Is Tan System a gangster?

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Principal Jiang was happy, "Did you know her department earlier?" Yan Wen did not deny it. He did notice it when he blocked the blow on the ring. "It's just an accident. I didn't expect that there would be such a genius in this small city. What an unexpected surprise." An unexpected surprise? Principal Jiang curled his lips, isn't it an unexpected surprise! If a teacher hadn't come back and told him, he wouldn't have known that that girl was actually the best in the natural science department. People with powers of this level are very popular in big cities. If they can grow up smoothly, they can be powerful people who can protect one side! They found a big leak in Qingtan. That guy Lao Lu was very good at hiding it. Yan Wen said, "I remember Qingtan will have a match against No. 1 Middle School tomorrow, will she go too?" Principal Jiang nodded, "Of course, she is our seed player in Qingtan, so of course she will go...Why do you care about this?" Yan Wen raised her eyebrows, with a faint smile in her eyes, "After the competition, please leave her to me for training..." Thinking of the girl who was as clean and pure as ice, he put away his expression and said seriously, "She doesn't belong here, I want to take her to where she should be. Very strange. His tone was obviously very gentle, without the slightest threat or oppression, just a simple request, but what he said was inexplicably impossible to refute. Principal Jiang sighed, his eyes far away, with a hint of sadness in them. "Don't worry about this. Her father has already made preparations to bring her to the imperial capital. The only thing left is the college entrance examination... This small city can never retain people. Yan Wen nodded and said nothing more. In recent years, more and more wormholes have appeared around the world. Those wormholes are like gophers, appearing one after another from different places. Everywhere is so busy that they can't even touch the ground, but the country is still like being turned into a hornet's nest. Wormholes appear one after another, so densely packed that people are in a hurry. Because there are too many wormholes, the country lacks talents, and it is almost impossible to manage them. It has reached the point of urgency. Otherwise, ungraduated college students like them would not be sent to inspect places where wormholes may appear. If there was no one available, why would we be so eager to let them, college students who have not yet graduated, take over! It is because the country needs strong people now, so he does not want any genius to be drowned. Principal Jiang shook his head and stopped talking. Tan Fu went home early today and was lying in the bedroom playing with her mobile phone. Some messages kept popping up in the message bar of her mobile phone. She clicked in and found that all the information came from a group called the 'Information exchange group for students with special abilities in the college entrance examination who love each other'. When did she join this group? The system hurriedly came out to claim it, "My mine Tan Fu asked suspiciously, "Why did you join this group?" The system's embarrassed voice came out, "To add some knowledge points for the college entrance examination, the host's interpersonal skills are not good. If gossip suddenly comes out about the college entrance examination, the host will be kept in the dark, so people will sneak in and take a look. Tan Fu was very moved by what the system had done, "Tong, I am lucky to have you. The system nodded shyly. In fact, this group is mainly used to check information. Because its understanding of this world is close to zero, it is supplementing its common sense every day and often posts various questions in the group. In order to ensure that the system could replenish knowledge points at will, Tan Fu simply gave it a backup machine. While everyone was playing with their mobile phones, Tan Fu suddenly blinked and silently looked at the page keyboard moving on the backup machine. She felt something strange and suddenly reacted. "System, why can you control your phone?!" The system stopped and asked, "Is there anything wrong with operating a mobile phone?" Tan Fu hugged her French fries and shivered. "This is not only wrong! This is so outrageous! Why do I realize now that I am obviously a natural-type superpower? Why is this system of yours that claims to have superpowers on me? Isn't everyone the same? Is there only one superpower?!" "Tell me, who are you, and what are your intentions in pretending to be my superpower?!" The system is down. Listening to its host's words, it also reacted that something was wrong. Yes, why would a host that can control ice powers still have it? Does everyone in this world have only one superpower? ​Then what’s going on? Don’t you have special powers? Tan System thought in horror. impossible! It is born from the soul of the host, and it is indeed a superpower! ‘Dong dong dong’ Just when everyone was in confusion, there was a sudden knock on the door. Tan Fu decided to put aside this question and opened the door first. A strange young man stood in front of her door with an impatient look on his face. There was impatience in the young man's eyes. "who are you?" Tan Fu looked at the person who knocked on the door in confusion. The confusion in the girl's eyes gave Xi Yu a pause. She was dressed in white, with a jade-like complexion. She was so beautiful that there was no trace of fireworks, and even her exposed toes were shining through. Such people seem to be standing on the edge of the sky forever. But the doubt in her eyes at this moment just happened to make her emotionless eyes a little more human and smart, which was actually more smart than her aloof appearance. "I'm here to collect the rent. Maybe it’s the nature of a young man. In front of such a girl, even he doesn’t want to show any actions that would offend her. Tan Fu later realized that the 15th of every month was the day to pay the rent. Because she was busy with energy, she actually forgot about it. "Sorry, I'll transfer it to you now I went back to the house to get my phone back and handed it to him neatly in front of him. Xi Yu received the money and nodded, "Next time, remember to pay it on time." Tan Fu responded obediently. She looked at the impressive young man in front of her and paused. Seeing that he was about to leave, she became anxious. "Landlord, do you think there are people in this world who have two kinds of powers at the same time?" Xi Yu paused when he heard this question. Instead of answering her question directly, he asked, "Are you nervous as the college entrance examination is approaching?" Tan Fu nodded and said half-truthfully, "I read some random books." Xi Yu understood. He looked at the young girl in front of him and asked, "Did you see that others had two powers, so you lost confidence in yourself?" Under the young man's burning eyes, Tan Fu was forced to nod. Xi Yu chuckled, thinking she was worried about his grades. "Don't worry, although people with two kinds of powers are indeed very powerful, they rarely appear in the college entrance examination examination room. As long as you practice your powers well, your grades will not be bad." Tan Fu raised his head, his eyes bright, "So there are really people who have two powers at the same time?" Xi Yu nodded. "Thank you landlord Tan Fu got the answer, his eyes brightened, and he quickly closed the door. "Did you hear System Tan? You are not a gangster!" "Wow... you stinky host, I'm really going to be scared to death by you!" Everyone was crying with joy, oh my god, I was really scared to death! It's almost hard to even explain the origin. Xi Yu, who was locked out, touched the tip of his nose, with some disbelief in his clear eyes. "Am I...thrown away after being used?"
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