BK2| 5| Snap

1247 Words
| Dana | I rubbed my eyes as I shuffled through the barracks. Everyone was moving around, more active at this time than usual. “What's going on?” I asked, to no one in particular. “Didn't you hear?” Trudy was the first to respond to me as she hastily tied her hair back. I shook my head. I felt like trash. I had barely slept the last couple of nights, so scared for Ada. The only consolation was that Alpha Caleb could feel she was still connected to our pack. It meant she was alive. He had trackers out looking for her, some information available to at least point them in a direction. I'd never been so annoyed I hadn't had the gift for tracking. I wanted to be out there. I'd dragged my ass through training and then my mid morning with difficulty. I'd had a nap over lunch and now I felt even worse. “New Beta.” I almost gave myself whiplash looking back at her. “What?” Trudy nodded, wiggling her eyebrows, “A real hottie too.” “Who?” I demanded. I guess Alpha Caleb needed a Beta, but it made me worried he didn't think Ada was coming back any time soon if he'd got a new one. “Uh…” Trudy shrugged, “I think they said his name was Mike. Or Michael- Mikhail?” My forehead creased. I was trying to think who it could be. “From our pack?” She shrugged again, “Apparently.” I grumbled at the uselessness of her information. “Chop chop, you filthy mutts.” I could hear our Delta coming through the communal area. “You've got ten minutes to get your but out and in formation.” “Delta Harry,” I hollered, “who’s this new Beta?” My superior glanced at me, “Alpha Caleb's brother, Micah.” I made a face. Caleb had a million brothers, but I remembered Micah. Gosh, the last time I'd seen him he hadn't even hit puberty. The little s**t had still hit on me. I remember him, all cocksure, taller than me, when he asked me to dance at our Alpha and Luna’s swearing in ceremony when they took over. I'd let the little guy down gently, Ada laughing her ass off once the little prince had gone out of earshot. He'd have an alpha wolf, I'm sure. I'd not heard what he'd got up to, though every other year it seemed one of the brothers was mated to a Luna somewhere. Thinking about that made me think about Jordan and his mate, Caleb and Micah's sister. She didn't have a pack for Jordan to be made Alpha of, so I guess he'll just be a kept man. I felt my eyes become hard with my thoughts. I pushed myself to my feet and strode outside. If there was something I could always count on, it was being able to let training take over. I would continue to throw myself into it, distracted from the hurt and worry I constantly felt. I wandered over to stand where I could see Delta talking to Alpha Caleb and the back of a tall man. He wasn't as broad as the Delta or Alpha Caleb, beast of a man he was, but the contrast of his narrow hips and the width of his shoulders was very appealing. I took a breath in, just about to do a few stretches while I waited, a delicious scent hitting my nostrils. The buttery flavour hit my tongue a nanosecond later. Aurora’s sudden elation started a busy noise in my mind, a buzz setting in my ears. Oh, you've got to be f*****g kidding me. Absolute incredulity ran over me. The pack's new Beta turned, scenting me only a second after I had- his stupid beautiful face becoming revealed to me. This was the last thing I wanted right now. I'd just broken up with someone I thought I had a future with, and then my best friend was taken. An alpha mate? And why is he so young? Aurora made small whimpering sounds, desperate for me to go to him. And he's wearing a suit, I thought, as his steps became strides. Who wears a suit to training? He didn't look like any Beta I'd ever known. With his stupid floppy hair and those ridiculously narrow hips. Oh dear goddess, I can't move. “Holy s**t, Dana?” I stood there like a stunned mullet as he embraced me, his face pressing into my hair. His wide chest blocked my vision, his extra height almost blotting the sun. I blinked against his chest, where my face was suddenly smooshed. He smelt so good. Wait? He remembered me? I could hear the surprised whispers around. I felt an inward cringe at what everyone must be thinking. I was mates with my new, very young, Beta. ~*~ | Micah | “Holy s**t, Dana?” That was another one of my favorite human sayings. Holy s**t. I'd recognised my mate as soon as her scent had brought my gaze to her. Dana. I'd met her at my brother's ascension. I'd thought she was the hottest chick there- I'd been thirteen at the time- she'd informed a pretty big part of what I considered my type as I started dating. My mate was perfect. She was a little tight package of sexiness. The way my arms wrapped around her so she fit so exactly, soothed something I hadn't realised needed soothing. I couldn't believe I'd been given this chance. I could feel Asher stirring, slowly creeping forward. I didn't even clock that she wasn't hugging me back. The feel of her in my arms and my wolf rising from the murky depths inside me took up all my attention. “This won't work,” I heard her mumble. “What?” My insides froze. She pulled away from me, trying to get out of my embrace. I couldn't get my arms to let go though. “Beta Micah-” she looked up at me with those huge warm brown eyes. “This is- so wrong. Let's just reject each other and-” “No!” The scream ripped out of me. She flinched at the ferociousness of it. Asher was tearing up inside me now. There was no gentle rise from him. It was a thrashing surge. I let her go, feeling a shift coming over me. I panicked- Asher had never done this before and I didn't have much practice keeping him in check. I was yanked back in my mind, Asher forcing the change. It was painful, like the first time I shifted. I screamed, the sound turning into a howl as Asher completed the shift- my wolf form standing in front of my mate. Asher was so big I was practically eye level with Dana. Her large eyes widened impossibly more, a touch of fear there. I could only imagine how I looked. Asher growled out with fury, whipping around and bolting for the treeline. I could feel his panic, absolute terror that he would be rejected by our miracle. “Asher- wait!” I tried to wrestle him in my mind, but it was no good. We weren't so different, my wolf and I. When things got tough, his first instinct was to run and hide too. ~*~
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