Intermediate repair fluid

1344 Words
How can you do this? If quotas are given based on population, wouldn’t it mean that people who don’t meet the admission threshold can also take advantage of welfare benefits to enroll? This is not fair! Before he could speak, Principal Jiang asked, "Now that the quota has been allocated by the city, have you thought about how to allocate this quota?" Commander Li shook his head, "It's not clear yet. If nothing else happens, the distribution should be based on performance." Principal Jiang nodded thoughtfully. If it were based on grades, there would be nothing to say. Yan Wen frowned, not because he looked down on the city, but based on the overall strength of this place, even if he was number one in the city, he still wouldn't be able to meet the admission requirements of these three universities. Next, the meeting was dissolved. Everyone left the conference room with a thoughtful expression. Until Yan Wen and Commander Li were the only ones left in the room. Commander Li looked at the empty conference room and glanced at the remaining person with a serious face, "I knew you were going to have a problem. Yan Wen let out a breath, "I understand the state's assistance to poor areas, but is this policy inappropriate? What you are doing is unfair to those college entrance examination students who are able to pass the admission score but cannot be admitted due to policy reasons. Commander Li could not deny his words, "I know, but the country has its own considerations. Other than that, this policy is perfect, isn't it?" If quotas are allocated according to population, then even the most backward cities can enjoy top-notch resources. This is very beneficial to improving the combat capabilities of backward cities and can also enhance the city's ability to resist disasters. Now is the period when wormholes occur frequently, and they may spew out at any time. By then, all cities will definitely be damaged to varying degrees. Judging from the current number of wormholes, this struggle will not end within the time limit. If the combat effectiveness of each city is not stepped up, it will be difficult for them to survive. As for those excellent students, it is easier to solve. Just because these three top universities are not recruiting people does not mean that other good universities are not recruiting people. Because of this policy, college entrance examination students who cannot go to these three universities will flow into major universities, which will help improve the quality of students and strengthen competition among universities. Yanwen said nothing. He really couldn't find anything to refute this policy. Training Camp. After rejecting the enthusiastic invitation from the teacher of No. 1 Middle School to stay, Tan Fu came to the training camp to rub stones as usual. Unexpectedly, when the staff saw her, they didn't look as grim as before, but instead greeted her with a smile. Tan Fu followed him to a small conference room in confusion. There was an old man with a beard inside who looked at her kindly. After seeing the old man, the staff smiled and left. The old man waved to her, "Come here, kid, let the old man take a good look at you." The old man's kind voice reached her ears, causing her to start walking unconsciously. Within a moment, Tan Fu suddenly woke up. Her heart instantly aroused vigilance. Just now she was actually being manipulated like a puppet. "What do you want from me?" The gap in strength made her use the honorific title unconsciously. The old man smiled, as if he was just an ordinary grandfather, "There is something indeed, come and talk about it. On the surface, Tan Fu looked normal and walked over calmly. In fact, his fingertips broke into cold sweat. This old man is so strong! What does he want to do! The old man saw her nervousness and comforted her, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Just call me Grandpa Chen." As he spoke, he looked at the girl's delicate face. Her face, which was as beautiful as frost and snow, showed a familiar outline. A trace of emotion flashed in his eyes, "You really look like an old friend I know." Thinking of the heroic woman in his memory, he shook his head. As people get older, they always think of things that happened a long time ago. "I'm looking for you about that stone brick. Mr. Chen poured her a cup of tea and said slowly, "You have been occupying those stone bricks all day long, leaving no room for others to practice. Many people have already come to the old man to complain!" Tan Fu, who originally thought the old man had bad intentions: "..." Ah this. Tan Fu opened his mouth and asked, "Who are you?" Mr. Chen proudly held out his chest, "I am the deputy battalion commander of the city's official training camp." Tan Fu: "..." Oh my god, this is the rightful owner coming to settle a score with her! "I'm right! It says on the stone bricks that for the benefit of the citizens, you can stay there as long as you want. I'm also a citizen, so I'm right!" Tan Fu tightly closed his small wallet with only three hundred yuan left. Don't think I didn't see through your eyes that turned into copper coins. Bah, don't even think about cheating me of a penny! For his own money, Tan Fu lost more than half of his personality in an instant. His originally calm face was now full of vigilance, and the coldness in his eyes turned to wariness. He exudes the aura of a miser all over his body. Mr. Chen smiled and said, "Relax, I didn't say you were wrong." "Then it won't make me lose money?" "Of course not No compensation? That’s okay. Tan Fu withdrew his vigilance and said with a sweet smile, "Grandpa Chen, what do you want to do with me today?" Mr. Chen fell into silence as he watched her expression change faster than she could flip through a book. Well, the cold and arrogant Tan Fu fell out when he met money. "I came to discuss with you today. After our unanimous decision, you are prohibited from participating in the stone brick competition. Tan Fu was not surprised. She had already had this premonition from the time Mr. Chen said this. "Because you are also a citizen, and now we have deprived you of the qualification to participate in the competition without any reason, so the training camp will give you a certain amount of compensation, a bottle of medium repair fluid The words Tan Fu wanted to refute were suppressed in his mouth in an instant. "Do you want to object?" "..." "I do influence others, so I won't object Tan Fu tried her best to suppress her excitement and said calmly. God knows she has tried her best to suppress her desire to laugh wildly! That’s a medium repair fluid! One bottle is worth a hundred bottles of primary repair agent! As long as she gets it, she won't have to come to Shizhuan anymore to gain energy! Only a fool would object! Mr. Chen was very satisfied with her answer and immediately took out the intermediate repair fluid from his pocket and handed it to her. Tan Fu held back his excitement and took it. "Is there anything else you can do?" Mr. Chen shook his head and said with a smile, "No more." Tan Fu nodded politely to him, and then quickly left the conference room. After leaving the conference room, she decisively found a separate training room. Because she is fifth on the city's top 100 list, she is entitled to free training rooms. At this moment, she is walking towards her own separate training room. As he walked, he said excitedly in his heart, "System Tan, come out and take a look, we have an intermediate repair fluid!"

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