Kigu No. 1 Middle School

1577 Words
With the landlord's enthusiastic answer, the sudden stone in Tan Fu's heart was finally relieved. It turns out that there are two kinds of superpowers in this world. It’s because I don’t see them very often that I feel strange! Fortunately, otherwise she wouldn't know how to explain the existence of the Tan system. This world is no different than the 21st century. Since there are supernatural powers here, there must also be many creatures that threaten the survival of human beings. These creatures are grotesque. Although they are rarely reported on TV, every human being knows that they are staring covetously at human civilization. If System Tan’s origins are not made clear and she remains in this world without any explanation, once the authorities find out, not only her, but also her family will be implicated. Fortunately, Tan System is really her special power! This is simply great! In order to celebrate that Tan System had been cleared of wrongdoing, Tan Fu looked at the few living expenses he had left, and ordered a large table of takeaways in pain, looking at the System that he had wronged with a fawning look on his face. "I'm sorry, Tongzi, I dared to doubt you just now... I have committed a heinous crime! Just forgive me this time, okay?" Tan System cleared his grievances, dangling in the depths of his subconscious, and said arrogantly, "Don't eat these, you need energy!" Tan Fu nodded repeatedly, "Okay, okay..." He took out the two repair fluids he won today from his pocket and said apologetically, "I actually made a big mistake today. I mistakenly mistook my little master for that uneasy and kind-hearted evil heretic. This is really unforgivable. Please forgive me." , I would like to offer you the repair fluid that I worked so hard to steal today, and please use it..." Tan Fu looked ashamed of his heinous crimes, holding the repair fluid as a treasure and taking it carefully. A gentle breath swept through the whole body. Tan System enjoyed the energy and said, "Seeing how hard it is for you to show off today, this system will forgive your sins!" Tan Fu was overjoyed, "Thank you very much, little master of the system." Because the Tan system cannot eat human food, all the food she spent half of her living expenses to buy had to be digested by someone who was bleeding. Looking at the unhealthy food on the table, she burst into tears... I can’t finish it, I can’t finish it at all. That night. Tan Fu was drowsily asleep at the moment. The phone next to me was still lighting up strangely, the letters on the keyboard moved exceptionally, and the messages in the group scrolled rapidly. [Tan Tan works hard: What is the top 100 list in the region? 】 [I am invincible in the world: The top 100 list in the region is just a bunch of weak chickens chasing and fighting. It is easy to get on it. It is a good place for poor supernatural students like us to gather wool at the end of the month. What? Are you going to hit the top 100 list? 】 【I am invincible in the world: Huh? so long? You're not really going to compete in the rankings, are you? 】 Under the lingering message, it added another. [Tan Tan worked hard: Well, I went. It is indeed a good place to collect wool. It is easy to get the repair solution. Thank you for your message] Thinking about the bottle of repair fluid, Tan System jumped up and down excitedly. Tan Fu said ‘hmm’ and frowned. Afraid of affecting her, the system immediately turned off the phone, and then accompanied its host into a sweet dream. The next day. Tan Fu was fully dressed. After his morning run as usual, he wanted to take a ride to the training camp, but was called to school by a phone call from his head teacher. The moment I stepped into the class, everyone looked at me. Tan Fu ignored it and sat straight back in her seat. Because she had run all the way here, her face was covered with sweat. She sighed and wiped the sweat off her face with a towel. Yu Ran looked at her outfit and chatted with Jiang Lan at the next table, "Is she going for a run?" Jiang Lan lowered his head while brushing up on the question. When he heard the question, he raised his head and glanced, "It should be Yu Ran said with envy, "It's great to be so relaxed even though you have to go to the gym..." Jiang Lan didn't even frown, but held the pen in his hand tightly. He naturally knew that Yu Ran was envious. People with strength naturally find it easy to do anything. Unlike them, they are overwhelmed by the huge mountain of college entrance examination, and they have to squeeze out time to study the questions. After a while, Teacher Li came in. Today is a practical class. Logically speaking, Tan Fu would not come to class, but because the head teacher wanted to see her for something, she had to come. As soon as she stepped into the campus, the sense of urgency that she was about to face the college entrance examination swept over her. It made her nervous unconsciously. "Tan Fu, today the school is going to play gymnasium at No. 1 Middle School. The time is set at 9:30. After the first class, you go to the playground. Teacher Yan will be waiting there. "Kicking the gym?" Tan Fu looked confused. Knowing her doubts, Teacher Li said, "It's just a friendly match, you don't have to worry too much." Thinking of his beloved disciple's terrifying ice power, he added, "The players sent by both sides this time are not very strong, so you try to be merciful." He was really afraid that the people sent out by the No. 1 Middle School to fight would be frozen into the hospital like those from the second class. Tan Fu felt relieved and nodded calmly. Since she is not a strong person, then she can. The people in Class 1 were working on the questions on the surface, but in fact they were secretly eavesdropping on their conversations. Seeing the indifferent look on her face, they suddenly took a breath of cold air. If they remember correctly, Hua Xiang from No. 1 Middle School seems to be a popular candidate for the top spot in the city's college entrance examination this year. She has been in the top three of the city's training camp for a long time. The teacher still needs her mercy here. Their hearts tightened - how strong this person is! "What a great system! According to the head teacher, the people who will compete in the competition later are not that good, and they may not be as good as us. As long as we work hard to show off, the chance of our secrets being exposed will be greatly reduced!" Tan Fu's eyes were slightly bright. It was not that she was greedy for fame, but it was the first time in this period that she had seen the horror of Tan Fu's reputation! It is no exaggeration to say that in the city, even the watchdog in the most remote high school would wag his tail when he heard her name. She couldn't bear the disturbance. In order to avoid the school's supernatural students, she imitated the original owner and skipped classes for several days, thinking to improve her strength first and then come back. Unexpectedly, she still couldn't catch up with the phone call from the class teacher. After a while, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. Tan Fu followed Teacher Li's instructions and came to the playground. There was a bus parked on the playground. Several students were already waiting around the bus, and they saw a familiar figure among them. Isn’t that Lin Mei, the culprit who dragged her into the ring? Why is he here? When the group of people saw Tan Fu coming, they all stopped looking impatient. The leader took the lead and said hello, "Hello, classmate Tan Fu. I am Lin Cha, the monitor of Class 2." Tan Fu raised his eyes, "Hello There was silence for a while. Lin Cha was a little helpless. He looked at the group of cowards around him who were secretly sizing up others, and then looked at Tan Fu, who stood alone and stood out, and shook his head helplessly. Because of Lin Mei's incident, people in the second class are now more or less afraid to approach her, for fear that if they are not careful, they will be frozen into the hospital. Tan Fu himself was sitting next to him, his face was like jade, and there seemed to be an invisible barrier around him that kept people away. "System, the people in the key class are really arrogant. Even if you are not a genius, you can't fall in their eyes." In a place without people, Tan Fu thought they had seen through the fact that he was a weakling, so he was isolated by them. She secretly played with her sleeves, looking at the groups of people, with longing in her eyes.
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