
Luna's Return For Vengence


Amanda, the Luna of Black Moon Pack, was falsely accused of cheating on her Husband, Alpha Kai, the Alpha Of the Pack. Because of that, she was brutally executed.

Before she died, she swore vengeance on those who wronged her, Amanda's soul refuses to find rest and instead transmigrates into the body of another Alpha's daughter, Lily, who was in coma after fighting some rogues werewolves.

Awakening in Lily's body with memories of his past life intact, Amanda discovered strength. Determined to seek justice, she sets out on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind her wrongful conviction and exact revenge on those responsible.

Along the way, Amanda encountered allies and adversaries, navigating political intrigue, supernatural forces, and personal conflicts. As she delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding her death, Amanda realized that her quest for vengeance may come at a steep price, testing her morals and convictions.

With each step closer to the truth, Amanda grappled with the complexities of power, loyalty, and the nature of justice.

Will she succumb to the darkness consuming her soul, or will she find redemption in the pursuit of righteousness?

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Chapter 1: Cut Her Head!
"I have done nothing wrong! I didn't want any of this to happen!" Amanda defended herself. She was now in the courtroom, facing the Elders of the Black Moon Pack to defend herself against the allegation of cheating on her husband, the Alpha of the Black Moon Pack! The Elders exchanged glances upon hearing Amanda's words. "Do you mind telling us what exactly happened that night, Luna Amanda?" David, the leader of the Elders, demanded. Amanda sighed to calm herself. Once composed, she began to tell the whole story. ........ "Is there any problem?" Amanda asked her husband, Alpha Kai, the Alpha of Black Moon Pack. Alpha Kai looked at her. His impression was blank, which made Amanda thought something was wrong. "Tell me, Kai. Is there anything bothering you?" she asked again, but Alpha Kai diverted his attention to the mirror, and prepared himself. "Just prepare yourself. We must be there exactly 8 in the evening," he coldly replied. Amanda sighed, " Can't you see? I am ready, Kai." she informed him, but her husband didn't bother to look at her. It's been more than one year since they changing vows as Luna and Alpha of the Black Moon Pack. Everything was perfect after their wedding, but the past three months, Alpha Kai suddenly changed. Amanda didn't know the reason, but she could see and feel the coldness of the treatment from her husband. Amanda's parents were passed away two months ago because of car accidents. According to the investigation, there was a twelve wheeler truck hit their car that fell in a cliff. The investigation ended when the driver surrendered, and admitted the accident, due to drunkenness. "Let's go!" Amanda stood up and approached Alpha Kai with a smile. She reached out to hold Alpha Kai's hand, but her husband quickly pulled it away. Though puzzled by her husband's actions, Amanda brushed it off, knowing they had somewhere to go. "Tell me if there's something wrong, Kai," Amanda asked again as they sat in the back of their car. Alpha Kai looked at her but remained silent. "I know and I feel the changes you've made, Kai," she informed him. "Tell me what's happening. Why have you suddenly changed?" she pressed, seeking answers. "Let's not discuss that matter right now, Amanda," he replied. "But..." Amanda began, only to be cut off by Alpha Kai. "No buts, Amanda!" he yelled. Amanda looked at him sharply. "Are you yelling at me?" she asked, her voice emphasized. "Do you think I haven't noticed the changes you've made in the past three months?" she added, questioning him. "Kai, I'm not foolish enough to overlook or ignore your behavior," she stated firmly, her eyes narrowing with determination. With a firm gaze fixed on her husband, Amanda clenched her fists, her voice steady and unwavering as she declared, "Never forget that I am not merely the daughter of an Alpha." Each word carried weight as she emphasized her point. "I am more than just a title! You know that!" she continued, her stance conveying confidence and determination. "I carry the strength, wisdom, and responsibility that comes with it." she ended. Alpha Kai looked at her seriously, "If what you said is true, do you think, this is the right place you want to talk about that?" he asked. Amanda sighed, her shoulders slumping with resignation. "Okay, let's discuss this matter after tonight's party," she conceded, her tone weary yet determined. The classical sound covered all over the place. The decorations made the place beautiful and relaxing. Amanda and Alpha Kai mingled with the guests. They were Alpha Families and Beta families from different Packs across the country. They