Stephanie Martinez.

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CHAPTER 5: MASON Everything is planned. Today there will be no mistakes. I've calculated everything. Today what I want will happen. . . there's no other choice. . . . (Flashback) "Sir I got you the friend list of Miss Maria Peter Anderson. . . but unfortunately there's no one named Garcia in it." He said and I was furious. I snatched the list from his hands and looked at it myself. This Maria girl must be popular, it feels like half of her school population is her friends. "Any news if she has broken her friendship with someone nowadays?" I asked him as I saw that night Garcia and Maria quarrelled about something. "No sir, she's friends with everyone she was before." He said and I was quiet. Then who was that girl last night? Does she not study in this school? Even if she is not she must have any connection with Maria then why is not Garcia's name on the list? Everything makes no sense. Nothing leads me to her! f**k! "I also asked you to get me the details of Miss Courtney Peter Anderson." "Yes, sir I have also researched everything you asked for. Here's Miss Anderson file." He handed me her file. The file contains her basic information. Courtney Peter Anderson, 23 years old, daughter of Peter Anderson, Has a younger sibling Maria Peter Anderson. Basic education from John Adams High. Has attended Saint Teresa College. This was all basic and nothing for me to use. I skipped to the next page and found her mutual friend list with Maria. I checked and. . . nothing like always. There was no one named Garcia in it. Was she even real? Was I hallucinating? But the pocketbook, the footage, my vague memories says otherwise. Should I ask Courtney directly to tell me about Garcia? I may look weird but I seem desperate now. Would it be proper? Also, I've checked her friend list. There's no one named Garcia in it then what's the point in asking her. I think I should lose all my hope. Wait! The friend's list! "Adam I want you to shortlist the names present in both lists and give it to me today!" He nodded and I told him to leave. . . . (Present) "We're honoured to let you know that Mr Mason Miller has decided to fund our school and also will provide job opportunities to the graduates of John Adams High." Everyone gave a round of applause for Mason Miller. One of the few billionaires of New York City has decided to invest in their school. What could be better than this? "He's so handsome. Look at the authority he's holding." "I wish he would notice me." "Rich and Handsome. What a perfect combination!" "I heard he slept with a girl in his car! Can you believe it? He must be wild." These were all the gossips from the girls that were sitting in the big Auditorium Hall which Mason was unaware of. He only cared for one girl whom he was there to find. Does she know him? Did she recognize him? Will she be here knowing that I'm here too? Will, she ran away? No, she will not! I will not let her. I already assigned some guards on the door to not let anyone out who has to enter this hall before the principal has given a speech about me investing in this school. Also, I have made sure that all the girls that were shortlisted are present here. She must be here! She has to be! And now it's time for my final move. "I would like to call Mr Mason Miller on the stage to give all the students a speech and also to give awards to the students who are going to graduate this year." Garcia is going to be graduating this year. A huge round of applause was heard when Mason went on the stage. He gave a mesmerizing speech. His charm was all around the auditorium. He delivered the speech with perfection and authority. Girls were swooning while the boys were admiring him but his eyes were looking for someone in the hall. "Now it's time for this year's soon to be graduated students to come on the stage to receive their awards." The principal announced. Everything will go as planned. "Just a few more moments." He thought. One by one student starts coming on the stage to receive their awards and shake their hands with Mason. Someone familiar came into his view. "Vincent Cole." Whispered Mason. He came and collected his award. Vincent smirked at Mason and shook his hand with his. Did he recognize me? Does he know that I was the one with whom Garcia left? From the looks of his, I think he does not remember. He was drunk that night, there are low chances of him remembering me and if he did he must react to see me here. In conclusion, he doesn't remember me. More and more students came and received their awards. Maria Peter Anderson also took her award for me. She was admiring me like hell. I had to jerk my hand away from hers. What if my conclusion that she doesn't study in this school was right? This thought made me