College Entrance Examination Changes

1318 Words
Wait until the white fog clears. The scattered ice sculptures inside were exposed. These frozen people have different expressions, some are panicked, some have a fierce look on their faces, some are dismissive... At this moment, the teacher from No. 1 Middle School finally understood why this legendary proud daughter of heaven kept such a low profile. She is not keeping a low profile, she is afraid that her strength will hurt others, so she would rather remain silent than take action. The students in the audience were shivering from the cold. They didn't care about winning or losing at the moment, they just wanted to find a warmer place to stay. They turned their eyes and were shocked by the students from Qingtan High School! The people at Qingtan High School didn’t know where they got the blanket. At this moment, everyone is gathered together, relying on this blanket to keep out the cold. Feelings: They had long known that Tan Fufa was recruiting enemies regardless of ourselves, and he had even found his own way out! This is really unreasonable! They... couldn't they just notify Yizhong! It's really cold, wow wow wow... Lin Cha was wrapped in a warm blanket and said with squinted eyes, "Lin Mei, fortunately you have experience in this matter, so you had the foresight to bring a blanket, otherwise we would have frozen like dogs like the students in No. 1 Middle School!" Lin Meisheng wrapped herself in a blanket helplessly and said quietly, "Please don't mention it, I would rather not have this kind of experience." The others laughed. After Tan Fu had finished freezing everyone, he let out a sigh of relief and stepped off the ring. Looking at the No. 1 middle school student who was frozen into an ice sculpture, she was a little bit unable to recover. It was incredible that she actually won. Without relying on others, I truly won. "Host, you are so amazing! You actually thought of using cold air to interfere with their actions, and then took the opportunity to bring them together to use your ultimate move, freezing everyone in one fell swoop!" "This still depends on you!" Tan Fu said. If she hadn't accidentally learned during the competition with Ma Xu that the system could detect a distance of about five hundred meters, she might not have been able to win so easily. The places it detects will be presented in her mind like a data model, allowing her to know everyone's movements in advance. Winning so easily must be attributed to the Tan system. After this battle, Tan Fu almost figured out his own powers. The ice system is mainly used for strong attacks; while the tan system is mainly used for assistance. It can monitor the surrounding movements and figure out the opponent's movements. The harvest from this battle was more abundant than she imagined. Yan Wen was not surprised by this situation, "The students from our school caused huge damage to your school. I am really sorry. If necessary, we can clean up your school." The teacher from No. 1 Middle School had a bad look on his face, but now he looked even uglier, "No need!" Yan Wen raised his eyebrows, glanced at the ice sculptures on the stage, and said kindly, "Do you need us to help defrost the students at your school?" The teacher of No. 1 Middle School frowned, subconsciously thinking that he was looking down on the students in their school, so he said in an unhappy tone, "No need. Although our students are not as strong as Tan Fu, they are not so weak that they need help to thaw them!" Yan Wen wanted to say something more, but seeing that his expression was not cruel, she had to shut up. On the other hand, Lin Mei, the person who came by the side, heard this and looked strange. He opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. I could only silently light a candle for the students of No. 1 Middle School. I wish them to break the ice soon. Tan Fu returned to the Qingtan side. Yan Wen smiled gently at her and made a pertinent comment, "Strength needs to be improved. Judging from the combat power she just showed, it can only be said that it may be good in the market, but it is not top-notch in the imperial capital. Tan Fu nodded expressionlessly, already panicking in his heart. It's tragic. Judging from the teacher's expression now, she probably failed in both exams. Mamma Mia, why is it so difficult to get into college! "Host, it doesn't matter, the college entrance examination is still two months away! Maybe we can catch up if we work harder!" the system comforted. Now that the competition was over, Yan Wen naturally took the students back to Qingtan, but before he could speak, the watch on his wrist lit up red. At the same time, his cell phone rang at the same time. He looked stern and quickly walked to the side to pick it up. For some reason, Tan Fu had an ominous premonition in his heart. Yan Wen hung up the phone and said to the students apologetically, "Sorry, the teacher has something urgent to do at the moment. You may have to go back to school by yourself." Sure enough. The moment he answered the phone, he was frowning. Maybe something bad had happened. Could it have anything to do with them? Tan Fu thought curiously. Before she could figure out the reason, Yan Wen's toes lifted away from the ground, a pair of wings appeared behind her, and she flew out of the martial arts competition hall. Everyone was so surprised that their eyes almost popped out. Tan Fu was even more shocked and his mouth widened. Damn it! System, system, someone is cheating here! I suspect he cheated! The teacher from No. 1 Middle School looked surprised and uncertain, "This...who is your teacher's background?!" soon. The people from Qingtan High School sat on the bus and drove away in No. 1 Middle School. Except Tan Fu. No reason, it was because she was motion sick. Sadly, her 'motion sickness medicine' flew away, and she would have to drive a small e-mule back in pain. She sighed, feeling that life was not easy. But when she turned around, the smiling face of the teacher from No. 1 Middle School suddenly appeared in front of her. Tan Fu: "..." He said with a smile, "Classmate Tan Fu, teacher, remember that you haven't had breakfast yet, right?" City Headquarters of Superpowers. It only took a few minutes for Yan Wen to fly all the way over. When he arrived, the conference room was already full of people. Almost all the high-level superpower users in the city are here. "Sorry, I'm late Principal Jiang waved to him, "Your place is here. Yan Wen nodded and walked to his own position. Seeing that everyone was almost here, the leader cleared his voice and said, "Now that everyone is here, I won't talk nonsense. Just now, the city's detector showed a strong light, which also means that the insect The hole fluctuations intensified The high-level superpowers below were in an uproar. The increased fluctuations mean that wormholes will soon be available. A new round of disaster is about to begin again. "Besides this, there is another reason why I called everyone here. "That's this year's college entrance examination...This year, our country's top three universities, Dafa, Daxue, and Daxue, have issued the latest regulations. Due to limited resources, admissions will no longer be based on scores, but will be based on the total population of each city. Each city is allocated quotas, and our city Y has been allocated three quotas this year. Yan Wen frowned when he heard this rule.
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