please, all, part, on, stage

1379 Words
"That's right, I'm going to get serious next time!" Ma Xu finally got serious. She used her best body skills and was in front of Tan Fu in an instant. Tan Fu's heart tightened. So fast! Much faster than before! Ma Xu looked at the delicate face of the person in front of her who showed no emotion at all. She narrowed her eyes, raised her fist and swung it down. Because the person in front of her was too fast to catch, she suffered this punch. The person in No. 1 said in surprise, "Hit!" Even Ma Xu raised his eyebrows in surprise. It hurts! Tan Fu received a punch in vain, her chest felt as if she had been hit by a stone, causing her to gasp in pain. "The pain has been blocked. Just when her eyes were black from the pain, the system's voice quickly sounded, and all the pain on her body was hidden. "Host, are you okay?" System Tan asked worriedly. She shook her head again, "I'm okay. Thank you for hiding the pain on my body." The game is still going on. Ma Xu looked at the girl who was unharmed after being slapped by him, and his heart became even more solemn. She was not as relaxed as she seemed on the surface. He just slapped her, and his hand felt as if it had touched ice. She pursed her lips and launched the next round of attacks. Countless figures flashed in front of Tan Fu's eyes. She was dazzled by the sight. She was about to take action, but she missed it. Just when she was hesitant, System Tan shouted, "She's on the left!" Almost subconsciously, Tan Fu hid to the right! "above…" "under…" "On the right..." For a few minutes, she continued to dodge, but Ma Xu was like a mosquito. She could hear the buzzing sound but could not find the person. "Host, she is attacking you head on." When Tan Fu heard this, he exuded extreme cold energy. When she attacked him, he quickly grabbed that hand. After Ma Xu gave her a slap in the face, she didn't dare to get close again. Although she made sneak attacks many times, she didn't dare to attack from directly in front of her. In other words, she was afraid of confronting her head-on. There is something in front of her that makes her afraid. what is it then? She seemed to know the answer. Ma Xu only felt that her wrist was cold and weak. The cold air seemed to have eroded her muscles and veins, leaking her strength and making her lose the ability to resist. She still wanted to struggle, but when she saw the girl in front of her who was as pure as a piece of ice, her lips curled up, "You're afraid of my cold air!" At this moment, Ma Xu knew that he had lost. "I give up, I give up! Let me go! My wrist is almost frozen by you!" When he heard her admit defeat, Tan Fu immediately put away the cold air in his hands and let her go. Ma Xu withdrew his hand and curled his lips, "What the hell, what's going on with your cold aura? It's not like I've never seen ice-type superpowers before, and they're not as scary as you!" Tan Fu didn't answer her. It was a joke. She didn't know this thing herself. How could she answer others? Is this what Tan System calls high talent attributes? The feeling is that her ice is a little colder than others! Seeing that no one answered her, Ma Xu had to return to the team by herself. She looked at Hua Xiang and shrugged, "You also saw it. It's not that I won't help you, but that I really can't do it." Hua Xiang frowned, "I saw it The classmates of Qingtan High School were excited. Although they didn't win, they felt excited when they saw No. 1 Middle School looking like they were facing a formidable enemy! "Win the beautiful Tan Fu!" The students from No. 1 Middle School who came to watch the game were mentally unbalanced. How could they lose to ordinary high school students in their high school focus? Their sense of superiority as top students made them not want to accept this result. "What's there to celebrate? Only one out of ten won. If this was my school, I would have gone back in shame. Someone was still celebrating here and said indifferently. These words attracted the echo of most students, "That's right, our school has won nine games and we are not happy. How come they have the nerve to celebrate!" "By the way, are you really sure she won? I suspect she cheated, or maybe Ma Xu let it slip. Can ordinary high school students beat us? No one else would believe it. Yan Wen frowned when he heard these sour words, "You don't care about your students?" The teacher of No. 1 Middle School waved his hand, "I can't control so many mouths. Besides, isn't what they say the truth? The students in your school are indeed not very stable. They smile like this after a little victory. It's really superficial. He never mentioned cheating, and this tacit attitude made the discussions among the students in No. 1 Middle School even louder. Although there are no equals in people, there are always people who like to put down those who are inferior to them in order to show off their superiority. And their superior confidence comes not only from their current results. Just like now, the reason why the students of No. 1 Middle School talk like this is because in their concept, No. 1 Middle School is better than Qingtan, so they naturally think that they are better than the students of Qingtan. Now that there is such a being that subverts their cognition, their first time is not to examine whether they have regressed, but to deny the excellence of others. Behind this denial is invisible discrimination against other students, and it is also a malformation and pathology in current education. The college entrance examination is a big track. Everyone is trying to take root on this track, but since it is a track, some people must be suitable and some are not. Your grades are good and your strength is strong, which shows that you work very hard and are very good. This is understandable. But don’t forget, before you work hard, there must be an important prerequisite, that is, you are suitable for this track. Because you are suitable, you adapt. Because you adapt, you will work hard, you will be excellent, and you will have smooth sailing. And someone else's poor performance does not mean that he is stupider than you, it just means that he is not suitable for this track that belongs to most people. So, why do you look down on others? Do you look down on other people's efforts? "A little victory?" Yan Wen glanced at the students in No. 1 Middle School, ignored them, looked at the girl on the stage, and asked, "Classmate Tan Fu, do you want to have breakfast quickly?" His eyes were gentle, as if he was just asking about a trivial matter. Tan Fu curled his lips and nodded. Seeing this, Yan Wen said to the teacher in No. 1 Middle School, "You heard it too. She wants to have breakfast as soon as possible, so... please ask the students from your school to come on stage quickly." When Hua Xiang heard this, he raised his feet expressionlessly. He shook his head, "What I'm talking about is that all the students from your school will be invited to come to the stage." Yan Wen smiled gently. The words he said made the people in No. 1 Middle School change their expressions. all? Do you want them to surround and beat one of them? Or will everyone under the ring come on stage? It is really unreasonable to not take them seriously! In the sight of everyone who was about to burst into flames, he repeated it again. "Please, all, come on stage!"
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