Chapter 2: You Will Regret This!

1396 Words
"Don't touch me!!" Amanda yelled, her voice was threatening. The warriors did not listen to her, instead, they held her shoulder tight. Amanda frowned because of what the two warriors did. She used her strength to break free from the two warriors. She quickly grabbed the hand of one warrior and kicked the other. Amanda faced Kai, her eyes pleading. "Listen to me, Kai!" she implored. Alpha Kai's expression hardened as he glared at her. "What should I listen to you for? How you deceived me? What did you do?" he asked back, his voice laced with bitterness. Amanda's voice trembled as she responded, "No! I just want to explain!" Kai shook his head, his face set in a grim expression. "For what? You don't need to explain anymore! No matter what you do or what you say, we saw it, and we know what you did!" he retorted. "Prepare yourself. You know what will happen to you because of what you did!" he exclaimed, his voice dripping with warning. Amanda sighed. The two warriors held her shoulder again. "I can walk. Just don't touch me!" Amanda yelled, and started to walk. When they arrived at the Prison, the entire Pack was in turmoil as Alpha Kai ordered the Warriors to imprison Amanda. As Amanda sat inside the prison, she wondered what would happen to her. She knew that what had happened was a grave sin, and she knew what the punishment was: death! It's been two days, but Alpha Kai did not visit Amanda. "How are you, Amanda?" Amanda looked at the one who spoke, Brianna. Amanda quickly stood up from her seat and approached Brianna. "Brianna, please tell them what happened! You were the one I was with!" Amanda pleaded. "I know, I made mistakes, but it was all a misunderstanding!" she explained. "I thought Kai was with me that night. I couldn't control myself, that's why I did it! I don't know how it happened!" she continued. Brianna grinned, "I'm so sorry, Dear Amanda. I don't have the right to your request," she answered. Amanda noticed something about Brianna. She didn't want to think badly, but she didn't understand her feelings. Amanda frowned, "Do you have something to say, Brianna?" she asked. "Nothing. You know that I love you, Amanda!" Brianna replied, but her voice seemed to be trying to annoy her. Amanda wanted to believe what Brianna said, but she knew there was something different about her now. "But, you know what, Amanda? I heard some rumors," Brianna informed her. "What rumors?" she asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically. Brianna laughed hard, which made Amanda puzzled what rumors she talking about. Brianna grinned, "Your head will be cut tomorrow or maybe on this day!" Amanda gulped. She knew the law of this Pack. One of the gravest sins was betraying their spouse. "No, that will not happen!" she shouted, slamming her fist on the metal in front of her. "What can you do, Dear Amanda?" Brianna asked, her voice mocking. "Alpha Kai himself caught you in a room naked. You have no excuse for the sin you committed!" she reminded her. "I am not guilty, what happened was an accident. I didn't want it to happen. I did not betray Kai!!" Amanda defended herself. "But, according to what I heard, the man with you last night appeared," she informed, making Amanda's eyes widen. "He lied, Brianna! I don't even know him!" Amanda exclaimed. "But the evidence is strong. You can't do anything about that!" Brianna replied with a grin. Amanda was confused about what was happening. She didn't know what to think or what to do. "You know what, Amanda? I thank you for all the memories i can use as a future Luna of the Pack" Brianna thanked her sarcastically. Amanda tightly gripped Brianna's arm. "What are you doing, Amanda?" Brianna asked, startled by Amanda's action. "I know you have something you did about this!" She exclaimed. "What are you talking about?" Brianna feigned ignorance what Amanda said. "You said earlier that you would use what you’ve learned to become a better Luna! That means you plan on becoming Luna!" Because of what Amanda said, Brianna laughed out loud. "I can't believe you are so naive, Amanda!" she said, her face was insulting. "What do you mean, Brianna?" Amanda asked, her voice stammering, not believing what was in her mind. "I thought you were smart, Amanda? But in this kind of situation, your brain is in your feet!!" she insulted her. Amanda clenched her fists because of what Brianna said to her. "Since you’re going to die anyway, let me tell you everything, Amanda," Brianna started. "I’ve been in a relationship with Alpha Kai for a long time," she admitted. Amanda's whole body heated up, "What did you say?" she asked. Brianna grinned, "What do you think? Who was with Alpha Kai last night while you were away?" "I was with him, Amanda. To be honest, Alpha Kai always comes to me when he wants to play with fire because he says, you are so boring in bed!" she continued. "And one more thing. You don’t know that your father killed Kai's parents?" she informed her. "What are you talking about? My father would never do such a thing!" Amanda answered, unable to believe it. "Ohhh, but all the evidence that Alpha Kai got pointed on your father!" "That's not true!" Amanda defended her father. "That's true, Amanda. That's why Alpha Kai and I planned how to get rid of you from the Pack," she admitted, which enraged Amanda even more. Amanda raised her eyebrows in disbelief, "This is your plan? You and Kai?" she asked. Brianna laughed loudly, "Yes! Isn't it amazing? We're so brilliant! With that plan, no one will suspect us. And once you're gone, we're free to do what we need to do!" she replied. "You won't succeed, Brianna! I'll tell everyone everything you said to me!" Amanda threatened, her voice menacing. "What else can you do, Amanda? No matter what you say or do, no one will believe you anymore!" "Because tomorrow or tonight, you will disappear from this world!" As Brianna and Amanda faced each other, five warriors suddenly arrived, along with two Elders. "Ohhh, dear Amanda. I can't believe this will happen to you!" Brianna pretended. "Luna Amanda!" One of the elders called her attention. "You know the laws here at the Blood Moon Pack. Whoever is caught betraying their spouse faces death!" he continued. "But everything that happened was planned by Brianna! She set me up!" Amanda defended herself. The Elder shook his head, "Bring out Luna Amanda and take her to Death Row!" The Elder ordered. The Warriors escorted Amanda out. Amanda wanted to fight back, but she could do nothing against the five warriors who were the top fighters of the Pack. They dragged Amanda towards a spacious room. Upon entering, the Elders dressed in white were there, with Alpha Kai standing in the middle. "I'm not guilty! This is all Kai's plan to get rid of me!" Amanda yelled. The elders walked around a guillotine. "Lay her down," one of the elders ordered. "No! Please listen to me! I was set up, and Kai planned all of this!" "Don't explain further, Luna Amanda. All the evidence and the man who was with you have already revealed all the details we need to confirm your guilt!" One of the elders responded. Amanda looked at Alpha Kai, whose expression was blank. "You will regret this!" Amanda burst out. "I swear. You will never succeed in your plan!" Amanda yelled at Alpha Kai, tears falling from her eyes. She also glanced at Brianna, who waved her hand dismissively. "Behead her!" The leader of the Elders ordered. Amanda closed her eyes. She wanted to fight back, but with her arms and feet tied, there was nothing she could do. ......... "What's happening? Call the doctors!! Call the doctors!!" She was trying to open eyes slowly when she heard a woman voice. "Lily? Lily? Please open your eyes!" a woman pleaded. When she openned her eyes, she saw a woman, crying and begging in front of her. "Where I am?" she asked, even she struggling. "Don't talk. Let's wait for the doctors, Lily," the woman told. 'Lily? Who's Lily? I am not Lily! I am Amanda!!'

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