BK2| 6| Fear

1397 Words
| Dana | I'd never seen a wolf as big as Michas. It was pitch black and had green eyes like Micah, but it was like they glowed. His face had twisted in fear and panic, then the shift to wolf had transposed that same look onto his wolf. Aurora shivered inside of us in anticipation after seeing her mate. His wolf had cast such a look of betrayal at us before tearing away into the forest. Aurora prompted me to shift and follow, but I resisted. Micah and I couldn't work. One, he was an alpha- he should find someone worthy of that. And two, I was like ten years older than him. Ew. I thought. Gross, as realization hit me that I'd seen him as a child. No way could we be mated. I was sure he'd realise quickly after the initial meeting that I wasn't right for him. Alpha Caleb sidled up next to me as I just stared after the black wolf, it very quickly disappearing. He was fast. I wondered for just a split second, if he was faster than me. Aurora pushed an image of us playing tag with him. “Go,” she urged. “No,” I reaffirmed. “That went well,” my Alpha said dryly. I glanced at him. “I…” I couldn't form words. I was still rooted to the spot. “You could do worse,” he offered. My mouth dropped open. I glanced around, but thankfully, everyone else had retreated, so there was just my Alpha and I, facing the woods where Micah had disappeared. “You see this won't work, yeah?” When he just kept my gaze, I raised my eyebrows. “Alpha, come on…” When his expression didn't change I couldn't stop the scowl from forming on my face. “Ada would understand.” He looked thoughtful as he stared after where his younger brother had gone. I could tell he was having a conversation with his wolf. “What's wrong?” I asked. He seemed to contemplate his words for a few seconds. “My brother is… a complicated man- I can only suggest you both see what you need and don't act rashly- whichever way the two of you decided to go.” He removed his shirt. “I'll have to go get him. Help him shift back. Asher is… difficult.” He cast a quick glance at me before he moved to push his pants down. “Unless you want to go?” I glanced back to the woods one more time. Turning, I shook my head and walked back to the barracks, any thoughts of training far from my mind. ~*~ | Micah | I expected Asher to resist the shift back for hours, but once we were a fair distance away he dropped me naked in the middle of the forest. I stayed on my side on the forest floor for a few moments before rolling onto my back. Damnit. I really liked that suit. “Asher,” I called in my mind. He stubbornly ignored me like always. “I need you buddy,” I told him. “Unfortunately, it looks like it's not going to be easy to claim our mate.” “Wrong mate,” he growled. It was low and threatening. I rolled my eyes. “You're wrong.” I sat my hands on my abdomen, lacing my fingers. “Do you really expect me to think you don't want our mate?” He just growled. Pretty standard response. “Why did you run when you thought she was going to reject us, then?” I smirked. “Huh? Why didn't you stick around? Better yet, shall I just go see her now?” His growl changed pitch. It sounded demented if I was going to be honest. He reacted so strongly to my goading he jerked my body. I clamp down on him, a battle inside my mind and body. I wouldn't let him take control like that again- not when he was so rabid. I did make a note to self, to maybe not antagonize him quite so much. “I won't be rejecting or accepting her rejection,” I said out loud. His growls continued, but had a horrible wheezing whine layer to it. Tears sprung to my eyes. “Asher,” I reached to mentally embrace him in my mind. “Please give this a chance. I- I want her.” Asher retreated. It felt like he went deeper than even before. An unfamiliar prod on my mind, as my brother tried to link me, had me sitting up. “You okay?” “Yeah, Asher dumped me not far,” I did some quick math, “I’ll, um, meet you back there?” I was a little embarrassed. Way to show my chops as Beta by flaking out the first day. “I'm close.” I shifted back to wolf, stretching as the sensation was weird when my wolf wasn't helping me move. I listened out and heard my brother up ahead. I trotted to him, walking by his side as we headed to the packhouse together. I could feel Ashers interest in being close to our brother and his wolf, but he didn't engage. I was bigger than Caleb in this form, his own large dark wolf about a head shorter. “Dana's my mate,” I said to my brother, wonder in my mental voice. Caleb chuckled, “Yeah.” “Did you know I had a bit of a crush on her?” “When did you meet?” “At you, Lucy and Maria's ascension reception.” Caleb laughed some more, remembering. “Oh yeah. If I remember correctly you struck out.” I huffed. I knew she was older, but my thirteen year old brain had thought she just might dance with me. I was already taller than her even then. She looked even better than I remember. “Did she say anything after I left?” Caleb was quiet for a beat. “Not really.” “I won't be accepting her rejection,” I told him firmly. “Bit rich,” he clipped at me. I growled. Actually growled in my wolf form. In my mind link response, I said the wittiest thing my annoyed brain could think of. “f**k you.” ~*~ | Dana | I begged Delta Harry to assign me work as far away from the packhouse as possible. It was going to be bad enough Micah would be at training every day. I couldn't be close to him all day as well. I just needed to keep some distance so he could cool down, then try to get him to reject me. The time would also give me the opportunity to get Aurora on the same page as me- which she was not. I couldn't do the rejecting. That damage to my wolf bond may be too much. I was only an omega. While I was skilled enough to be elite, my wolf wasn't exceptional. It didn't have the strength of an alpha wolf- I'm not sure I could repair the damage if I initiated the rejection. Being rejected would hurt, but we'd recover. “I will never forgive you,” Aurora cried, knowing my thoughts. “It'll be for the better,” I promised her, “do you really think we can be what an alpha wolf needs?” She was quiet as she contemplated my words. I could feel her second guessing herself. She wanted her mate, of course, but I could feel she was worried she wouldn't be enough as well. My wolf didn't have a big ego- she was also pretty rational. “Alpha Caleb has two Luna's and he can still run around. What would Micah do just with me?” Aurora retreated into my mind. I frowned at her withdrawal. Something so unusual for us. “I'll find us a suitable mate, I promise.” She barely acknowledged my promise. I'd never tried to actively find a chosen, but I knew there were options for us. We might even meet a widower who has children. I tried to dangle that in front of her but she didn't take it, still curling up and away from me. ~*~
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