Chapter 2-2

2024 Words

“What app?” I blinked up at him. “Your map app.” I stared at him blankly. “You don"t have the map app?” I shook my head. I was a total i***t with my new phone. “Hand it over. I"ll get it up for you.” Brett held out his hand to me. I put my phone into his hand and he worked on putting up the map for campus and showed me how to use it. I was wary of this. I"ve lost such things before, and it wouldn"t be the first time I messed up something on my phone as well. After lunch we all had to part ways. Nadine was taking drama class. I didn"t know she was into drama, but her brother was. Maybe he talked her into it. When I had chosen my classes, my aunt told me this was the opportunity for me to “find myself”. I actually liked that idea. Finding myself—or whatever interested me. Music and art h

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