He is Yan Wen

1251 Words
He quickly revealed a hint of sadness. She is a very weak guy, and she is not worthy of playing with their group of people. Students with special abilities are different from ordinary students. Students with superpowers whose strengths are too different cannot play together, otherwise one party's powerful superpower will hurt the other. Although this is true, humans are social animals and will feel lonely if they live alone for a long time. The system comforted, "The host is not sad. When we become powerful, we can also find good friends to play with." When Tan Fu heard the voice of the system, her loneliness dissipated a lot. She was not alone, she still had a system. "Everyone is here?" A perceptual and magnetic voice came. Even if you didn't see the person, you could still know such a person from his overly gentle voice. Tan Fu followed the sound and looked over. Sure enough, she saw a young man looking at her with a smile. It turned out to be him, the teacher in the ring. Even though he was wearing a pair of black and old-fashioned glasses, she could still see the dark eyes under the glasses, with a little starlight in them, like the vast galaxy at night. Just like the way he looked at her on the ring. It turns out that some people really can see stars in their eyes. Tan Fu thought to himself. When the students in Class 2 saw him, they immediately ran to him. Yan Wen counted the students, there were ten in total, neither more nor less. "Now that everyone is here, let's get in the car!" The students around him cheered and got on the bus one after another. When it was Tan Fu's turn, she nodded politely to the teacher and was about to follow, but she was stopped by him, "Classmate Tan Fu, your seat is with mine." Looking at this frosty girl, Yan Wen smiled softly. The girl paused when she heard this, and her eyes that had never been emotionless looked at him lightly at this moment, "Why?" If it were anyone else, he would have been frightened by her cold attitude at this moment, but he was Yan Wen. Facing the girl who had just grown up, he gently explained, "To ensure safety, She was not on the same level as the ordinary classmates in the car. If something happened midway and she accidentally used her powers, she might hurt other classmates. For the safety of other students, she was placed next to him. "Host, this school is really good. I know you can't compete with the people in Class 2, so I specially placed you next to the teacher, so that even if there is an accident on the road, he can protect you!" "I think so The girl nodded slightly. Yan Wen smiled and led her to the first row. After everyone gathered, the bus started to move. The people in Class 2 were originally in the same class, and they were very close to each other. Within a few minutes, they couldn't help themselves and began to talk, mostly about the competition that was going to happen later. At this moment, Tan Fu only felt a wave of nausea. The smell of air conditioning mixed with engine oil spread through her nose, making her stomach churn. But it was still an hour's drive from No. 1 Middle School. If she continued like this, she would definitely vomit to death. "Are you motion sick?" A warm and surprised voice came from the side. Tan Fu did not answer. She was afraid that if she answered, she would spit it out. She bit her lip tightly. Yan Wen looked at the pale face and frowned. He reached out and patted her back. Before she could speak, a cold fragrance reached the tip of his nose. He stopped what he was doing in an instant. They kept their distance without leaving a trace. "I'm fine The girl's cold and sweet voice brought him back to reality. Because of motion sickness, Tan Fu's long hair was messy and his eyes were blurred. He no longer had the coldness of the past, but instead had a sense of brokenness after being abused, which was so beautiful that it was suffocating. Yan Wen's dark eyes stared quietly for a while. But for a moment, he naturally looked away and said, "I have an idea to help Mr. Tan Fu avoid motion sickness. I just don't know if you can accept it." Tan Fu supported his head with one hand and said calmly, "Please tell me Yan Wen was not surprised by her choice and said softly, "I have special powers that can make people fall asleep for a short time. I just wonder if Mr. Tan Fu will believe me for once?" There are five types of powers in this world, namely the natural system that can control natural elements; the strengthening system that can make one's body stronger; the healing system that can treat; the consciousness system that controls the entire scene; and the mysterious special system. . Among them, the most people have the enhancement type of abilities, followed by the natural type, and then the healing type. And the last two categories are almost rare to see. Because the number is too rare, from the moment they are detected, they will be officially designated for training. Even universities can make an exception and admit them with lower scores. Because the conscious system is a natural commander; the special system is a natural concealer. As an ever-changing special type, they possess strange abilities that can indeed make people fall asleep quickly. Tan Fu didn't think too much and nodded in agreement. Don’t be afraid, there is still Tan system anyway! Seeing that she agreed, Yan Wen quickly used her consciousness ability. I don’t know why, but a lullaby sounded in Tan Fu’s ears, and her eyelids became heavier and heavier... Listening to the regular breathing sound in his ears, Yan Wen looked away from the girl. He read. It is a sin to be so beautiful when you are weak. I don’t know whose hands this delicate-looking and precious flower will end up in. After a while, he was too lazy to think about it. After all, it's none of his business. System Tan only sees his own host, and naturally ignores the opinions of others around him. Seeing that the girl with her eyes closed was leaning forward due to the brakes, Yan Wen used quick hands and eyes to help her leaning forward. She slept soundly, even if the car was so high, she slept peacefully. Yan Wen looked at her quiet look. Push her back to the correct position. After doing this, as soon as he relaxed his gaze, a student came up to him and asked with a smile, "Teacher, is Tan Fu good-looking?" Yan Wen took a look and saw that it was Lin Cha. "Why are you asking this?" Lin Cha stepped forward, "I'm just a little curious, what kind of girl would Teacher Yan like if she is such an excellent teacher?" He gave the naughty student a clue, "It's just you who gossips." Lin Cha leaned back and escaped the disaster. Yanwen stopped arguing with him and looked out the window. thought with a sneer. How unlucky must it be to be favored by someone like him?
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