She will pay for her arrogance

1499 Words
The bus drove all the way to No. 1 Middle School. An hour later, Tan Fu woke up on time. She looked at Yizhong so close at hand and couldn't help but admire his strength. Being able to control the time of superpowers so accurately, this teacher’s strength is unfathomable. Yan Wen noticed that someone was looking at him, but he never expected that it was not a student in his class, but the girl next to him. "What's wrong?" He was curious about the reason why this talented girl looked at him. This was the first time that Tan Fu was so interested in other people. He tilted his head slightly and said, "I was wondering what kind of profession the teacher has. He can control his time perfectly." Yan Wen didn't answer her. After the bus stopped, he opened the door and said, "Get off the bus. I'll tell you if I win the game today." Tan Fu didn't care. She just asked casually out of curiosity. Special teachers like Yan Wen must have gone to a very good university. Even if she knew, she might not be able to pass the exam. After all, I am just a weakling in combat. Still the kind that just broke out of its shell. The teacher from No. 1 Middle School has already led a team to pick him up. Seeing Yan Wen wearing black glasses frames, he quickly stretched out his hand, "Is this Teacher Yan? It's a pleasure to meet you. Welcome all the students from Qingtan High School to come to No. 1 Middle School for exchanges. Yan Wen smiled and replied politely. The teachers on both sides were busy communicating about the process. After the top students from each school who were preparing to compete said hello, there was an inexplicable spark in the air. Obviously, everyone knows what we are here for today. Tan Fu and Yan Wen were not familiar with each other, so she walked to the end of the line. After seeing the teacher leave, she followed them calmly. It was this overly indifferent demeanor that made the people in No. 1 Middle School feel like they were facing a formidable enemy. One of the girls with a ponytail pulled the lead girl with short hair and said, "That's Tan Fu? How about it, are you confident in defeating her?" Hua Xiang looked deeply at the girl in sportswear, "To be honest, no "I guess so," the girl with the ponytail shrugged and said, "Don't worry, I will go on stage before you and will do my best to help you test out her strength. For the sake of No. 1, Hua Xiang... you must not lose." Hua Xiang looked heavy. As the number one in No. 1 Middle School, all the pressure of this game is on her. Tan Fu is not an ordinary person. She is the legendary number one genius in the city. Not long ago, it was reported that she had the ability to kill Mu Lin instantly with one move. It is hard not to make people feel fearful. ​But so what? For the glory of No. 1 Middle School, she will never lose. The two walked together, the air filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke. The group of people came all the way to the competition hall. Because of the school's greeting, the ring in the center of the competition hall has been banned from use since yesterday evening. News of the exchange match between the two schools naturally spread. The central arena was overcrowded. The teacher from No. 1 Middle School asked, "It's still early. Have you had breakfast?" The people from Qingtan High School nodded, because they knew they were here to compete today, so they had already made preparations. They took this kick-off seriously, and the people in No. 1 Middle School naturally took it seriously too. Tan Fu originally wanted to reach out, but when she saw everyone around her shaking their heads, she couldn't raise her hand. But her subtle movements were still caught by the teacher from No. 1 Middle School who was paying attention to her. "This classmate didn't have breakfast. Do you need the teacher to take you to the cafeteria to eat something first?" Everyone's eyes turned to her. Tan Fu was looked at by so many pairs of eyes and felt inexplicably stressed. She shook her head, "I get carsick and can't eat." The teacher from No. 1 Middle School wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Yan Wen on the side, "Teachers, can the competition start soon? You heard it too, my students didn't eat breakfast. The teacher from No. 1 Middle School frowned, "She hasn't eaten. Will she have no strength later?" Tan Fu looked over, his eyes scanning everyone indifferently, "It's okay, it won't take long Does this mean that the students in No. 1 Middle School are very weak and it won’t take long to deal with them? The teacher at No. 1 Middle School looked ugly. How much she looks down on the students of No. 1 Middle School! The girl with a ponytail was slightly stunned, "They say Tan Fu is arrogant by nature, but now it seems that he is indeed well-deserved." Hua Xiang's face was gloomy. She was a student of No. 1 Middle School and the number one in No. 1 Middle School. She could not tolerate others looking down on her alma mater. "She will pay the price for her arrogance!" Tan Fu keenly felt that as soon as she said those words, the expressions of the No. 1 middle school students quickly changed, and they looked at her with vague hostility. What did she say wrong? It’s just a fight. How long can the fight last? A person can hold up to the sky for three minutes. Since they are so impatient to come and play, as the host, No. 1 Middle School will naturally not stop them. Soon, these people divided into separate sides and stood on the left and right sides of the ring. The exchange competition officially begins. Tan Fu watched the people on both sides come on stage and looked at Yan Wen. When will it be her turn to play? Yan Wen understood what she meant and said patiently, "You are the last one to play. Tan Fu pursed his lips, "It's been too long, can you let me go first?" Yan Wen shook his head and said helplessly, "You have to let the students who come with you have a sense of participation. If you get in, they will come here in vain." Judging from his estimate of the girl's strength, she would be a dimensionality-reducing blow against those students. If she went up, the extreme ice would freeze, and all the students in No. 1 Middle School would suffer. Tan Fu sighed in disappointment. Too. With her level of strength, she was slapped to death when she went up. The points that Qingtan had worked so hard to accumulate were all gone. So it’s better to sit down and watch them fight, and don’t go up and hold them back. "System, the head teacher said that the students from No. 1 Middle School who came to participate in the exchange competition this time are not very strong, so why do people in our school bring people from Class 2 to the ring?" The No. 2 Middle School is also a key class among the key classes. How could it go to compete with ordinary students from the No. 1 Middle School? Do you want to imitate Tian Ji in horse racing and use big horses to deal with small horses? But what’s the point of such a move? Tan Fu didn't quite understand. "Host, think about it, No. 1 Middle School is a key high school, and the students taught by their school must be very good, while Qingtan is an ordinary high school. Not only is the teaching resources poor, but the teaching staff is also inferior to No. 1 Middle School... Now your school has taught The key point among the key points in the class, your principal naturally wants to find a school to test your teaching results..." Tan Fu suddenly realized, "That's right!" She probably understands what the system means. Their school probably wants to see if their key class can compare with the students in No. 1 Middle School. "But... is it so humble?" The key class of their school came to compete, but No. 1 Middle School actually sent students from the ordinary class to fight? Looking at it this way, the difference between the two is too obvious. If a person in the key class can't even do well in the ordinary class of No. 1 Middle School, wouldn't she be in the cold? She couldn't help but sigh, "It's really difficult to get into college!"
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