Leads to Garcia

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CHAPTER 4: MASON The next day I woke up with a new hope. Today I will get the final leads to find Garcia. I'm excited for some reason. Nowadays the only thing that I can think of is her. I don't remember her face but I remember her. Her body, her scent and her voice. Her sweet moans. It's funny how I remember these erotic things but doesn't remember anything that leads me towards her. Doing my daily routine, I straight went to my office. As usual, Scarlet was of no use. Why is she still here as my secretary? Yeah, that's because I haven't fired her yet. I need to find her replacement soon. "Scarlet come to my office," I called her in. "What can I do for you, sir?" She asked. That's the thing you can't do anything for me. I need to tolerate her for a few days until I find her replacement. "Send Adam immediately inside when he arrived. Got it? I hope you can do this little thing." My voice was laced with sarcasm. She nodded and I told her to get me a cup of coffee. An hour later Adam came into my office. I was feeling some weird emotions. Is it fear? Or excitement? I have no idea. . . "Good afternoon boss." He said and I nodded. "Sir I got the details of the car and I tried to shortlist as many ID's as I could. I found out that there were more than 20 underage youngsters present there that night. I checked the background of each one but there was no one named Garcia in them." He said and my eyes widened. No this can't happen. She was there. I saw in the footage she came out with the two blondes. She was the one I left the club with. I saw it! Then how could not Adam find her? "What about the details of the cars I told you to get?" Trying my level best to control me I asked him. "Three of the cars were of the club's owner but the last BMW is registered to a guy named Vincent Cole. He is 18 years old, study at John Adams High. He is the only son of Cole Springer. A car dealer. They're living a good life. No financial crises." He explained. No, no no this can't happen. Why is nothing leading me to GARCIA?! At this rate, I would have thought that she's just my imagination but she's real. I felt her that night. I was with her that night. I saw her in the footage. She left the club with me dammit! I wanted to yell at someone or throw everything in my view. What now? There's no lead. Why is this happening to me? I am a man with such high power and authority but I'm not able to find one little girl? "Sir there's something more about Vincent Cole that I want to tell you about." He said and got my attention. "What is his connection with Garcia?" I asked him annoyedly. Wait! I remember Vincent is the guy who I saw in the footage taking the car, he's also the same guy who was with that crying blonde, the guy I punched because he was taking away Garcia from me, the same one whom Garcia was arguing with. How could I forget such an important detail? There's still lead! There's still hope to find her. "Sir, Vincent Cole knows the owner of the club. His friend's father is the owner of the club so he often gets himself and his friends to gain entry without an ID. He or his friends doesn't require a fake ID to get in." He said and that explains why we couldn't find any detail about Garcia in the fake IDs. Garcia knows Vincent Cole. She entered the club without any ID. The key to finding Garcia is Vincent Cole. The blondes, Vincent and Garcia must know each other. If I get to know about Vincent I will finally be able to reach Garcia. "Adam investigate about Vincent Cole and where did you say he studies?" I asked him. "John Adams High sir!" He said and I nodded. I told him to leave. If they know each other there's a high possibility they all study in the same school. "John Adams High." I know what I need to do. Ringing my phone made me come out of my thoughts. It was Alex. "Hey, Alex how are you doing?" I asked him. "Just the same. Listen Ella is worried about you, she's ashamed to call you. She's guilty of what she has done. It will be better if you talk to her and assure her that none of this is her fault. She's pregnant and I don't want her too stressed out. You know she's a practical as well as an emotional person. s**t happens and she also made a mistake." He explained. "Alex, I'm not mad at her. I'll talk to her later. Don't worry." I told him. "That's good. Have you found any clue about that girl? Do you need my help?" He asked. "Thanks, man but I think I got it. I'm close to finding her. I'll manage." I told him. "Bro, have you thought about what you will do after you find her? I mean what's your plan?" He asked. "I need to make things clear with her. If she wants me to take her responsibility I'm ready to take it. Other things can only be cleared when I will be able to find her. My main priority is to find her first." I told him. I want to see her not because I feel guilty about what I have done but because I want to. I want to meet her and get to know her but then again she might be too young for me. . . Things will only get cleared when I will find and talk to her. "I hope whatever happens is best for you. I'm here if you need anything." He said and I thanked him. Before I could ask him about Kevin Leonhart he hung up the phone. Without wasting any time I called Ella and assured her that none of this was her fault. She wanted to help me to find Garcia but I declined her offer politely. After our little chit chat, I hung up the phone. I wore my coat and left the office. I can only wait to get the leads to find Garcia. I left my building and headed straight towards my home. My head was throbbing with pain from all the incidents and information I found today. I freshened up and had my