Chapter 2-3

2132 Words

“Oh, yeah. The last time I saw something like her, I flushed it down the toilet!” The others agreed with hilarious laughter. I stepped away, having had enough of this crowd. I noticed Moon and the one who"d taken Ellwood"s insult, Ham, both now sat at a separate table. “I hope they don"t decide to do Romeo and Juliet again,” he said to Moon. Romeo and JulietMoon rolled his eyes. “God, give me strength!” “Hi, Moon. I don"t believe I know your friend,” I said, my glance going to the taller guy with the red bow tie. “Brad Hamilton,” he said. I thought his white button shirt and red bow tie was a bit of an oddity, but maybe he wanted to look as nerdy as possible. “Everyone calls me Ham.” “Nice to meet you, Ham.” I shook his hand, since he"d extended it. His hand was cool and the handshake

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