depressed and furious. Some of the mutual friends from the sister's list also came on the stage but no one matched Garcia. Should I just stop searching for her like a mad man? "The last student we have is Miss Stephanie Martinez. Please come on the stage and take your award." Announced the principal. Maybe this is fate. I've done everything in my power to find her. There are no more leads to her. The worst I can do is to ask Maria or Courtney about Garcia and what if they decline to know about her. What will I do then? Should I give up? "Mr Miller. A student is here to receive her award." Miss Anderson came on the stage to tell me. I came out of my thoughts and grabbed the last award from the Principal. What was this girl's name? I wasn't paying attention when the principal announced. I got up to give her the award when suddenly my mind became numb. She was extremely beautiful. Her plump lips, heart-shaped face, her beautiful body. She was looking so beautiful that I was not able to take my eyes off of her but it was not her beauty that made me stunned. Plump lips, Hazel eyes, long brunette hair. I recollected Garcia's images and it matches! It matches with her. Is she Garcia? The girl I was trying to find? Is her name Garcia? "Mr Miller, please give the award to the student." For some reason, Courtney said in a displeased tone. Courtney did know Stephanie Martinez and hated her because of her beauty. Her sister Maria used to be Stephanie's friend but an incident also ruined their friendship. That's what she thinks. "What's your name?" Asked Mason to the girl in front of him. She was not looking at him. Mason leaned towards her and handed her the award. He then further came closer to her and offered his hand for her to shake. He could smell her scent from the proximity. It's her! There's no more doubt. She was still looking down and Mason could not see her face properly. Her brunette long hair made her stand out from everyone else in the auditorium. Such unusual length can't be a coincidence. "Look up and tell me your name." He whispered so that only she could hear it. "Otherwise I'm not going to leave your hand here." He said in a serious tone. The girl tried to withdraw her hand but he didn't let her go. Courtney wanted to say something but her boss's clenched jaw told her that Stephanie was in trouble and that she should not interfere in this situation. "It's Stephanie Martinez Sir! Please let my hand go now." She said in a low tone and looked straight into his eyes. He could see the beautiful Hazel eyes, he remembered the face from that night. It was her! There's no more doubt. He found her! He found his Garcia. Mason was on Cloud nine and wanted to scream to the world. "Boss, we're done here and ready to go." Said Courtney and made Mason come out of his happy land. He looked here and there to see that Garcia or Stephanie was gone. Where did she go? No, he has to find her. He has to know about that night, about her. He wants to have a long chat with her. He wants to know why is not her name Garcia and is Stephanie? He wanted to know what she thinks about that night. He wanted to know if she remembers him or not. He wanted answers to all of his questions and he would get it by hook or crook. Without listening to anyone he ran after her. He has to search for her. Why didn't she recognize him? She saw him that night didn't she? All these thoughts were frustrating him. He left the auditorium. Principal and Courtney were confused watching Mason's behaviour. After searching for a while Mason saw Stephanie walking fast towards the door. Her super long brunette hair made her stand out from everyone and easy for him to find her. He dashed after her but stopped when he saw Vincent approaching her. "What the f**k is he doing around her?" Said Mason in rage. "Mr Miller, I'm your admirer. Can you please take a picture with me?" Said a girl. "Can you please take a picture with me too?" Said another girl. "With me too please." More and more fangirls started approaching him but his eyes were on the door. "Where did she go with him? And why?" Thought Mason in frustration. Why is this girl running away from me? Mason signalled his guards to get him out of the school. His guards helped him get to his car. "No, I can't leave this place like this." Something caught my eye. The same car that was in the parking lot of the club. This is Vincent's car. Mason got out of his car. "Cover me." He said to his guards. He went near to the car and with his luck, he saw Stephanie and Vincent coming towards the car. "Leave me alone Vincent! I'm warning you for the last time. Stay away from me!" Yelled Stephanie. Her voice is so polite even when she's yelling at someone. "Baby, why are you talking to me like this? I thought we had passed that stage." Said Vincent and I were