2. A birthday nobody cares for:(

1079 Words
Emily woke up to the melodious sound of the squawking birds coming from the window of her room. Bright sun was shining down on earth and its rays radiated the land beneath into glittery gold. Getting up while stretching her arms, Emily looked at the watch. 7.10 am. She usually wakes up at 6.00 and does some yoga before starting her day, but since what happened earlier in the morning, she slept an hour more which means there was no time for yoga today. She brushed aside her blankets and got up. Huh. The bright blue sky in the early morning was the best sight that made her smile and she stood at the window. Emily loved nature. She never forgot to adore its beauty before going to the washroom. "Emily, are you awake???" Emily was absorbing the ticklish rays of the sun kissing her cheeks when her mother called her. "Yes, mom? " She replied from the room immediately. "Alright, will you mind helping me in the kitchen?" She asked.  Emily's nostrils flared with the sweet tasty aroma of muffins and her heart fluttered. She smiled to herself and jumped happily, throwing her hands in the air.  It was her birthday today. Her mother must have prepared muffins for her.  With the same thought, Emily went to the door and shouted back her reply, "Sure, mom. Just give me fifteen minutes. I will have a quick bath and join you in the kitchen."  "Sure thing, just be quick."  "Don't worry, mom, I will be there!"  Having replied to her, Emily strode to the old wooden and almost broken closet in the left corner of her room, which is by the side of her bed. She pulled out a black denim with an off-shoulder white top and quickly hurried to the bathroom as the tantalizing fragrance of muffins was calling for her.  Barely it took her five minutes to take a shower and come out. One can say that it was her happiness! Emily's never been loved by her parents let alone expect them to celebrate her birthday. But today, her mother prepared her muffins. Just by the smell of it Emily can say that it was for her. Maybe a birthday gift!  They were poor and couldn't afford to buy a cake from outside. Even on Ashton's birthday, their mother would bake a cake. Henceforth, the sweet aroma of blueberry muffins alerted her taste buds.  Nevertheless as Emily shuffled her feet to the kitchen and reached the entrance of their square-shaped cookery, "Your boss' daughter will love these muffins. Let me know her reaction and what your employer thinks about my baking skills." her smile died and enthusiasm turned to vapor. She observed that the muffins were being packed and given to her father.  "I hope so too. If she loves it, we can expect to set up a stall outside their shop in the local market for our muffins." Her father said as he adjusted the box of packed cupcakes in his bag.  He showered his wife with kisses and as if Emily was invisible, he slipped past her figure without even wishing her birthday!  "Oh Emily, good that you're here. Now come on, help me with cutting while I make sandwiches for your brother." On noticing Emily, Mrs. Wilson waved her hand in the air as she urged her to join her.  Without uttering a word or reminding her of her birthday, Emily stepped inside the kitchen. She held the knife and pressed its blade carelessly on a peeled cucumber. She was physically present in the room but mentally she was wandering somewhere with a lonely cloud in the sky, trying to find her parents.  Oh that they have taken her with themselves that night. Emily would not have to go through this s**t. This pain was slicing through her heart, fragmenting each part of her serenity into the smallest pieces possible.  "Done, mom." Emily flashed a smile at her mother amidst a painful smile.  As she had expected, her mother did not look at her and went to get the platter that Emily just tossed cut vegetables into.  "Mom, it's my eighteenth birthday today." Unable to see that she was being ignored again, Emily sought to tell her mother about her precious day.  Not a cake then at least she could wish her. That's what Emily had also thought when she spoke. But to her sadness all that she received was a disinterested look as though saying, 'Nobody is interested to know it's your birthday!'  Emily looked away. She controlled her tears. This was just the beginning. She had the entire day to herself. Her parents didn't care so what! Her friend Sinjin was still there. She was the best thing that's ever happened to her. Emily was certain she might have planned something for her and that's why she did not mind when she didn't get a reply from her foster mother. It was also anticipated. This was not the first time her birthday was being treated as a normal day.  "Okay then, I will take your leave. I'll be back soon after the lectures are done. Have a nice day, mom." Emily said.  She turned around to leave while forcing herself to smile before stepping out of this house. But then, "Emily, wait!" She quickly twirled around, faced her mother as she realized her smile was widening into a big toothy grin. "Yes mom!" She got a feeling like she was going to be wished.  "Just because you've turned eighteen now doesn't mean you get the liberty to make guy friends and hang out late. You're still bound to the rules as you were before. You get it?"  "Okay, mom. Rest assured, I will..." Tears welled up in her eyes and her throat hurt as it was clogged with bewilderment. She couldn't complete her sentence. But anyhow she had to, "... Not do anything that bothers you. Expect me to return home at my usual timing. Bye. " Mrs. Wilson hummed in acknowledgement before she turned back to the counter to resume her working. On the other hand Emily took her bag and literally ran out of her house wiping her tears.  This was a bad way to start her birthday. Unfortunately, she didn't know that even worse things were waiting for her in school.  Tbc...  (Hope you'll like the story. Do comment if you want to get chapters soon. Thanks so much.)
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