dinner. After this, I went to my room and started working on my laptop. Tired of all the work I massaged my head and put the laptop on the side table. Garcia's diary/pocketbook was lying on it. From the day I found it I never tend to read it. I don't want to invade her privacy but today I was getting curious more than usual, maybe I'll get some lead if I read it. I opened it and the first page showed a name written with golden lining "GARCIA" I turned to the next page and found out it was not a diary but a poem pocketbook. Several poems were written in the diary. Some were original and some were from famous poets. The one I recognized was from Charles Bukowski and Ellen Edgar Poe. So, she has an interest in literature. That's great but still no lead to finding her. "Couldn't she write like some people 'If anyone found this, please return it to xx address' if she had done this it would have been so easy to find her." I put the pocketbook back in the drawer and took a deep sigh. Brown long hair, plump lips. Did she have black eyes or hazel? It was dark so I couldn't figure it out. What will I do after I find her? Talk to her? Ask her forgiveness? I'll figure it out after I find her. . . which reminds me that I need to make a phone call, an important phone call. . . . It's been a week since the incident and today I will get all the information about Vincent Cole. Adam summarizes it for me. "Vincent Cole son of Cole springer, 18 years old, studies at John Adams High, playboy, isn't good at his studies. Has a lot of friends and girlfriends. Recent breakup with Maria Peter Anderson on Thursday night. Overall, this guy is not of any good character and is bad news for girls." Just as I expected. The footage showed that he was after Garcia. Suddenly, it clicked, That night he was dancing with the crying blonde girl. That girl was crying on the dance floor and he was dancing around her. He must have broken up with her at that moment. "Adam, can you show me the picture of Maria?" I asked him and fortunately, he had a picture of her and I was right. She's the same crying blonde hair girl. Garcia took Maria out of the club. For some reason, I don't think that Garcia can be friends with Vincent and if she was she must have not been now as he broke up with her friend so in my conclusion, Garcia must be Maria's friend and she was there to help her. I don't know the reason for the fight but one thing is clear, they all must have been studying together at John Adams High which will make it easier for me to find her. Should I tell Adam to investigate Maria? I can get the list of Maria's friends. If she has a friend named Garcia then that will be the one I am trying to find. "Adam get me the friend list of Maria Peter Anderson by tomorrow," I said and he nodded. Adam left my office. That's it! Tomorrow will be the day of my meeting with Garcia. Everything is planned and arranged. There will be no mistake this time. I was confident. Suddenly I heard a knock on my door. It was Scarlet. "Sir there's a woman outside. She claims that Sir Alex has sent her." Said Scarlet and I told her to let her come in. I asked Alex to find me a replacement for Scarlet. This must be her. If I find her suitable for the job I guess it will be the last day for Scarlet's job. The woman enters my office. I swear to God I saw her somewhere recently but where? Her impression of my memory was vague. She had short blonde hair and was tall around 5'8 I guess. She was wearing black-rimmed glasses. Have I seen her before and if I did where? "Good morning sir!" She said and I asked her to sit down. I need to compose myself, if I see her before I will remember her sooner or later. "Alex has sent you?" I asked her. I didn't tell her to introduce herself. I'll give her a chance after looking at her CV. "Yes sir!" She chirped. "Alright, give me your CV," I said and she gave it to me. I checked her CV out and my eyes widened. Her basic education was from John Adams High! and Her name was Courtney Peter Anderson. NO f*****g WAY! There's a high possibility that she could be Maria's sister. Wait! That night in the footage I saw Garcia and another girl holding drunk Maria. The other girl was blond, her face was not clear and I didn't pay that much attention to her. Now when I'm looking at this girl she does seem familiar to that footage blonde girl. There's no doubt that she's Maria Peter Anderson's sister and that she knows Garcia! Is God with me? I can't believe that a lead to Garcia is in front of me. I was smiling internally. Finally!! "Sir! Are you alright? You've stared at the CV for more than 10 minutes." She said and I came out of my thoughts. I cleared my throat and told her. "Yes, I was reading your CV and I found no problem with that. You can join us from tomorrow onwards as my secretary." I told her. Her CV was okay but she could be a big lead to find Garcia and I can't slip this chance like this. "Thank you so much, sir! It means a lot." She said and extended her hand towards me. Does she want me to shake hands with her? "You can go now, Miss Anderson." I don't want to seem friendly. It will only cause trouble for me later. Her face furrowed but she let it go and left my office. Wait! What if she talks about her job in front of Garcia and tells her that her boss is a jerk. What will she think of me? No, I'll make a good impression of myself in front of her. Few hours and then she will be in front of me and this time there will be no mistakes. There is nothing wrong in saying that I was indeed lucky. A lead to Garcia walked to my door. My heart was beating fast for some reason. It's okay, everything will be fine. We'll meet soon. . . Garcia.
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