept with a girl in my car last night! I wore my clothes immediately. Thank God because of my tinted car windows no one was able to see me. I came outside the car and saw that my car was not parked in front of the club. It was near a Starbucks. My stiff body and blank mind were making me crazy. I need to get a hold of myself. I sat in my car and found something in the shotgun. I picked it up. Interesting. I think I will get the answers to my questions soon. I went straight to my mansion, without thinking another thing I dashed to take a shower. Water streaming down my body, my body was getting excited as I thought about last night. No, no no this is not right. I tried to remember the face of the girl. I can't let this matter go easily. I need to find her as soon as possible but how will I find her? I don't even remember her face clearly! Fuck what have I gotten myself into? *Two days later* I was working in my office. I was still trying to find that girl. The thought of that girl has occupied my mind. I try to recollect my memory. The only thing I can remember is she was not a woman, she was a girl. A young girl. f**k I hope I haven't slept with a minor and if I did then I can never forgive myself. Why? Why? Why did I even do that? Why could I not control myself? I might have r***d her. The thought of this makes me want to set myself on fire. I need to find her and ask for forgiveness. I am even ready to take responsibility. Ringing of my phone made me come out of my guilty conscience. I picked up the call without watching the ID. "Hello," I said. My phone number was only given to people close to me. "Mason I called to invite you to tonight's party." It was Blaze. "Why? What's the occasion?" I asked him. "You'll get to know about it at the party." He sounded enthusiastic. "Blaze. . . I will not be able to make it. I have some urgent work to do. It's important." I wasn't lying. I need to find that girl. Tonight I will go back to that club to get the CCTV footage. I've hired a personal investigator too to find that girl but I can't wait for his reports. I need to check the situation myself. "I was not going to tell anyone but I think you deserve to know, maybe this will change your mind. Adella is pregnant! We're going to be parents! I'm going to be a father!" Said Blaze. His voice was full of enthusiasm. "What?! That's such great news. I'm so happy for you guys! She must be on cloud nine." I said. I was genuinely happy for them. "She is and she would be more if you come tonight to the party. She wants to share her happiness with all the people close to her." Said Blaze. "This is such big news, of course, I will come. Count me in!" I said. I need to congratulate her personally. "Thanks man. I appreciate it. Looking forward to seeing you." Said Blaze. "No problem," I said and hung up the phone. I was happy listening to such great news. My smile turned down as I saw the diary on the table. On the front page, "Garcia" was written with a golden lining. "I will find you soon. That's a promise." I said and tried to focus on my work. A few hours later I was done with my work and headed straight to my mansion to get ready for Gray's celebration. After getting ready I sat in my car and reached Gray's mansion. Like always it was beautifully decorated. Ella is a homey person, she likes to celebrate her achievements and occasions in her house. She says it makes the memories of her house more beautiful. With the bouquet in my hands, I enter their mansion. Everyone was laughing and enjoying the party. The news has yet to be revealed. I should just congratulate Ella and get back to my mission. I saw Blaze and Ella welcoming everyone. They have a smile and peace on their faces. Wish I could be able to find such peace and love. I shake my head, why am I suddenly thinking like this? Suddenly some images flashed in my mind. Soft skin under me and I was kissing someone desperately. What the f**k am I thinking? No no no I'm not thinking this. This happened! This happened with that girl! f**k f**k f**k. Whoever you are, just please don't be a minor. I will never be able to forgive myself. How could I do it? Was the drug effect too much? What and How everything happened? And why can't I remember most of the part? "Hey handsome, fancy seeing you here." I heard a woman's voice. I turned to look at who she was. I clenched my teeth looking at Victoria in front of me. This all happened because of her! If only she didn't drug me that day I wouldn't have felt so guilty. "What are you doing here?" I glared at her. "Ella invited me, and this is going to be our second date. Oops, we have passed that stage aren't we?" She said and giggled. "What the f**k do you mean by that?" I yelled at her. "Easy Mason. People will think wrong about us. They will think that we're fighting." She said. "What does that have to do with me," I said in a hard tone. "Don't you know? News is flashing everywhere that you and I have spent a steamy night in your car a day ago. I was with you that night." She whispered in my ear and my eyes widened. "What the f**k are you saying? You were not