discussed the development of their Packs and some important matters. Before long, the party began. The focus of the party was the new Lycan King who would rule all the Werewolf packs in the country. Despite their desire to see the new Lycan King, they couldn't do anything when the Lycan King failed to show up. "It is nice to see you here, Amanda?" Amanda looked at her back when a woman called her. Amanda smiled and hugged the girl, "We need to attend this important occasion, Brianna!" she said. Brianna is Amanda's best friend. She is the daughter of the Beta of his father. "Where is Alpha Kai?" Brianna asked. Amanda looked at the back of Alpha Kai, "He's talking to some Alphas," she replied. "You are so lucky to have him, Amanda. He's strong, smart, and loyal to you," Brianna said. Amanda kept herself in silence because of what Brianna said. Yes, All the words Brianna said about Kai was true, but being loyal? There was a second thought on her. Amanda sighed, "I wish it will be last until we die, Brianna," she wished. Brianna furrowed, "Why? Is there any problem?" she asked in surprice. "I don't know, but there is something strange about him for the last three months," she replied. Brianna held Amanda's hand, "Ohh. You can talk to me, Amanda. You know, I am your best friend," she reassuring. "Yeah. I think, I need it," Amada agreed. They walked to go to the empty table and sat. Brianna got two glass of wine and started to talked. "So, what happened?" Brianna asked her. Amanda told her situation. She told all the things she noticed about Alpha Kai. Brianna sipped her wine. "Maybe Alpha Kai has reasons why he likes that, Amanda?" she wondered aloud. "Hmm, maybe. So I need to talk to him to solve it," Amanda agreed. Amada got up, "Excuse me, Brianna. I need to use the comfort room." When Amanda returned, Brianna gave her another glass of wine, and drunk it. They continued talking. Brianna asked Amanda how it felt to be married and to be the Luna of the Pack. Amanda willingly shared everything with her. While Amanda was sharing, she suddenly felt strange in her body. Brianna noticed it. Brianna got up, and approached Amanda. She held her shoulder, "Are you okay, Amanda?" she asked. "I am okay, Brianna. I just suddenly felt dizzy," Amanda replied. "Do you want to rest? I just tell Alpha Kai about your situation," she suggested. "No need to tell Kai about it. I just need a little rest," Amanda insisted. "Server!" Brianna called a server. A server immediately approached them. "Can you please assist me and my friend to go some room here to rest?" Brianna asked. The server assissted Amanda. When Amanda entered the room, her feelings got worst. There was a strange heat in her body. She was sweating cold, which made her to remove her gown. She walked in the bed to lay. After some minutes, she heard the door open. She slowly openned her eyes. "Kai?" Amanda called her husband. Her sight was blurd. She did not see the man who entered because of the dimly lit room. "What are you doing here?" The baritone voice asked her. Amanda felt something even more unusual. Even she was dizzy, she held his hand, and pull him in the bed. "Hey, what are you doing?" The man asked again. "Help me!" Amanda pleaded, and suddenly kissed the man. Morning came, Amanda openned her eyes because of the commotion happening outside the room. She quickly got up, and she notice her garments at floor. 'What happened?' Amanda asked herself. "Find her!!" Amanda heard from the outside. Amanda gasped. It was Alpha Kai!! Amanda quickly moved. She got her garments to wear it again, but it was too late. Alpha Kai entered the room while she was wearing it. "What have you done, Amanda?!" Alpha Kai asked her, his voice was angry. Amanda looked at her husband, "You were with me last night, right Kai?" she asked, her voice was stammering. Alpha Kai's eyes narrowed. He quickly approached Amanda and firmly grasped her shoulder, leading her out of the room. "You cheated on me, Amanda! Who was the man with you last night? Tell me!" Amanda gulped. This is the first time that she sees Kai Angry. In their more than 1 year together, she was always the one who questioned her husband, but now, she was the one on the fire. "I don't know. I just remember you entered last night, then..then..." Slap!! Amanda did not continue what she was going to say when Kai slapped her. "Cut her head!" ......... "If your story is true, how do you explain your actions? You were the one who moved first," one of the Elders asked her. "I don't know. As I stated, I felt strange that night, like I couldn't control my body!" Amanda replied. "Alright. Now, let's talk to the man you were with that night." Amanda's eyes widened at what she heard. A man walked to the center of the courtroom and faced the Elders. "I am Ryan, one of the warriors of the Pack. I am the secret lover of Luna Amanda!"

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