Chapter 2-1

2008 Words

By eleven my stomach was turning inside out. I"d forgotten to bring some sort of snack, and I only had enough money to buy myself lunch today. Texts from both Brett Rutherford and Nadine Shaw said they"d meet me at lunch around eleven. I found that all the rest of my morning classes were in the East Wing—which made my life easier. And I knew that my last class of the day was in the Art Building. Assuming I could find it again. The cafeteria was down the hall from the commons, which I"d had a bird"s-eye view of earlier. The cafeteria was buffet style, thankfully. I could choose from whatever I wanted and pay at one of two cashiers. Spaghetti was always my favorite, but not without meat, and this stuff looked and smelled generic with too much garlic. I went with roast chicken and mashed po

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