with me that night. Now f*****g stay away from me." I told her. "Mason! I'm so happy that you're here." Said Ella and I hugged her. "It's good to see you both together. What am I saying? Of course, you both will be together after what I saw in the news. Mason, you could have taken things home." Said Ella and laughed. I looked at Victoria and she was smirking. I can bet on my life that the girl with me that night was not her. That girl drives me to some other place. Victoria must have informed the reporters about this. She f*****g spread the news! Now she is telling everyone lies that it was her that was with me that night. What a b***h! I was so engrossed thinking about that girl and work that I never paid attention to the news. "Ella, no you're thinking wrong." I was about to clear everything right here, right now but she cut me off. "We'll talk about this later, first Blaze and I need to make an announcement." She said and went towards Blaze. I looked at Victoria and she checked me out. "Listen I know clearly that you were not with me that night so stop telling everyone the false news or else I will expose you," I told her. "Mason. . . how could you say that after our such a wonderful night? Are you saying that you will not take my responsibility?" She said with such great acting that for a second I would have believed that I slept with her if I didn't know about Garcia. I checked Victoria's background and details, she has nothing related to Garcia and she doesn't know a word about writing poems. That diary couldn't be hers for sure and from my vague memory, she was a girl, sure she had a good body but she was inexperienced. I have no idea how the f**k I remember that. Maybe I did enjoy that night with her. A woman like Victoria had several boyfriends. No way in hell she could not be inexperienced. Why the f**k am I thinking such shameless thoughts at this time? "Listen up. You were not with me that night and I have proof." I said and her eyes widened. Suddenly we heard people applauding and cheering. They must have dropped the bomb of Ella's pregnancy. Everyone was cheering and happy for the couple. "I don't know what's your obsession but it's better if you leave me alone or else I will humiliate you in front of everyone," I said and went away to make a call. I called my right-hand man who takes care of all my media news and cases. "Boss. What can I help you with?" He said. "Your job is to take care of the media news and here I don't have any idea about the news. Why haven't you informed me and if you haven't, why haven't you solved it yet!" I yelled at him. "I tried to contact you and informed your secretary too that it was an emergency but she didn't let me in nor let me inform you. Your number was switched off and on your office phone, it was always your secretary." He said. I need to fire scarlet. She's of no use. I usually keep my phone switched off. "I'm working on the news sir. From today onwards this news will vanish from everywhere." He informed me but I was thinking something else. "No, just remove victoria's name. Say it is false that I slept with her, let the remaining news be the same." I told him. "Boss it can affect your reputation." He said hesitantly. "I don't care. Just do as I say." I told him. I don't know why I told him to do this. I just want that girl to remember me when she sees the news. I hope I'm not a traumatic experience for her. Please God, don't let her be a minor or me a r****t. I hope I just didn't force myself on her. I came back to congratulate Ella and Blaze but to my surprise, Alex, Ella, Blaze and Blaze's parents were looking at me with a disappointed look. With a confused look on my face, I went towards them. Without saying a word, Ella signalled me to come to a room with Blaze and Alex. I went with them. In the room, I saw Victoria crying pathetically. Now, what drama is she playing now? Ella closed the door and started yelling at me. "What the hell am I hearing Mason? After spending a night with her, you're rejecting her?" She yelled at me and my eyes widened. "This is not true. I did not sleep with her." I told her calmly. "See! I told you didn't I? I told you that he will not accept this." Yelled Victoria and cried pathetically. I'm one second away from choking her to death. "Ella, no listen to me first she's-" I tried to tell her but she cut me off. "No Mason! You listen to me. I thought you have matured now that's why I wanted to set you up with someone you could have cherished all your life but you're still the same. I don't want to hear anything. YOU HAVE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR HER!" She yelled at me and my eyes widened. -------------------------------------------------------------- Hi guys! Tell me your thoughts about the story in the comment section and don't forget to check my other works on my profile. Save this book in your library so you guys get notified whenever I update. Checkout "Deceiver" if you want to read Adella and Blaze's story where Mason plays a huge role in their life. Happy Reading.
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