furious. "Stop calling me that Vincent and please leave me alone. You have already made so much trouble for me, please don't make anymore." Said, Stephanie. It looked like she was on the verge of crying. "We're going to a friend's party and you're coming with me." Said Vincent and grabbed Stephanie hand forcefully. "No, I'm not coming with you. I don't like you and I don't want to be with you for multiple reasons so you should leave me alone." Stephanie yelled at him. "Aren't you a little thing Stephanie?" Said Vincent and leaned towards Stephanie. It looked like he was about to kiss her. No, I can't let this happen. It's clear she doesn't want him. "Hey Kid, get away from her." I went towards them and grabbed Vincent's collar. "W-Why are you here? Aren't you a big shot? What are you doing here?" Asked Vincent. "Stay away from her," I warned him. "Look this is mine and my girlfriend's matter, so it's better if you leave us alone alright?" Said Vincent in a hesitant voice. My whole world crumbled for a second when I heard him calling Stephanie his girlfriend. No, this can't happen. She can't be with him. "Are you with him? Is he your boyfriend?" I looked at Stephanie with bloodshot eyes but she couldn't meet my eyes. She looked down and didn't say a word. "I'm asking you. Is he your boyfriend or not?!" I yelled at her. She looked at me with her watery hazel eyes. "He is. Please leave him alone sir!" She said and my grip on Vincent's collar loosened. No, this can't happen. She clearly said she doesn't like him and wants him to stay from her so why is she saying this? Why is she accepting him as her boyfriend? No, I can't tolerate this. This seems to be a pathetic joke. Vincent smirked at me and went towards Stephanie. It's now or never Mason and just like that, I let my anger control me. I punched Vincent brutally which made him fall on the floor. There was no reaction from Stephanie. It looked like she was happy when she saw Vincent on the floor bleeding from his nose. "Vincent!" There was a scream from behind. I looked and it was Maria Peter Anderson. She came running towards Vincent and helped him get up. "Mr Mason, why did you punch him? What's his fault?" Said Maria. "Sir, we're ready to leave." Courtney approached me from behind. No, I can't leave like this. I looked at Stephanie and she was still looking down. Why won't she look at me? It feels like she's trying to hide the fact that she was with me that night. I calmly go in front of her. Maria, Vincent and Courtney were paying attention to my every step. "Courtney," I said calmly and in an authorized tone while looking at Stephanie. Her hazel eyes met my brown ones. "Yes, boss!" She said. "Take both of them with you and go home. I don't need you for today." I told her and she kept quiet. "Maria, Vincent and Stephanie come with me this instant." Said Courtney. "No, not her. Just take both of them with you." I told her. Stephanie's eyes widened as she realized that she was going to be alone with me. "No, I'm not leaving my girlfriend with you!" Yelled Vincent. "You need to learn some more lessons I see. Don't worry I'll make time and teach you later. Courtney!" I said. "Yess boss! I'll take both of them this instant. Vincent and Maria come with me. Vincent don't be stubborn. He has guards that can beat you like hell so stop being a brat and come with me this instant." Yelled Courtney and finally that dumbass was willing to leave as he saw my guards approaching. "Don't tell me you f****d this big shot that night. Using your beauty this way. . . Doesn't that make you a slut, Stephanie?" Maria whispered to Stephanie but I heard it. I was fuming with rage when I heard this. She'll pay for this! I'll make her pay for what she said to her. Vincent, Maria and Courtney left and finally I was alone with Stephanie. The girl who I slept with that night. She was numb and looking down. I made her look at me and was stunned to see tears in her eyes. Her lips were trembling and she looked at me with tensed eyes. She pushed me a little and I was hurt by her this act. "You need to come with me Stephanie," I told her. "Leave me alone, please. I don't know you." She said and started walking away from me. Her back was facing me as she walked away from me. "I told you to come with me, didn't I? Garcia." I said. She stopped in her tracks immediately as she heard me calling her Garcia. She turned back and looked at me with a stunned expression. I went closer to her. "Come with me. We need to talk about lot of things." I said and grabbed her forearm gently. ___________________________________________ Hi guys! Don't forget to check my other stories on my profile. Drop a comment if you have something to tell me. I'll see you guys with another update. Happy Reading.
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