3. A special birthday gift

1058 Words
Emily smiled all her way to school. Her family was good for nothing. It was not even her family as she was forcibly handed over to them when she was a baby. Henceforth, she did not mind when they treated her like an invisible s**t or as an worthless object in the house. Since her childhood, she grew up listening to her parents tell her that she was not theirs. And that whatever they were doing for her... Should be considered as their kindness. That's what Emily had been assuming despite being treated less worthy or not worthy at all. Also because she knew that if not her family, her best friend Sinjin would make her day a blast. Emily was waiting for her outside school. Sinjin just sent her a message informing that she was on her way and asked her to wait outside the school gate. The message eventually made her stare at the phone. It reminded Emily of the requests and begging she did to get it. It was Ashton's old phone. When he got a new one last year, her foster parents had wanted to sell it at a cheaper price and get some bucks for it. But Emily insisted they give it to her since she was going to start her high school soon, and that she really needed a phone. Her parents finally agreed on Ashton's insistence, which did not come for free! Emily promised to write his assignments for a week in exchange of his insistence otherwise Ashton would never do anything for her. Never. "Happy birthday!!!" Emily jumped in her spot as a wave of excitement racked her spine. It was Sinjin Argent. Her gorgeous friend. With green eyes making you feel like nature was staring back at you, sweet pink lips that always smiled and a pear-shaped figure, Sinjin looked charmingly adorable.  "Sinjin!" Giving her a fake glare, Emily huffed pretending to be angry but later she bursted into laughter, pulling her for a hug. "Happy birthday to you, my sweetest friend. I hope I am not the last one wishing you!" Sinjin said, killing the smile Emily had found after a long time on her lips. Last one? Only if Emily could tell her that she was not the last one but the only person to wish her so far, she would have said it. But since in the eyes of her best friend she was living a gleeful life, she kept her mouth shut. "Not at all." Emily replied as they hugged each other tighter before parting. "I am glad." Sinjin cheerfully uttered. "Because I would have gone mad at myself if I were the last one. You know you are my bestest friend forever and like to wish you first." Emily couldn't deny it. They have been friends since childhood. They both belonged to the omega cast but Sinjin was slightly richer and in better financial condition than her. They joined the same school but grew up in different environments. Now that Sinjin also found her mate, she was just doing more than well in life. Why not? She was mated to the Alpha's son, Jayden Harris! The star boy in school, also the basket ball team's captain.  "I was certain you would not forget it!" ... And you are the only one who ever remembers my birthday and wishes me.  Emily wanted to add but let go.  She controlled her tears of forlorn sentiment as she did not want her friend to see her cry. Sinjin really cared for her since she was aware of Emily's story. She was aware of her foster family and how they used to treat her. Still some parts of her life were unknown to her. For example, Emily was treated as nobody, or for that matter, she never cut her birthday cakes at home.  For Sinjin, she was leading a healthy life.  "Okay, now close your eyes." Widening her eyes rather than closing them, Emily stared at her friend.  "WHY?" she giggled cheerfully.  "Oh Emily, just close your eyes."  "Okay, okay." Recognizing that her friend was stomping her foot in disappointment towards her, Emily shut her eyelids.  She was about to ask what it was for, when she heard, "Open your eyes now."  As soon as Emily lifted the veils of her lids, her sight met with a view of a glimmering Crescent moon pendent.  "Wow! This is amazing." it was not just a pendant, but a pair of best friends full moon, 2 in 1 locket, out of which, Sinjin was already wearing one.  "When I told dad that I wanted to give you something memorable for this birthday, that we both can cherish together, he suggested me this. Isn't it cool?" Sinjin held the one she was wearing as she squealed in pleasure.  It was a 2 in 1 moon pendant of Waning moon and crescent moon. Sinjin wore the waning shape while she put the Crescent one around Emily's neck.  Once done, she picked both the moons and joined them together, making it a full moon.  Emily found her eyes watering at the look of it. This was the best and only gift she could ever get. Though all the gifts Sinjin gave her were special to her, this was the best of all as it was the moon... The sign of the moon goddess, making her assume it as her good luck charm.  "This is beautiful, Sinjin. Just so beautiful that I..." Emily could not find words to describe its beauty.  "You don't have to say anything, Emily. Just promise me that you will wear it forever. It's a sign of our friendship, and a memory for your eighteenth birthday."  "I will never separate this from me. Love you so much, Sinjin."  Sinjin squealed in joy as she returned Emily's hug. "Love you too."  The girls were relishing this moment under the bright sky outside the school gate. They were filling each other with contentment towards each other when a car honked.  They didn't have to think twice about the owner because Jayden peeked out of the car and screamed, "Good morning, honeybee!" making Emily's heart go wild over his voice while Sinjin sighed at his behavior.  Nope, this should not be happening with Emily— he was her best friend's mate and boyfriend.  Tbc... 
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