The number one genius in Y City, Tan Fu... won

1372 Words
The students in Qingtan were stunned. Be obedient. Is it such a big deal? Let them look at the expressions on the faces of the people in No. 1 Middle School. Sure enough, the teacher in No. 1 Middle School looked livid, "Isn't this against the rules?" Tan Fu stood on the ring. She lowered her eyes. She was actually shocked by the teacher's words! Although it’s true that she likes to show off, she didn’t expect it to be so big! Let all the people surround her? Fortunately, Teacher Yan can figure it out! She is really not as powerful as they thought! Tan Miao was on the verge of tears now. She wished she could slap her mouth twice. She shouldn't have been so greedy for breakfast. Look, she was about to be beaten by the crowd now! She wanted to use her eyes to signal to Yan Wen that it was almost done, but unfortunately the other party shrugged as if he didn't see it. Tan Fu: "..." Understood, this teacher must know that I didn’t go to class and deliberately retaliated on me. It’s really extremely vicious! Yan Wen ignored Tan Fu's restrained look, thinking that she was nervous that her ice would hurt people, so she ignored it. Then he smiled and said, "Rules are dead, people are alive. If you are procrastinating like this, do you think you can't afford it?" The teacher from No. 1 Middle School frowned, "Teacher Yan, please don't go too far, Qingtan!" When Yan Wen heard this, his tone was helpless: "We in Qingtan are not very stable, so we also invite teachers and classmates from No. 1 Middle School ……Looking forward to it When the teacher from No. 1 Middle School heard this, he became silent for a moment. He knew that his incorrect words just now caused Teacher Yan to deliberately retaliate. He immediately regretted it. Why didn't he keep his mouth shut just now? It's better now. It's hard to get off the tiger. It's embarrassing to ask all the students to beat up a little girl, but those who don't go are afraid of her... What should I do? Just when both sides were still undecided, Hua Xiang came on stage. "Don't you think so little of me? If you want to challenge everyone, you have to pass me first!" Hearing this clean and crisp voice, Tan Fu turned around and uttered only one word, "Come!" Hua Xiang gritted her teeth. The person in front of her held her head high, her eyes looking at her from top to bottom. There was nothing in her eyes, only an indescribable arrogance. "I will make you pay for your arrogance! I want you to know that in front of No. 1 Middle School, you Qingtan are nothing... you are not worthy of standing in front of me!" As she finished speaking, she was surrounded by countless needles made of metal. The objects made of iron in the arena were decomposing at a speed visible to the n***d eye. Under the indescribable force, they turned into tiny needles, surrounding the ring inseparably. The pressure instantly swept across the entire venue. The students at Qingtan High School were shocked, with chills all over their bodies. This was the first time they had seen such a large-scale supernatural attack. Tan Fu was surrounded by these weapons, as if he would be shot into a sieve in the next second. Yan Wen raised an eyebrow, "Metal control? This control is good The teacher of the No. 1 Middle School said proudly, "This child is a candidate for the number one scholar. Naturally, he cannot be compared with ordinary students. Teacher Yan, I think you are right. You students in Qingtan should go to have breakfast early." "Go to those who are missing arms and legs!" He was sure that Tan Fu would lose! Among the college entrance examination students in the city, no one can control metal out of thin air, and Hua Xiang is the first! And the only one! He admitted that Tan Fu was indeed good, but after all he was not as good as a real genius! Yanwen chuckled and said no more. Tan Fu looked at the dense needles in the air and felt goosebumps rising. Oh my god, this is the first time in my life that I am surrounded by so many needles. It feels like being chased by countless doctors to insert needles. Hua Xiang shouted coldly, "How can a person who pursues fame and wealth deserve to be compared with me! After today's battle, I want you to show your true colors. You are not worthy to compete with me." Countless needles headed towards her. Seeing this, the teacher of No. 1 Middle School smiled and said, "Teacher Yan, I advise you to go up to the stage quickly and save your students. The metal of Huaxiang has been tempered and fused by herself, and it is extremely hard. If it is really injured, then we No. 1 Middle School is irresponsible Tan Fu looked at the countless flying needles, and the cold air suddenly appeared on his body, forming a circular barrier, surrounding her inside. Hua Xiang sneered, "It's ridiculous, do you think a little ice barrier can stop them!" She didn't speak, just glanced at her disapprovingly. Another round of needles attacked her. "It's time to end..." The teacher of No. 1 Middle School’s smile grew bigger and bigger, and the next moment his smile froze on his face. I saw the so-called extremely stiff needle, after hitting the ice barrier, it instantly stuck on the barrier like a hedgehog. like a statue. The road reached the barrier, but it was still intact. The audience was in an uproar. The disdain on Hua Xiang's face froze. She reacted very quickly and quickly gathered the needles into an extremely huge metal needle, and used all her strength to attack the girl who remained motionless. The girl gently raised her eyes, raised her eyebrows and scanned the attack, stretched out her slender hand, and indifferently scanned everyone present. Finally, her cold eyes fell on Hua Xiang, her cold eyes seemed to be looking at an ant, her red lips slightly parted, "For the last time, let's all come together." As the words fell, the huge needle was forcibly shattered, turning into pieces and falling to the ground. Huaxiang was knocked away by the cold air coming along the needle. Everyone:! ! ! Ma Xu, who was around the audience, swallowed. The trembling cold air spread quickly, and everyone in the martial arts hall felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave. The teacher of No. 1 Middle School gritted his teeth, "Aren't you going to challenge everyone? I'll give you this chance! Everyone, you can only win, not lose. The glory of our No. 1 Middle School is in your hands!" Hearing this, the competitors from the No. 1 Middle School jumped up with solemn eyes, and even many people outside the ring rushed to the ring. That’s right, people in No. 1 Middle School can’t lose! This is their pride! Looking at the crowd of people coming up to her, Tan Fu's eyes were like ice, her skin was as white as snow, and her whole body exuded a cold feeling. This is her, Tan Fu, the number one genius in the city. After seeing enough people, she raised the corners of her mouth for the first time. Countless pieces of ice appeared on everyone's bodies, and blue light suddenly appeared. With a slight blow, the whole place was frozen. Everyone came back to their senses. "Who's winning?" As soon as he finished speaking, crisp footsteps could be heard. A frosty girl appeared in front of everyone. Wearing a loose white sportswear, she is ethereal and refined. She is very cold, cold to the core, making people feel like they are in the cold winter at a glance. It is so cold that it chills people to the core and is too beautiful to be blasphemed. Obviously, Tan Fu won. Qingtan High School, the city's number one genius, Tan Fu... won.
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